
In the Journey to the West, all the gods have mounts, why is Zhen Yuanzi the only one who doesn't? The answer is in his name

author:Academy of Literature and History

In the Journey to the West world, those high-ranking gods often have mounts, and their mounts are not idle people, all of them have powerful mana cultivation, and some are even more powerful than most immortals, such as Taiyi Saving Tianzun's mount Nine Spirits Yuan Sheng.

The body of the Nine Spirits Yuan Sage is a nine-headed lion, and he has cultivated for a long time, "shout, go up to the three saints, and go down to the nine springs", and his cultivation has reached the realm of transcendent sainthood, and even Sun Wukong is ashamed of himself.

In the ninetieth chapter of the original work, Jiuling Yuansheng took revenge for his grandson Huang Shijing and captured Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie and others. Sun Wukong was furious, and immediately called the sand monk, killed the Jiuqu Panhuan Cave in his cave mansion, and asked the Jiuling Yuan Sage to release him.

In the face of the two brothers coming violently, the Nine Spirits Yuan Sage was not afraid, and he didn't even bother to bring weapons, so he opened the door of the cave and went straight to Sun Wukong to kill. Sun Wukong hurriedly raised the golden hoop stick to fight back, and the sand monk also carried the demon scepter to kill, and the three of them fought together, killing the ground and shaking the mountains, and there was no winner for a while.

In the Journey to the West, all the gods have mounts, why is Zhen Yuanzi the only one who doesn't? The answer is in his name

Seeing this, the Nine Spirits Yuan Sage simply used a trick to capture the ability, "showing the body, shaking his head, and opening his mouth to lead", and instantly held Sun Wukong and Sha Seng and captured them alive in the cave.

Although Sun Wukong later escaped by casting a spell, he no longer dared to challenge the Nine Spirits Yuan Sheng, but immediately went to Miaoyan Palace and asked Taiyi for help. After seeing Taiyi saving the suffering Tianzun, he couldn't help but sigh: "Those nine lions are really powerful, and they have captured my master and junior brother." ”

In addition to the Nine Spirits Yuan Sheng, like Taishang Laojun's mount Qingniu Jing, he is also a rare master in the Three Realms, and his mana is so strong that not only Sun Wukong is difficult to parry, but even Rulai is afraid of three points.

It is worth mentioning that not all the great gods in the Journey to the West world have mounts, and there is a famous Taoist god who does not have mounts.

This great god is none other than Zhen Yuanzi. Zhen Yuanzi is known as the ancestor of the earth immortals, and his prestige in the Three Realms is very high, so much so that Guanyin Bodhisattva, who is the master of the Seven Buddhas, also has to give him three points. It is said that with Zhen Yuanzi's coffee position, he is fully qualified to equip a mount, but the original book does not have any plot of his adoption and use of mounts, so it can be seen that he does not have a mount.

In the Journey to the West, all the gods have mounts, why is Zhen Yuanzi the only one who doesn't? The answer is in his name

Speaking of which, everyone must be very curious, all the great gods in the Journey to the West have mounts, why is Zhen Yuanzi the only one?

Some people think that Zhen Yuanzi's mana is unfathomable, and he can capture Sun Wukong alive with one move, and with his strength, he doesn't need to rely on a mount to travel at all, so he is naturally not equipped with a mount.

However, aren't those great gods with mounts powerful in mana? Do they have to rely on mounts to get around? Mounts are a status and status symbol that can be dispensed without, but cannot be without. Moreover, the gods attending important gatherings and riding their mounts to the meeting are obviously far more magnificent than soaring through the clouds themselves.

The reason why Zhen Yuanzi doesn't have a mount is actually very simple, and you can see the clue from his name.

In the Journey to the West, all the gods have mounts, why is Zhen Yuanzi the only one who doesn't? The answer is in his name

Zhen Yuanzi is the ancestor of the earth immortals, what is the earth immortals? In the Journey to the West world, the immortals are divided into heavenly immortals and earth immortals, the so-called heavenly immortals refer to the immortals who serve in the Heavenly Court Group, while the earth immortals are immortals who cultivate in the mortal world and do not hold positions in the heavenly court. Although Zhen Yuanzi is the ancestor of the Earth Immortals and the leader of the Three Realms Earth Immortals, he is also an Earth Immortal after all, so he does not hold any position in the Heavenly Court.

It is not difficult to understand why Zhen Yuanzi does not have a mount, because equipping a mount is the treatment of a great god in the system of the Heavenly Court Group (the level of the mount is often related to the status of the great god, so the more noble the status of the great god in the Journey to the West, the stronger the strength of the strength), since Zhen Yuanzi does not hold any position in the Heavenly Court, he is naturally not a great god in the system of the Heavenly Court Group, so he cannot enjoy the treatment of being equipped with a mount. What do you think?