
"Fingertips" poke the "tip of the heart" of the powder! Digital and intelligent services allow employees to experience "far ahead"

author:Sichuan Trade Union

With digitalization to promote the high-quality development of trade union work, and take the online mass line, Sichuan trade unions have been moving forward

"Fingertips" poke the "tip of the heart" of the powder! Digital and intelligent services allow employees to experience "far ahead"

Trade unions at all levels in the province have actively promoted it

In the process of building a digital trade union

There are a lot of bright spots

Let's take a look



Sichuan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions

From "fingertips" to "hearttips"

Digital intelligence empowerment promotes the work of trade unions to be more promising

In recent years, the Sichuan Provincial Federation has taken the digital construction of trade unions as an important starting point for trade union reform and innovation, continued to integrate trade union resources, reengineer business processes, and strive to build an online work platform for Sichuan trade unions (Sichuan Workers' Home APP) that integrates thought leadership, business handling, trade union services, trade union activities, and internal office, and effectively take the online mass line. Up to now, the platform has more than 9 million registered users, a total of more than 470 million trade union businesses such as membership and transfer, a total of more than 440 million times of information reading, and an average of more than 500,000 daily active users.

"Fingertips" poke the "tip of the heart" of the powder! Digital and intelligent services allow employees to experience "far ahead"

First, the ideological and political guidance of employees is more effective, and the first is to spread the party's voice in a timely manner. Highlighting the study, publicity, and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, more than 8,000 articles of current political news have been published in four categories, with a total of more than 160 million views and an average reading of more than 20,000+ per article (of which nearly 90% are employees). The second is to enrich the carrier of ideological leadership. In a prominent position on the platform, 30 publicity columns such as "Learning and Implementing the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China" and "Learning and Implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era" were set up, and a series of online activities such as "Welcoming the New Era of Contribution to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China" and "Party History Knowledge Competition" were launched, with a cumulative publicity coverage of more than 30 million people. The third is to innovate communication methods. It has created a digital Sichuan Workers' Newspaper, which has been read by more than 7 million people in more than one year since its launch. The final of the 2022 Sichuan Provincial Staff Choir Competition attracted more than 11 million employees to watch the live webcast. Second, the organization of employees to make contributions is more powerful, one is to make the advanced model workers within reach. Set up a publicity column for model workers and craftsmen, vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit, and craftsman spirit, and focus on displaying the demeanor and typical advanced deeds of more than 200 model workers and craftsmen in the province, with an average of 67,000 clicks per article. The second is the linkage of offline + online preaching. The 70-member Provincial Model Worker Craftsman Propaganda Group was set up to continue to carry out a series of offline and online propaganda activities, and actively guided the majority of employees to make contributions to the new era, with a cumulative online publicity coverage of more than 50 million people (only 10,000 offline person-times), and in 2022, as the only national trade union, it was included in the special branch of the Provincial Party Committee's propaganda group for the first time. The third is to make small incisions to help the overall development situation. Focusing on the central work of the Provincial Party Committee of "fighting for the economy, engaging in construction, and promoting development", we will actively build a "Internet + inclusive service" work system, improve the quality of life of employees, and effectively promote economic recovery and rural revitalization. Trade unions at all levels in the province have carried out more than 1,000 online inclusive service projects, generating a total of 367 million yuan in economic benefits and serving more than 100 million employees.

"Fingertips" poke the "tip of the heart" of the powder! Digital and intelligent services allow employees to experience "far ahead"

Third, the trade union rights protection service work is more affectionate, the first is to ask the needs of the grassroots trade unions. In response to problems such as weak work force and cumbersome business processes reported by grassroots trade union organizations, we comprehensively used digital thinking and Internet means to digitally transform trade union business, explore and create digital application scenarios such as QR code enrollment/transfer, legal services, and difficulty assistance, and handled more than 1,200 online legal aid cases, and established online archives for more than 25,000 employees in difficulty. The second is to ask the needs of the masses of workers. Through visits, online questionnaires and other means, the needs of employees were widely solicited, and employee service modules such as e-book house, craftsman college, employment and entrepreneurship, 51 love, and Himalaya were successively opened, with a total usage of more than 30 million person-times. The third is to ask the platform users. The column of suggestions and suggestions has been opened, and more than 610,000 opinions and suggestions have been collected from users, and more than 4.6 million employees have joined trade unions or transferred membership relationships through the platform since the platform was launched.

"Fingertips" poke the "tip of the heart" of the powder! Digital and intelligent services allow employees to experience "far ahead"

Fourth, the reform and innovation of the trade union itself is more moderate, and the first is to realize the empowerment of the grassroots. Create basic membership management tools such as membership approval and transfer approval; Internal office basic tools such as document circulation and statistical reports; Registration, voting and other activities are equipped with basic tools, enabling more than 120,000 trade union organizations in the province to facilitate business handling, internal office and trade union activities. The second is to realize the connection of enterprises. Carry out the pilot project of digital construction and integration of industrial (enterprise) trade unions in an orderly manner, and provide "three" ways for industrial (enterprise) trade unions at all levels to choose from, using the general channel of the provincial president's construction of industry (enterprise), the transformation and integration of existing digital platforms, and the integration of new self-built industry (enterprise) channels. At present, the trade union channel of 7 enterprises including the trade union of China Railway Second Bureau has been opened in the Sichuan Workers' Home APP. The third is to achieve scientific decision-making. Carry out big data analysis on the billions of user behavior data generated by the platform, carry out user group portraits and accurate personal portraits, accurately grasp the ideological dynamics, work and life status, difficulties and needs of different employee groups, and regularly issue big data analysis reports and distribute them to all municipal (state) federations of trade unions and provincial general organs, so as to promote the transformation of trade union work from the traditional decision-making mode to the scientific and accurate decision-making mode with digitalization.


Deyang Federation of Trade Unions

Create a "home for workers" at your fingertips with digitalization

The Deyang Federation of Trade Unions conscientiously implements the requirements of the decision-making and deployment of the All-China Federation and the Provincial General Assembly, and builds the "Degong Home" channel under the framework of "unification and integration" of the Sichuan Workers' Home APP. At present, there are more than 440,000 registered users and more than 330,000 verified users of the "Degong Home" channel, with a cumulative number of visits of more than 10 million.

"Fingertips" poke the "tip of the heart" of the powder! Digital and intelligent services allow employees to experience "far ahead"

The first is to strengthen digital communication. Using virtual reality technology, artificial intelligence and other means, we will create functions such as digital broadcasting and digital media, and actively build an integrated digital communication platform. Introduce AI intelligent customer service, provide 24-hour online consulting services, and automatically deal with employee problems through voice, text and other means.

The second is to build a digital front. Comprehensive use of big data, cloud computing, map services and other digital technology means, open the code scanning to open the door, self-service exchange machine, code massage chair, code scanning power bank, code storage cabinet, code scanning microwave oven and other functions, to achieve the digital intelligent service of the position.

The third is to achieve digital inclusion. Realize the integration of categories such as "travel, movie viewing, recharge, food, group purchase, points, and postal services", and provide full-process closed-loop inclusive services such as targeted inclusiveness, intelligent full reduction, merchant verification, and express docking, and build digital inclusive scene services in the form of "video delivery" and "live streaming delivery".

Fourth, strengthen the use of digital. Create exclusive personality tags through user portraits to achieve personalized recommendations of information and services. Build data visualization, digital kanban and other functions, create a digital index evaluation system, and provide data support for the evaluation and evaluation of digital construction and the decision-making and deployment of trade union work.

"Fingertips" poke the "tip of the heart" of the powder! Digital and intelligent services allow employees to experience "far ahead"


Guang'an Federation of Trade Unions

Actively integrate into the trade union's "e-network" to serve employees

Since the beginning of this year, the Guang'an Federation of Trade Unions has continued to innovate its thinking, efficiently promoted the secondary development of the Guang'an channel of the Sichuan Workers' Home APP, and continued to improve the column settings and content updates. Up to now, Guang'an Channel has 364,000 registered users, 314,000 certified users, serving tens of thousands of employees, and the role of a bridge is becoming increasingly prominent.

"Fingertips" poke the "tip of the heart" of the powder! Digital and intelligent services allow employees to experience "far ahead"

Adhere to the demand orientation of employees and highlight service functions. Focusing on meeting and serving the diversified needs of the masses of employees, combined with the actual situation, we have developed modules such as model workers and craftsmen, engineering colleges, code memberships, worker circles, and volunteer services, so as to continuously improve the sense of experience and gain of the workers.

Adhere to the win-win cooperation model and polish the signboard of the word "work". In cooperation with Deng Xiaoping Library, a new branch of the Deng Xiaoping Library Trade Union was built on the Guang'an Channel to share digital reading resources and enjoy online and offline borrowing and returning services in the city. In cooperation with the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the entrance to trade union activities was added to the homepage of the Charm Guang'an APP, and the background data interface was opened up to achieve two-way drainage and continuously expand the influence of the trade union.

Adhere to the carrier of activities and convey the voice of the trade union. Relying on the Guang'an Channel, it actively organizes online and offline activities such as theatrical performances, inclusive fitness for employees, walking, knowledge quizzes, movie tickets, flower coupons, etc., and carries out activities with high employee participation on a regular basis, so that the employees can participate, feel the benefits brought by the trade union, and convey the good voice of the trade union. So far, 65 activities have been held, attracting 2.52 million participants.


Zigong City Federation of Trade Unions

"Wisdom enlightens Gonghui, clouds gather you and me"

Aggregate three-dimensional efforts to help digital development

The Zigong Federation of Trade Unions takes "serving the workers wholeheartedly" as the starting point, and takes the Zigong channel of the Sichuan Workers' Home APP "Yandu Workers' Home" as the carrier, focusing on the "three dimensions" to start a new journey of digital and intelligent service for the trade union. Since its launch, the channel has accumulated more than 540,000 registered users, more than 450,000 certified users, released 15,000 pieces of information, 203 inclusive services, 108 trade union activities, and more than 5.5 million employee participation.

"Fingertips" poke the "tip of the heart" of the powder! Digital and intelligent services allow employees to experience "far ahead"

The first is to consolidate the "1" position and strengthen ideological and political guidance. Focus on the series and integration of "one network, one micro and one end", create an "ideological leading position" in the Zigong Channel, set up columns and topics such as "current political news", "labor movement dynamics", "study, publicize and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the work of the working class and trade unions", and firmly grasp the leadership, management and discourse rights of online public opinion.

The second is to highlight the "1" innovation and enhance the attractiveness of the channel. Establish a Pratt & Whitney Mall supported by multiple resources of "trade union-based + tripartite cooperative institutions + inclusive merchants", attract high-quality merchants to settle in with 0 cost settlement, 0 basic operation and 0 operating costs, and attract extensive participation of employees through normalized inclusive activities.

The third is to adhere to the "6" grasp and explore new service models. Create a "cloud classroom" for employees to learn professional knowledge and skills online; Create an "ethical bank" and implement "residents order, 'ethical bank' orders, and party members answer."

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