
There is a problem with the spacecraft, and the astronauts are trapped in space and can't come back? NASA: No, they don't want to come back yet

author:Brilliant science

During this time, Boeing's "Starliner" manned spacecraft attracted much attention, because the spacecraft had problems before it was launched, and engineers also discovered these problems, but NASA and Boeing still insisted that the problematic manned spacecraft go on a mission to send 2 astronauts to the International Space Station.

There is a problem with the spacecraft, and the astronauts are trapped in space and can't come back? NASA: No, they don't want to come back yet

There is no doubt that the spacecraft has been experiencing various problems on the way to the International Space Station, such as the problem of helium leakage, the failure of 5 thrusters, etc. Although the spacecraft successfully rendezvous and docked with the International Space Station, and the two astronauts also successfully entered the International Space Station, they cannot return now.

There is a problem with the spacecraft, and the astronauts are trapped in space and can't come back? NASA: No, they don't want to come back yet

According to the original plan, the two astronauts were supposed to be evacuated from the International Space Station and return to Earth on June 14 on the Starliner manned spacecraft, but the return time has been postponed again and again, and it is uncertain when they will be able to leave the ISS and return to Earth. NASA announced that the return of the Starliner manned spacecraft has been postponed indefinitely. This can't help but wonder if there is a major problem with the ship and there is no way to ensure a safe return?

There is a problem with the spacecraft, and the astronauts are trapped in space and can't come back? NASA: No, they don't want to come back yet

Just when everyone was worried that the spacecraft would not be able to return safely, NASA and Boeing responded, saying that the two astronauts were not trapped in the International Space Station and that they were in no hurry to return to Earth. This statement is really unreasonable, it is estimated that many netizens will think that the astronauts want to return on time, but NASA and Boeing staff have publicly stated that they do not want to come back yet.

There is a problem with the spacecraft, and the astronauts are trapped in space and can't come back? NASA: No, they don't want to come back yet

After all, spaceflight itself is a very dangerous thing, especially if you return to Earth if there is a problem with the spacecraft, the risk factor will be very high. The return time of the manned spacecraft of the "Starliner" that was originally supposed to return to Earth on June 14 has been postponed many times, and now it has become a distant date, and it is estimated that the two astronauts have suffered a psychological breakdown.

There is a problem with the spacecraft, and the astronauts are trapped in space and can't come back? NASA: No, they don't want to come back yet

Because the spacecraft keeps delaying its return time, it may mean that the ship's problems are worse than they thought, and neither NASA nor Boeing can ensure that the spacecraft will return safely. In such a situation, the astronauts have no bottom in their hearts, worried that they may really be able to go to space but not return to Earth, who wants to take a spacecraft with major problems to return to Earth.

There is a problem with the spacecraft, and the astronauts are trapped in space and can't come back? NASA: No, they don't want to come back yet

Although NASA said it would postpone the spacecraft's return indefinitely, time is running out for the spacecraft to dock on the ISS forever. Due to the spacecraft's battery limitations, it can only be docked on the ISS for a maximum of 45 days. However, NASA staff said that the International Space Station can recharge the batteries of the Starliner manned spacecraft, so it can also extend the spacecraft's time in orbit.

There is a problem with the spacecraft, and the astronauts are trapped in space and can't come back? NASA: No, they don't want to come back yet

Steve Stitch, NASA's commercial space program manager, stressed that the two astronauts are not stranded on the International Space Station, and that they plan to continue to have the Starliner manned spacecraft return them to Earth at the right time. At present, the spacecraft is still operating normally in orbit, and the staff believes that in an emergency, the spacecraft can still be used as a rescue capsule to bring astronauts back to Earth.

There is a problem with the spacecraft, and the astronauts are trapped in space and can't come back? NASA: No, they don't want to come back yet

The ISS is about to be destroyed

Just as the Starliner manned spacecraft continue to be delayed returning to Earth, there is another news from the International Space Station, that is, the time for the International Space Station may really be running out, and it will soon be destroyed.

There is a problem with the spacecraft, and the astronauts are trapped in space and can't come back? NASA: No, they don't want to come back yet

On June 26, NASA announced that SPaceX had been selected to develop the "U.S. Derailed Vehicle (U.S.S.). Deorbit Vehicle", the main mission of this vehicle is to remove the ISS from its current orbit and then re-enter the Earth's atmosphere to prevent it from falling into populated areas.

There is a problem with the spacecraft, and the astronauts are trapped in space and can't come back? NASA: No, they don't want to come back yet

As we all know, the International Space Station has been in orbit for more than 20 years, and the first module was launched back in 1998. As a manned spacecraft that has been in operation for more than 20 years, the International Space Station is now out of schedule, and many of its equipment has been aging and has been experiencing various problems. Prior to this, we had seen multiple leaks from the ISS.

There is a problem with the spacecraft, and the astronauts are trapped in space and can't come back? NASA: No, they don't want to come back yet

Space flight is no trivial matter, the ISS has been operating for so long, problems continue to arise, and when it will be decommissioned has also become the focus of everyone's attention. After all, during the long-term flight, the ISS will not only suffer damage caused by the impact of various small space debris and space particles, but also the metal of the ISS will also have problems such as fatigue. Therefore, even if you are unwilling and reluctant, the ISS will have to be retired sooner or later.

There is a problem with the spacecraft, and the astronauts are trapped in space and can't come back? NASA: No, they don't want to come back yet

Over the years, the United States and Russia have been discussing the retirement of the International Space Station, which NASA envisions will end in January 2031. The weight of the International Space Station is close to 400 tons, which is the largest and heaviest spacecraft currently flying in orbit, and it is very dangerous if we do not control it after the ISS is decommissioned.

There is a problem with the spacecraft, and the astronauts are trapped in space and can't come back? NASA: No, they don't want to come back yet

Because when such a large spacecraft falls from outer space and returns to the atmosphere, although it will be burned by high temperatures, and many parts will be burned violently in the atmosphere and turned into ashes, there will still be some wreckage that cannot be completely burned up. The wreckage, which could not be completely burned, would be dangerous if it fell into a populated area.

There is a problem with the spacecraft, and the astronauts are trapped in space and can't come back? NASA: No, they don't want to come back yet

Not to mention, on March 8 this year, an object weighing about 700 grams fell from the sky and smashed through the house of Alejandro Otero, a resident of Florida in the United States, smashing holes in the roof and floor. And this object that fell from the sky was a discarded battery from the International Space Station.

There is a problem with the spacecraft, and the astronauts are trapped in space and can't come back? NASA: No, they don't want to come back yet

In 2021, the International Space Station threw away 2.6 tons of discarded batteries, which flew in space for almost three years before re-entering the atmosphere on March 8 this year. After burning violently in the atmosphere, some of the remains of the battery hit the ground, and a cylindrical metal object pierced the roof of a house in the United States.

There is a problem with the spacecraft, and the astronauts are trapped in space and can't come back? NASA: No, they don't want to come back yet

After the incident, NASA also confirmed that the metal cylinder was indeed a discarded battery from the International Space Station. Now the owner of the house has said it will claim more than $80,000 from NASA for the damage caused by the debris of the International Space Station battery smashing through the roof of their home.

There is a problem with the spacecraft, and the astronauts are trapped in space and can't come back? NASA: No, they don't want to come back yet

Just the 2.6 tons of discarded batteries of the International Space Station will be re-released into the atmosphere, and some of the wreckage will not be completely burned up and hit the house, and if the 400-ton International Space Station falls, the consequences will definitely be very serious. Therefore, when the time comes, before the ISS is scrapped and re-entered into the atmosphere, it will definitely be decomposed, and each module will be separated, re-enter the atmosphere in a controlled manner, and return to the earth at a suitable location, so that the wreckage will fall into the uninhabited sea to avoid hitting people or houses.

There is a problem with the spacecraft, and the astronauts are trapped in space and can't come back? NASA: No, they don't want to come back yet

Due to the large size of the ISS, the process of handling the ISS is still relatively complex, technically demanding, and the cost will not be low. So NASA announced that it would award SPaceX $843 million to build this "American deorbiting vehicle".