
4 mysterious luminous flying objects appeared in the sky over Canada: brighter than the sun! What is it

author:Brilliant science

UFOs again? According to the New York Post, a Canadian couple spotted 4 luminous flying objects over the local Winnipeg River, and the couple said that the 4 luminous flying objects were very bright and their brightness was comparable to that of the sun. Since there are many luminous flying objects, and they are all the same luminous flying objects, witnesses suspect that they are witnessing aliens gathering together.

4 mysterious luminous flying objects appeared in the sky over Canada: brighter than the sun! What is it

From the footage shared, we can see that these luminous flying objects emit a sun-like light, starting with 2 luminous flying objects appearing over the north side of the river bank, they flying southward, and then 2 more luminous flying objects appearing from behind the clouds. Witnesses said they believed the luminous flying objects did not come from Earth, but could be alien vehicles.

4 mysterious luminous flying objects appeared in the sky over Canada: brighter than the sun! What is it

When these pictures were posted on social platforms, they attracted the attention and heated discussions of many netizens. Some netizens believe that these so-called luminous flying objects may just be man-made objects, such as drones, airplanes, helicopters, signal flares, etc., but they are obscured by clouds, so they look a bit like the sun.

4 mysterious luminous flying objects appeared in the sky over Canada: brighter than the sun! What is it

In addition to guessing what these luminous flying objects are, some netizens complained that the picture was blurry and they couldn't see any details. In fact, it is normal to not see the details of UFOs. Under normal circumstances, the so-called UFOs we see fly at a relatively high altitude and are far away from witnesses, and ordinary people usually do not carry professional cameras, but just take out their mobile phones to take pictures of the scene in front of them.

4 mysterious luminous flying objects appeared in the sky over Canada: brighter than the sun! What is it

However, it is difficult to shoot clear pictures when shooting distant and high objects with mobile phones, especially when shooting some flying objects with relatively fast flying speeds. This is one of the reasons why UFO footage is blurry.

4 mysterious luminous flying objects appeared in the sky over Canada: brighter than the sun! What is it

What could a glowing flying object be

It is indeed rare for four identical luminous flying objects to appear at the same time and emit a light similar to that of the sun, which is comparable to that of the sun. Because the picture is very blurry, and there are no experts to study and analyze it, we are now not sure what the four luminous flying objects that appeared in the sky over Canada this time are. In general, what are the possible luminous flying objects we see?

4 mysterious luminous flying objects appeared in the sky over Canada: brighter than the sun! What is it

In the first case, the so-called luminous flying object does not exist, but is just an eyewitness delusion, a prank. For example, we sometimes look at the outside through glass, and the lights in the house may appear after the two layers of glass overlap and refract. Witnesses may know what is going on, but some people may make it up and post it on social media platforms to attract everyone's attention.

4 mysterious luminous flying objects appeared in the sky over Canada: brighter than the sun! What is it

In the second case, the luminous flying objects we see are real, but they are only the product of our human technology. For example, when the wreckage of some spacecraft, satellites, probes, and rockets returns to Earth from outer space, they re-enter the atmosphere at a very fast speed, the aerodynamic heating effect is very strong, and the outside temperature is very high, reaching one or two thousand °C.

4 mysterious luminous flying objects appeared in the sky over Canada: brighter than the sun! What is it

Under such high temperatures, the exterior of these spacecraft seemed to be surrounded by raging fire, and the entire spacecraft was like a raging fireball falling from the sky. Unknowingly, witnesses may mistake these spacecraft for so-called UFOs when they see them re-entering the atmosphere.

4 mysterious luminous flying objects appeared in the sky over Canada: brighter than the sun! What is it

In addition, there are some areas where activities may also produce so-called luminescent phenomena, such as so-called luminescent flying objects when some spotlights hit the clouds. At night, without knowing it, we may think of some Kong Ming lanterns and glowing kites as so-called UFOs.

4 mysterious luminous flying objects appeared in the sky over Canada: brighter than the sun! What is it

In the third case, the so-called luminous flying objects we see are real, they are not the product of human beings, but natural phenomena. There are countless small fragments in low-Earth orbit, including meteorites, meteoroids, comet fragments, asteroid fragments, etc., which also fly fast and sometimes fall into the Earth's atmosphere.

4 mysterious luminous flying objects appeared in the sky over Canada: brighter than the sun! What is it

Because of the speed at which these small fragments fall to Earth, they will burn violently and shine brightly, just like when spacecraft, satellites, and probes re-enter the atmosphere. Sometimes, there are small pieces that are so small that they may even turn into a blazing fireball falling from the sky, lighting up the night sky.

4 mysterious luminous flying objects appeared in the sky over Canada: brighter than the sun! What is it

In addition to this, sometimes there are some thunderbolts over the clouds, and we also see a faint glow in the sky. If we don't know the facts, we may also think it's a UFO.

4 mysterious luminous flying objects appeared in the sky over Canada: brighter than the sun! What is it

In the fourth case, some of the luminous flying objects we see look strange and have strange flight paths, which may subvert our cognition. They are real, but they cannot be explained by natural phenomena or man-made objects. As for these unexplained flying objects, some scientists believe that they may really come from so-called extraterrestrial civilizations and aliens.

4 mysterious luminous flying objects appeared in the sky over Canada: brighter than the sun! What is it

Judging from the current exploration situation, we have not yet discovered the so-called extraterrestrial life, aliens, and extraterrestrial civilizations, so there is no scientific basis to support the fourth situation, and scientists will not directly define these UFOs as extraterrestrial spacecraft, but only suspect that they may be their spacecraft.

4 mysterious luminous flying objects appeared in the sky over Canada: brighter than the sun! What is it

Although extraterrestrial life has not yet been discovered, it is still possible to look at these problems from the perspective of the universe. Because the universe is so big, more than we can imagine, and the number of exoplanets is innumerable.

4 mysterious luminous flying objects appeared in the sky over Canada: brighter than the sun! What is it

There are countless alien planets in the depths of the universe that have a more superior environment than the earth, and the earth can give birth to life, and it is entirely possible that those alien planets with a more superior environment will also have extraterrestrial life, and even advanced extraterrestrial civilizations have appeared. If there were extraterrestrial civilizations with a level of technological development far beyond that of humans, visiting Earth might be as simple as crossing the ocean to the other side of the ocean.

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