
What is Value? How to show value from the side?

author:Li Zhenfang's love heart
What is Value? How to show value from the side?
What is Value? How to show value from the side?

For finding a partner, falling in love, and getting married, students who have watched "Love Heart" know that there is a threshold for falling in love and getting married. Love is not about talking about it when you want to, and this marriage is not about getting married if you want to.

The premise of falling in love and getting married is that we all have to know one thing, that is, chips and value.

You see, beggars don't have wives. Beggars want to get married, and no woman wants to marry, this is the reality, so we men can't become beggars.

What is the value of the chips?

With the bargaining chips, we can go to the negotiating table to make conditions and demands with the other party.

For example, girls often ask boys about the bride price, how big the house is, what the price of the car, and so on.

Why can girls mention so many conditions, but boys rarely mention them? Boys rarely ask girls to give a bride price, buy a house, buy a car?

Because girls have more chips than boys, girls are worth more than boys. Therefore, girls can make requests and conditions.

You see, in ancient times, after wars, all men were killed, and all that was left behind were women. Because women are productive forces, the value of women themselves is much higher than that of men.

What is Value? How to show value from the side?

I also said in the audio lesson of the love mind method, there is value, there is love, and value determines the size of attraction. The beggar is unattractive, he has no value, so the woman does not marry him.

When it comes to value, we must let others know our value when we are looking for a partner, and only by letting others know our true value can we find the right person with us. So many people brag nonsense, saying that they have a bachelor's degree in high school, and that they have a monthly income of 5k and say that they earn 10,000 yuan a month. In fact, he is all pheating himself. Of course, he didn't know that doing more harm would do him more than good.

When we choose to do something, we assume that it is good for us.

The law of human nature - to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages

What is Value? How to show value from the side?

When looking for a partner, many people don't know how to show their value when they are in love, so they will subtract points for themselves.

For example, a boy has 3 houses. Then it is impossible for him to meet a girl and say that he has 5 houses. When he said this, girls would think he was insane.

The display of value is to show from the side, you can say, I have a few tenants who still owe me 50,000 yuan, and I have to go and ask for it. The girl is curious, and she will ask you, how many houses do you have?

Then you say indifferently, "Hey, it's not much, there are only 3 sets of rents out, and you have to urge the rent every month, and I'm going to die." ”

There is also a knowledge point here, that is, whether a person is very good is not how much money he makes, but how much money he loses.

If you tell someone that you make 50,000 yuan a month, then they may not believe it. But if you tell others that you lose 50,000 yuan a month, others will most likely believe it.

That is to say, we must understand that finding a partner between men and women is actually the exchange of information, the transfer of value, and the process of making others believe in you.

You meet a girl and you convince her that you can give her happiness, then the girl will marry you.

The reason why she won't marry you is because she doesn't believe it.

Therefore, when chatting with girls, you can also use this side display method to convey your own value.

Of course, to find a partner, we must look at hard value and hard power, and at the same time, we must also look at soft value and soft power.

About the knowledge of hard value and soft value, we also have a detailed explanation of the love heart, but for the sake of space, I won't talk about it here.

What is Value? How to show value from the side?