
Tsinghua genius Pang Zhongwang: I don't think there is anything in my family that I can't handle. I was amazed for a long time

author:Xiuyu Chihiro
Tsinghua genius Pang Zhongwang: I don't think there is anything in my family that I can't handle. I was amazed for a long time

Recently, I have been paying attention to the college entrance examination and some people related to it.

I swiped a lot of videos about Tsinghua genius Pang Zhongwang, and I was deeply inspired.

In that year, Pang Zhongwang was admitted to Tsinghua University with the first score in the county.

The president of Tsinghua University personally came to the door and found that Pang Zhongwang's desk was made of bricks.

The most eye-catching thing is the award certificate one after another, which is the highest decoration on the four walls of the house.


What kind of family is this?

My mother is paralyzed and sits in a wheelchair all year round, usually doing small jobs in exchange for some money. When I see my mother's photos and videos, she is always smiling, and it can be seen that she is a person who loves life very much.

Pang Zhongwang's father has a mental disorder, and when he is in a good state, he will follow the villagers to go out to work to supplement the family.

The family's main source of income is Pang Zhongwang's grandmother and grandfather, who make a living by picking up waste.

The house leak happened to rain overnight, Pang Zhongwang had congenital heart disease, but the mother did not give up, and borrowed money from door to door to make up enough for the operation fee of 40,000 yuan, giving the child a chance to be reborn.

Everyone is doing what they can.

Tsinghua genius Pang Zhongwang: I don't think there is anything in my family that I can't handle. I was amazed for a long time

A noble son from a poor family, this is not false at all.

The mother must have given the child enough spiritual needs and given him full of love, so as to educate the child with confidence, sunshine and cheerfulness.

The mother is big and the son is promising, she said that let him be a person who contributes to society, instead of having the ability to make money and change the status quo of the family.

When it comes to family, Pang Zhongwang is calm, and he said generously: I don't think there is anything in my family that I can't discuss, my mother, grandma and grandfather are so good.

This sentence amazed me for a long time.

Many children from such families hardly dare to talk about their families with others, for fear of being ridiculed and looked down upon.

This paralyzed mother is blessed to be married to a husband with schizophrenia, and fortunately has given birth to such a good son.

Pang Zhongwang studied hard, got excellent grades, took care of his mother while studying, and later went to high school to live in school, he couldn't put it down and wrote 30 letters to his mother.

Unfortunately, his mother died in his sophomore year and has not yet enjoyed the blessings of the baby.

Fortunately, fate gave her mother a big piece of sugar, and she was sweet in her heart because of her son's excellence, at least, she saw that her son was admitted to Tsinghua University.

What an honor for mom.

Tsinghua genius Pang Zhongwang: I don't think there is anything in my family that I can't handle. I was amazed for a long time

Among the reasons for the success of Pang Zhongwang, the mother has done an important point, which can provide a particularly high emotional value.

Pang's mother is emotionally stable, positive and optimistic, calm and gentle, and on her face, there is no sign of being oppressed by an embarrassing life.

She often teaches her children to look forward to everything, to be spiritually rich, and not to envy anyone.

The love of my mother and family illuminates the way forward.

Although my mother has suffered all her life, everything is worth it.

As outsiders, we only feel inspirational and touching when we look at the story of Pang Zhongwang.

Eternal regrets.

But, in his mother's heart, every day she raises a baby, she is proud and happy.

Life is enough.

(The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted)

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