
Loving someone deeply and maintaining these three bottom lines is the only way to really love you

author:Marriage and love expert Wei Tingting

In the world of love, affection and kindness often make people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

However, true love is not about blindly giving and accommodating, but about finding a harmonious symbiosis on the basis of maintaining oneself and respecting each other.

If you love someone deeply, you should stick to some bottom lines, which is not only respect for yourself, but also cherishing love.

1. Respect for individual independence and boundaries

To love someone deeply, you must first respect the person's personal independence and boundaries. Everyone is an individual with their own thoughts, emotions, and needs.

In love, we should respect each other's choices and decisions, and give each other enough space and freedom. At the same time, we also need to be clear about our boundaries so that the other party does not invade our personal space and privacy.

Respect for personal independence and boundaries is the foundation of a healthy love relationship.

Loving someone deeply and maintaining these three bottom lines is the only way to really love you

As the French writer Simone de Beauvoir said, "I long to see you, but remember, I will not ask to see you."

It's not because of pride, you know I have no pride in front of you, but because it's only meaningful for us to meet when you want to see me. ”

This kind of mutual respect and understanding can allow each other to maintain themselves in love and grow together.

However, respect does not mean permissiveness and indulgence.

When the other person's behavior touches our bottom line, we need to be brave enough to express our opinions and feelings and communicate openly with the other person.

Only in this way can we maintain our rights and dignity while maintaining respect.

Loving someone deeply and maintaining these three bottom lines is the only way to really love you

2. Adhere to the bottom line and principles of morality

To love someone deeply, you also need to stick to your moral bottom line and principles.

In love, we may ignore some moral and principled issues because of our affection for each other, but this behavior often brings harm to ourselves and the other person.

Therefore, we should always remind ourselves to stick to the moral bottom line and principles, and not sacrifice our conscience and dignity for love.

Sticking to the moral bottom line and principles is not only a requirement for oneself, but also a respect for love.

The English philosopher Russell said, "Of all the moral qualities, the good nature is most in need in the world." ”

A truly kind and moral person will also stick to his principles and bottom line in love, and will not give up his beliefs and values in order to cater to the other party.

At the same time, we also need to pay attention to whether the other party's behavior is ethical and principled.

When the other person's behavior makes us feel upset or dissatisfied, we need to communicate with the other person in a timely manner and clearly express our opinions and feelings.

If the other person is unable to correct the wrong behavior or continues to hurt us, we need to make courageous decisions to protect ourselves and the dignity of love.

Loving someone deeply and maintaining these three bottom lines is the only way to really love you

3. Keep emotions true and pure

The most important thing to love someone deeply is to keep the emotions true and pure. In love, we should express our emotions and feelings sincerely, without concealment, deception, or disguise.

At the same time, we should also pay attention to the other person's emotions and feelings, and listen to and understand the other person's needs and expectations.

Keeping emotions true and pure is the foundation for building a deep relationship.

The Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky said: "Love, first of all, means dedication, dedicating one's spiritual strength to the one you love, creating happiness for him." ”

In love, we need to constantly give and dedicate to each other, but this dedication should be based on the outpouring of true emotions, not disguising ourselves in order to cater to the other person.

At the same time, we must also be wary of the deterioration and falsity of love. When love is mixed with interests, power, and other impure factors, it tends to lose its original beauty and purity.

Therefore, we need to always remind ourselves to maintain awe and value love and not be swayed by external temptations.

Loving someone deeply and maintaining these three bottom lines is the only way to really love you


When loving someone deeply, it is very important to maintain three bottom lines: respect for personal independence and boundaries, adhere to moral boundaries and principles, and maintain the authenticity and purity of emotions.

These bottom lines are not only respect and protection for yourself, but also for the cherishing and care of love. By sticking to these bottom lines, we are able to stay true to ourselves, grow together, and reap true happiness and fulfillment in love.

At the same time, we must also understand that love is not something that can be achieved overnight, it requires the joint efforts and dedication of both parties.

In love, we need to learn to tolerate, understand and support each other, while also paying attention to our own needs and feelings.

Only then can we find true happiness and fulfillment in love.

Finally, I hope that every reader can stick to their own bottom line and principles in love, and find their own happiness and satisfaction.