
The "Corn Anti-Dumping and Chemical Control Technical Standard Demonstration Site Meeting" was successfully held to escort the corn harvest

author:Jilin Rural Daily

On June 23, the "Corn Anti-Collapse and Chemical Control Technology Standard Demonstration Site Meeting" was successfully held in the new varieties and new technology training base in Lishu County. The purpose of this on-site meeting is to further strengthen the publicity and implementation of the local standard of "corn anti-collapse and chemical control technology", promote advanced corn anti-collapse and chemical control technology, and improve the ability of corn to resist disasters and increase yield. Liu Xiangguo, deputy county magistrate, and Du Xin, president of Siping Academy of Modern Agricultural Sciences, attended the event.

The "Corn Anti-Dumping and Chemical Control Technical Standard Demonstration Site Meeting" was successfully held to escort the corn harvest

Liu Xiangguo said in his speech that advanced agricultural production technology is an important support for improving corn yield, and the holding of the "corn anti-dumping and chemical control technology standard demonstration site meeting" is an important measure to promote agricultural science and technology innovation and promote the development of agricultural modernization. It is hoped that through this activity, more growers can master advanced planting technology, improve the level of corn production, and make positive contributions to agricultural efficiency and farmers' income.

The "Corn Anti-Dumping and Chemical Control Technical Standard Demonstration Site Meeting" was successfully held to escort the corn harvest

Professor Zhang Mingcai, director of the Department of Crop Physiology and Cultivation of the College of Agronomy of China Agricultural University and director of the Crop Chemical Control Research Center, introduced in detail the principles and advantages of corn anti-dumping and chemical control technology. Yang Fantuan, a researcher from the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, explained the technical details and precautions of chemical control. According to experts, through the scientific and rational use of chemical control agents, the growth and development of corn plants can be effectively regulated, and the toughness and lodging resistance of the stalk can be enhanced, thereby reducing the yield loss caused by lodging. At the same time, the experts also emphasized the key links such as the timing of the use of chemical control technology, the concentration of chemicals and the spraying method, and carried out on-site demonstration operations, so that the participants could understand the application points of the technology more intuitively.

The "Corn Anti-Dumping and Chemical Control Technical Standard Demonstration Site Meeting" was successfully held to escort the corn harvest

The participating growers said that this on-site meeting gave them a deeper understanding and understanding of corn anti-dumping and chemical control technology. "In the past, I was always worried that corn lodging would affect the harvest, but today I see the effect of this new technology, and I feel much more at ease, and I will definitely apply it according to the guidance of experts when I go back." This kind of site will be very practical, so we can see the changes brought about by the new technology with our own eyes, and we are full of expectations for increasing production. Li Xianlu, chairman of the Shengda Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Farmers Cooperative in Lishu County, said.

The "Corn Anti-Dumping and Chemical Control Technical Standard Demonstration Site Meeting" was successfully held to escort the corn harvest

The successful holding of the "Corn Anti-Dump Chemical Control Technology Standard Demonstration Site Meeting" provides a platform for the majority of growers to learn and communicate, and will play an important leading and exemplary role in promoting and popularizing corn anti-dumping and chemical control technology and improving the development level of the corn industry.

The "Corn Anti-Dumping and Chemical Control Technical Standard Demonstration Site Meeting" was successfully held to escort the corn harvest

"Through the scientific and technological empowerment of China Agricultural University and Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, we will accelerate the promotion of practical scientific research achievements into new quality productivity. We will take this event as an opportunity to accelerate the popularization and application of corn chemical control technology, first absorb and digest, and then strengthen publicity, help farmers master the key technology of preventing and increasing yield, and lay a solid foundation for the sustainable development of corn science and plant industry in our county. Liu Yajun, deputy director of Lishu County Agricultural Technology Extension Station, said.

Source: Zhuan Xiang Pear Tree

Editor: Chi Ruibing

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