
Is uremia drunk? The doctor bluntly said: These 3 kinds of water can't be stopped, and the kidneys beaten by iron can't bear it

author:Dr. Sun's class

In recent years, with the significant improvement of the quality of life, people have paid more and more attention to a healthy lifestyle, and the concept of health has penetrated deeply into all aspects of daily life and has become an indispensable element to support the quality of life. However, while enjoying the conveniences of modern life, we also face some health risks. Uremia, a severe and complex kidney disease, not only makes patients suffer deeply, but also burdens countless families with heavy financial pressure and psychological burden. And what you may not expect is that this disease could be "drunk out".

Is uremia drunk? The doctor bluntly said: These 3 kinds of water can't be stopped, and the kidneys beaten by iron can't bear it

Uremia, or renal failure, refers to the severe impairment of the kidney's filtration function, resulting in the inability to effectively excrete metabolic waste products and toxins from the body, which in turn induces a series of complex symptoms. In the progression of uremia, patients with uremia are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fatigue, edema and other symptoms, and in severe cases, they even need to rely on dialysis or kidney transplantation to prolong their lives, and their quality of life is seriously impaired.

Chronic diseases such as chronic nephritis, diabetes, and hypertension are among the many causes of uremia, but poor lifestyle and dietary habits also play a pivotal role. In particular, the quality of drinking water has a crucial impact on kidney health, and poor water quality can directly damage kidney function. If you drink unhealthy water for a long time, it can cause irreversible damage to your kidneys.

Xiao Li, as an ordinary professional, is busy with work every day, so his diet and rest are slightly disorderly, and it is difficult to maintain a regular schedule. Xiao Li has a not-so-healthy habit, that is, he prefers to drink various drinks instead of water, and this choice has affected his water intake and physical health to a certain extent. Over the years, he felt more and more tired, often with back pain and dizziness. When I went to the hospital for an examination, I was diagnosed with uremia. This sudden uremia diagnosis was as shocking as a thunderbolt from the blue, and it plunged Xiao Li and his family into unacceptable grief. After inquiring about his lifestyle habits in detail, the doctor pointed out that his long-term consumption of sugary drinks and low-quality mineral water may be the main reason for the increased burden on his kidneys.

Is uremia drunk? The doctor bluntly said: These 3 kinds of water can't be stopped, and the kidneys beaten by iron can't bear it

These 3 kinds of water can't be carried by the kidneys beaten with iron

1. Sugary drinks

Many people prefer sugary drinks because they taste good and can bring a momentary pick-me-up. However, these drinks contain excessive sugar and a variety of additives, which can easily induce health risks such as obesity and diabetes when consumed for a long time. More seriously, excessive sugar and chemical additives will increase the metabolic burden on the kidneys, and in the long run, the kidney function will gradually decline, and eventually uremia may develop.

2. Inferior mineral water

There are many brands of mineral water on the market, and the quality is uneven. Some low-quality mineral water may contain excessive levels of heavy metals, bacteria or other harmful substances. If you drink this water for a long time, it can cause serious damage to the kidneys. Heavy metals, such as lead, mercury and other harmful elements, will gradually accumulate in the human body, seriously damaging the filtration function of the kidneys, resulting in a decrease in their ability to work. Bacterial infections can lead to nephritis, which can further damage kidney health.

3. Unfiltered tap water

Although the urban tap water has been treated to a certain extent, there may still be some harmful substances in it, such as chlorine, chlorination by-products, heavy metals, etc. Once these harmful substances invade the body, the kidneys need to take on additional tasks to purify and eliminate them, which undoubtedly adds a heavy workload to the kidneys. If you use old pipes in your home, impurities such as rust can also get mixed into the water, posing a potential health risk.

Is uremia drunk? The doctor bluntly said: These 3 kinds of water can't be stopped, and the kidneys beaten by iron can't bear it

Now that we know which water is bad for our kidneys, how can we protect our kidney health in our daily lives?

1. Drink plenty of purified water

Purified water undergoes fine multiple filtration and a strict sterilization process to ensure that all impurities and potentially harmful components in the water are removed, making it the safest and most secure drinking water choice for consumers. Ensuring adequate daily intake of purified water is essential for kidney health, as it promotes the smooth elimination of metabolic waste products while maintaining a delicate balance of water and electrolytes in the body.

2. Reduce your intake of sugar-sweetened beverages

In order to maintain health, it is highly recommended to reduce the frequent intake of high-sugar beverages and choose purer plain water or purified water that has undergone multiple filtration. While it is pleasant to drink tea and coffee in moderation, you need to pay attention to moderation to avoid excessive intake and unnecessary burden on your kidneys.

3. Regularly test the quality of drinking water

Use water purification equipment at home and replace the filter cartridge regularly to ensure water quality safety. At the same time, the quality of drinking water can be checked on a regular basis, especially in the event of an abnormal water quality.

Is uremia drunk? The doctor bluntly said: These 3 kinds of water can't be stopped, and the kidneys beaten by iron can't bear it

4. Pay attention to your diet and lifestyle habits

In addition to drinking water, a healthy diet and lifestyle habits are equally important. Eating less foods high in salt, oil and sugar, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, maintaining a regular schedule and moderate exercise are all effective measures to protect kidney health.

5. Regular physical examinations

Regular health check-ups, especially for those with a chronic history or family genetic history, to keep abreast of kidney function and early detection and treatment.

Although uremia is a serious disease, we can completely reduce the risk of its occurrence through scientific lifestyle and dietary habits. In particular, the issue of drinking water needs to be paid more attention to. Choose healthy and safe drinking water, quit those drinks that are harmful to the kidneys, keep our kidneys away from diseases, and stay healthy for a long time.