
4 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", will eating too much cause cancer? Listen to what the doctor has to say

author:Dr. Sun's class

Recently, Aunt Zhang heard neighbors talking about a "carcinogenic vegetable" in the park of the community. It is said that there are four vegetables that have been included in the "carcinogenic list", and eating too much of them can greatly increase the risk of cancer. Aunt Zhang, who loves vegetables, is full of panic and anxiety when facing these vegetables that are labeled as "carcinogenic", because she makes these vegetables a regular guest on the table almost every day.

After Aunt Zhang returned home, she immediately searched for relevant information on the Internet and found that there were indeed many rumors on the Internet about the carcinogenesis of these four vegetables. The article mentions that baby cabbage, bracken, zucchini and red phoenix have been included in the World Health Organization's carcinogenic list, and some components in these vegetables can be converted into carcinogens in the human body, and long-term consumption will pose a great threat to health.

Aunt Zhang's heart became more and more uneasy and deeply frightened, and she was completely helpless about how to deal with this sudden worry. So, she anxiously decided to visit the doctor friend she knew, hoping to get professional and detailed answers from him.

After listening to Aunt Zhang's description, the doctor friend smiled and comforted her: "Aunt Zhang, don't worry too much. There is no scientific basis for the rumors that these four vegetables cause cancer. The WHO has not published such a list, and it is highly likely that such rumours are disinformation circulating online. ”

Then, the doctor explained the actual situation of these four vegetables to Aunt Zhang in detail:

Baby cabbage: In order to make baby cabbage last longer, some unscrupulous merchants will use a solution containing formaldehyde when packaging. However, due to its high solubility in water and volatile properties, most of the formaldehyde components will be naturally emitted during transportation, sale and storage. Even if there is a small amount of formaldehyde left on baby cabbage, it will be greatly reduced after washing and cooking. Therefore, as long as the purchase channel is regular, washed before eating, and cooked thoroughly, eating baby cabbage will not cause cancer.

4 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", will eating too much cause cancer? Listen to what the doctor has to say

The protofern glycosides contained in bracken have been shown to pose a potential carcinogenic risk in rigorous animal tests, warning us to be cautious about their consumption. However, this does not mean that eating bracken will necessarily lead to cancer. Treating protofertinosides through processing steps such as drying and boiling can significantly reduce their content before consumption. In addition, the metabolic system in the human body can also convert some of the protofertinosides into harmless substances. Therefore, as long as it is eaten in moderation and handled correctly, it is also safe to eat bracken.

4 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", will eating too much cause cancer? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Zucchini: During high-temperature cooking, a potential carcinogen called acrylamide may be formed inside it, and it needs to be taken with great care to be safe to eat. However, this rumor is not accurate. In essence, acrylamide is a by-product of high-temperature cooking of starchy foods, such as French fries and potato chips. However, the starch content in zucchini is not significant, which means that the risk of acrylamide being formed during cooking is relatively minimal. In addition, even if a small amount of acrylamide is produced, its content is far from harmful to the human body. Therefore, eating fried zucchini does not cause cancer.

4 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", will eating too much cause cancer? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Red phoenix: contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, animal experiments have shown that it has a non-negligible toxic effect on the liver. However, this does not mean that eating red phoenix cabbage will necessarily lead to liver cancer. This is because the metabolic system in the human body can convert some of the pyrrolizidine alkaloids into harmless substances. In addition, the content of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in red phoenix is relatively low and usually only poses a potential risk to human health when ingested in large amounts. Therefore, as long as the red phoenix is consumed in moderation, it will not cause liver cancer.

4 kinds of vegetables have been included in the "carcinogenic list", will eating too much cause cancer? Listen to what the doctor has to say

After listening to the doctor's friend's explanation, Aunt Zhang finally breathed a sigh of relief. She sighed: "It turns out that these rumors are all rumors! In the future, I can't believe this news that has no scientific basis. ”

It is not difficult to find that false information about food safety is emerging on the Internet, reflecting the public's high concern and misunderstanding of food safety issues. These rumors are often published in the name of authoritative organizations, taking advantage of people's health concerns to attract attention. However, these rumours often lack a solid scientific foundation and experimental data to support them, and may even mislead the public's perception of health and cause unnecessary panic.

In the face of these rumors, we should use reason as a shield and scrutinize them carefully, and do not believe rumors that have not been scientifically substantiated, so as not to be misled. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to food safety information from authoritative organizations in order to have a more complete picture of the real state of food. It is only through careful consideration that we can make rational dietary decisions to ensure that we and our families are well cared for.

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