
@雨花人, take precautions! Take precautions! A new round of heavy rainfall is coming

author:Yuhua released
@雨花人, take precautions! Take precautions! A new round of heavy rainfall is coming

According to the meteorological forecast, from the night of June 30 to July 2, there will be a new round of heavy rainfall in the city. Among them, there was heavy rain in the city on July 1, and heavy rain in the central and eastern parts of Changsha; Heavy rain during the day on the 2nd, heavy rain in the northwest of Changsha. Please pay attention to the weather forecast and early warning information in time, try to avoid heavy rainfall periods, and avoid staying in areas prone to water accumulation. Drivers should pay attention to controlling the speed and keeping a safe distance.

It is expected that from 0:00 to 8:00 on July 1, most of the city's rainfall will be 30-50 mm, and the flood peak water level will be 36.5 meters (0.5 meters above the alert) at Liuyang River Langli Station in the early morning of the 1st.

A new round of heavy rainfall is coming, and the Changsha Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters Office reminds the general public:

●Pay attention to the weather forecast in time, grasp the latest news of rain and flood conditions, and try to avoid traveling during heavy rainfall periods.

●Large-scale outdoor activities should be suspended, and units and individuals should stop high-altitude and outdoor operations (except for special industries).

● Avoid staying in areas prone to water accumulation, avoid road whirlpools, and do not wade rashly.

●Outbound vehicles should pay attention to controlling speed, maintaining a safe distance, try to avoid waterlogged roads and sunken overpasses, and avoid parking vehicles in low-lying and waterlogging dangerous areas.

●If the household finds rainwater infiltrating, the power should be cut off immediately to prevent the stagnant water from injuring people.

@雨花人, take precautions! Take precautions! A new round of heavy rainfall is coming
@雨花人, take precautions! Take precautions! A new round of heavy rainfall is coming

Source丨Changsha Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters Office

Editor-in-charge丨Dai Yuyao Editor丨Fu Xing

Deputy Editor-in-Chief on Duty丨Li Lei

Editor-in-Chief丨Xiong Qiyu

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@雨花人, take precautions! Take precautions! A new round of heavy rainfall is coming

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@雨花人, take precautions! Take precautions! A new round of heavy rainfall is coming

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@雨花人, take precautions! Take precautions! A new round of heavy rainfall is coming
@雨花人, take precautions! Take precautions! A new round of heavy rainfall is coming