
Huang Junqi continuously supervised and dispatched flood prevention and disaster relief work

author:Yuhua released
Huang Junqi continuously supervised and dispatched flood prevention and disaster relief work

In order to cope with a new round of heavy rainfall, Huang Junqi, secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, has recently continuously supervised and dispatched flood prevention and disaster relief work. He stressed that the whole region should strengthen the sense of responsibility of "not being at ease at all times" and the executive power of "carrying out everything in place," carry forward the spirit of continuous combat, make concerted efforts, unite as one, and resolutely win the tough battle of flood prevention and disaster relief, so as to ensure a safe flood season.

Huang Junqi continuously supervised and dispatched flood prevention and disaster relief work

On June 27th and 29th, Huang Junqi went to the Gaoqiao section of the Guitang River, the Xiyuehui section, and the Youyou Town section to supervise the flood prevention and disaster relief work, and visited the cadres and masses who were fighting on the front line. Huang Junqi successively inspected the outlets, flood control facilities, low-lying areas prone to water accumulation, and underground parking lots along the line, and inspected the causes of the embankment overflow on the spot. He stressed that it is necessary to strengthen the review of work, sort out the shortcomings of the problems, make up for the weak links, strengthen the inspection of the embankment of the Guitang River and the prevention of waterlogging, improve the flood prevention capacity, strengthen unified management, strengthen the allocation of professional forces and material reserves for inspection, and effectively prevent the danger of overflowing embankments, pipe surges, scattered flooding and urban waterlogging, and constantly improve the level of flood prevention and disaster relief capabilities.

Huang Junqi continuously supervised and dispatched flood prevention and disaster relief work

On the afternoon of the 29th, Huang Junqi presided over the scheduling meeting of the flood control work in the whole region, comprehensively deployed relevant key work, and mobilized the whole region to make every effort to deal with a new round of heavy rainfall. He stressed that it is necessary to sum up lessons and lessons and maintain a high degree of vigilance. Scientifically study and judge the rain and water conditions, pay close attention to weather changes, maintain a high degree of vigilance, scientifically and accurately prevent, strengthen the flood control of the inland rivers of the Guitang River city, ensure that nothing goes wrong, and go all out to complete the overall goal of "five noes" flood control. It is necessary to improve the system and mechanism and strengthen overall planning and scheduling. The headquarters should scientifically study and judge and accurately dispatch, and all units should carry out orders and prohibitions, vigorously grasp the implementation, and further optimize and improve the flood prevention and flood control emergency response work system with unified command, sensitive response, coordinated and orderly, and efficient operation. It is necessary to highlight the key points of work and refine work measures. Pay close attention to the prevention of geological disasters, the management and disposal of stagnant water points, the control of underground garages, and the patrol of rivers and embankments, and implement measures such as normal inspection and monitoring, "one point and one policy", and special personnel and special classes for control, so as to make detailed preparations for flood control forces, and investigate and deal with risks and hidden dangers. It is necessary to strengthen on-duty duty and strictly implement responsibilities. Implement the duty system, strictly call for responsibility, clarify response requirements, strengthen coordination and linkage, and ensure that the "eight measures" and "ten musts" requirements for flood prevention and disaster relief work are in place.

Huang Junqi continuously supervised and dispatched flood prevention and disaster relief work
Huang Junqi continuously supervised and dispatched flood prevention and disaster relief work

Source丨Reporter Huang Chao of the District Financial Media Center

Editor-in-charge丨Dai Yuyao Editor丨Fu Xing

Deputy Editor-in-Chief on Duty丨Li Lei

Editor-in-Chief丨Xiong Qiyu

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Huang Junqi continuously supervised and dispatched flood prevention and disaster relief work

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Huang Junqi continuously supervised and dispatched flood prevention and disaster relief work

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Huang Junqi continuously supervised and dispatched flood prevention and disaster relief work
Huang Junqi continuously supervised and dispatched flood prevention and disaster relief work

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