
One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? These 5 bad habits of washing dishes, don't stick to it anymore!

author:Home editor Mai Yue

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According to research statistics, the number of cancer-related deaths in China in 2020 increased by 21.6% compared with 2005!

The increase in data, in addition to the reasons for aging caused by national conditions, is also closely related to daily unhealthy living habits.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? These 5 bad habits of washing dishes, don't stick to it anymore!

The so-called "disease from the mouth", every day in the kitchen to eat, use these, are a great factor affecting physical health, don't look at washing dishes is a daily thing, but in fact, many families do not do it right,

1. Use dish soap without moderation

Many people think that the more dish soap they use for washing dishes, the better, so that they can wash thoroughly and cleanly, but in fact, they are very wrong!

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? These 5 bad habits of washing dishes, don't stick to it anymore!

If you use too much dish soap, it will be difficult to rinse it off, resulting in residue on the dinner plate, which will then be ingested into the body and affect the health of your family.

Therefore, the correct way to wash dishes is to rinse them with warm water first, and then squeeze the dish soap, so that the amount will be much less.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? These 5 bad habits of washing dishes, don't stick to it anymore!

Secondly, when choosing dish soap, we should also pay attention to the implementation of standards, GB14930.1 class B, is to clean dishes and tableware, GB14930.1 class A is washable food, GB/T 24691 belongs to fruit and vegetable dish soap, which can remove fruit and vegetable residues.

Therefore, we usually choose dish soap, at least GB14930.1 Class A products, if you have a baby, if you want to be safer, GB/T 24691 is better.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? These 5 bad habits of washing dishes, don't stick to it anymore!

Here is a reminder that some products are said to be fruits and vegetables and food grade, but the implementation standards are not on the right number, fooling consumers, everyone must pay attention when choosing.

2. Soak the dishes and chopsticks for a day before washing

Many people have such a habit of soaking all the dishes they eat in the morning into the sink and washing them together in the afternoon or evening, and some even soak them for several days.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? These 5 bad habits of washing dishes, don't stick to it anymore!

It's cool to be lazy for a while, carcinogenic crematoriums, leftovers soaked in water, are simply a hotbed of bacteria, bacteria can adapt to the environment in 1-4 hours, and begin to multiply in large numbers after 4 hours, and a bacterium can divide into 1 billion after 10 hours.

If even the wooden chopsticks and chopping boards are soaked in it, then aflatoxin, Helicobacter pylori, etc., will come to the door.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? These 5 bad habits of washing dishes, don't stick to it anymore!

Needless to say, aflatoxin is a first-class carcinogen, and it must be eliminated at a temperature of more than 280 degrees, so unless you use a sterilizer at this time, you can't wash it by hand at all.

Therefore, it is better for everyone to wash off the dishes and chopsticks in time after eating.

3. The dishcloth is not replaced in time

In many families, a rag can be used until the end of the day, and there is no habit of changing it daily.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? These 5 bad habits of washing dishes, don't stick to it anymore!

But in fact, this habit is very bad, some researchers have done experiments, 100 rags used for 1 month were studied, and found that nearly half of the rags were full of bacteria, and 36% of this half were detected with E. coli, 36% contained enterococci, and 14% contained Staphylococcus aureus.

Among them, after enterococci bacteria are stained on the hands, they cannot be washed off with hand sanitizer, which is extremely harmful to the human body, resulting in skin infection, diuretic system, abdominal infection, and even sepsis.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? These 5 bad habits of washing dishes, don't stick to it anymore!

Therefore, it is really not recommended to use the dishcloth at home for too long, replace it once every 1-2 weeks if possible, and do not exceed 1 month at the longest.

4. Wash the dishes and dry them with a rag

This is a practice that many older generations like, whether it is a bowl or a large basin, it will be dried with a rag after washing.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? These 5 bad habits of washing dishes, don't stick to it anymore!

The intention is good, but when you think about it, the rag itself is not clean, and then substituting bacteria into the various dishes will cause more damage.

Therefore, after washing the dishes, just place them upright in a ventilated and dry place, and do not wipe them with a rag.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? These 5 bad habits of washing dishes, don't stick to it anymore!

The same goes for the rag itself, dry it when you're done and try to keep it dry.

5. Dishes and chopsticks are never sterilized

Dishwashers and sterilizers have been popularized, but at least 60% of households are still not equipped with such disinfection kitchen appliances.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? These 5 bad habits of washing dishes, don't stick to it anymore!

It's not that they can't afford it, but many people don't have the awareness of it, and feel that there are no bacteria anywhere, and there is no need to live so delicately.

But in fact, it doesn't hurt to put things in your mouth for a day or two without paying attention to them, and if you don't pay attention to them for a long time, they will definitely be harmful to the human body, leading to the breeding of various bacteria, especially Helicobacter pylori, which has an infection rate of up to 50%.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? These 5 bad habits of washing dishes, don't stick to it anymore!

Although most people do not feel this bacteria, once the symptoms are reflected, it is closely related to stomach cancer.

Therefore, after washing the dishes and chopsticks, try to put the dishes and chopsticks in the disinfection cabinet for disinfection, including rags, sponge wipes, etc., you can sanitize them.

One person washes dishes, and the whole family causes cancer? These 5 bad habits of washing dishes, don't stick to it anymore!

If there is no sterilizer at home, then remember to put the kitchenware in the pot and boil it regularly, about 20 minutes or so, it can destroy most of the bacteria, especially the children's tableware, and it is more clean and hygienic to boil it regularly.

Well, that's all for this issue, I hope it will help you, we'll see you in the next issue, bye~
