
"People take three baths, life is thinner than paper", don't take a bath during these three time periods in summer!

author:Home editor Mai Yue

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In summer, the weather is hot, and the body is always sweaty, and many people keep taking a bath in order to make themselves more comfortable, and some even wash it two or three times a day.

But taking a bath is also particular, there was news before, Master Yu in Hangzhou, after taking a bath, he had a myocardial infarction and had a major operation.

"People take three baths, life is thinner than paper", don't take a bath during these three time periods in summer!

1. 3 time periods that are not suitable for bathing

I have personally experienced that once I was in a hurry to go out, and I went to take a shower as soon as I was full, and then I was dizzy, and my stomach was uncomfortable, and I wanted to vomit, and then I learned that I couldn't take a shower immediately after eating.

"People take three baths, life is thinner than paper", don't take a bath during these three time periods in summer!

This is because, just after eating, a large amount of blood is still concentrated in the blood vessels of the stomach, and there is less blood flow in the brain, which is why we want to sleep after eating.

At this time, taking a bath immediately will not only increase the digestive burden of the stomach and intestines, cause indigestion and stomach cramps, but also may cause dizziness and even endanger life.

"People take three baths, life is thinner than paper", don't take a bath during these three time periods in summer!

When people are hungry, it is the same, fasting itself has low energy and blood sugar, at this time, bathing, the blood vessels of the skin and limbs will accelerate, and the energy will be consumed faster, which will cause dizziness and even shock.

Therefore, try to choose to wash half of the food digested after meals, generally the food is digested for about 4 hours, you can choose to wash 2 hours after meals, which is safer.

Although fitness makes people happy, don't be happy, when you sweat profusely, go to the shower immediately.

"People take three baths, life is thinner than paper", don't take a bath during these three time periods in summer!

This is because, after strenuous exercise, the blood vessels on the surface of the skin are still exaggerated in order to dissipate heat and perspiration, and the pores of sweat will also expand.

At this time, if you take a cold shower, it will stimulate the constriction of blood vessels, increase the resistance of blood circulation, and at the same time lead to a decrease in the body's resistance and easy to get sick.

"People take three baths, life is thinner than paper", don't take a bath during these three time periods in summer!

If you take a hot bath, it will continue to increase the blood supply in the skin, resulting in a relatively insufficient blood supply to the heart and brain, and in severe cases, it can even lead to collapse and even shock.

The aforementioned Master Yu was hospitalized with myocardial infarction after taking a cold shower, which is really dangerous.

"People take three baths, life is thinner than paper", don't take a bath during these three time periods in summer!

Therefore, it is recommended that you must rest for about 30 minutes after sweating before going to the shower, and if you are in the gym, you can stretch for about half an hour after the end, and it is relatively safer to take a shower at this time.

Netizen @sha: I experienced it myself last night, I took a bath after drinking, and after a while I went out with my friends, but I suddenly fainted, but fortunately my friends hugged me, otherwise I didn't dare to think about the consequences.

"People take three baths, life is thinner than paper", don't take a bath during these three time periods in summer!

I advise you not to take a shower after drinking!

After drinking, the blood vessels are dilated, the heartbeat is also accelerated, and then taking a hot bath will accelerate the heartbeat and blood circulation, this rapid change will make it difficult for the body to adapt in a short period of time, easy to cause blood pressure drop, sudden fainting.

"People take three baths, life is thinner than paper", don't take a bath during these three time periods in summer!

Moreover, blood sugar will generally drop after drinking, and the bathroom environment will be stuffy, which will exacerbate the hypoglycemic reaction, and if you don't know that there are some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in your body at this time, it will affect the possibility of life danger at any time.

Second, the correct way to take a bath

In general, the bath should not take more than 20 minutes, 15-20 minutes is best.

It is not advisable to take a bath in cold water, whether the body goes from hot to cold or from cold to hot, this huge temperature difference changes are very heavy on the body.

If the temperature is too high, it will cause a large amount of blood to rush to the body surface, and the heart and brain will be ischemia, and the heart will be deprived of oxygen, which is very unfriendly to people with coronary heart disease, hypertension and other diseases.

"People take three baths, life is thinner than paper", don't take a bath during these three time periods in summer!

The optimal bath water temperature is 38-42 degrees, which is a little higher than body temperature, and the comfort after washing is the highest.

There is a sebum film on the surface of human skin, which can help you secrete sebum, protect the skin, and reduce water evaporation.

So, in fact, it is enough to take a shower once every two or three days, if you wash it every day, just rinse it with water, don't overuse body wash, and of course, it is better to apply some body lotion after washing.

In short, remember, before taking a bath, you must check your physical state, if you belong to the above three, don't wash, secondly, the best way to take a bath is also shared with you, learn it, and make your body healthier~


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