
It wasn't until after the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "not buy a first floor if you were stupid".

author:Interior designer Mu Mu

The continuous rainstorm, you live on the first floor, are you okay?

It wasn't until after the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "not buy a first floor if you were stupid".

When I bought the first floor, I only thought about planting flowers and vegetables, listening to the rain and appreciating the snow, and thought that it would be wet in the rainy season, but I never thought that it would be flooded in the rainstorm.

1. Why the first floor was flooded

When buying a house, many people will pay more attention to the supporting facilities, floors, unit area, school district, etc. around the house, but most people ignore whether the location of the house is a low-lying area or a high-lying area.

It wasn't until after the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "not buy a first floor if you were stupid".

If you have a house on the first floor and it happens to be in a low-lying area, it is likely to be flooded.

There are two main reasons why the first floor is flooded:

It wasn't until after the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "not buy a first floor if you were stupid".

One is that the drainage system of the community cannot keep up, especially the drainage system of the old community or the city, which is defective, resulting in the rainwater can not be drained away in time and quickly, and the excessive accumulation makes the rainwater pour into the room;

It wasn't until after the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "not buy a first floor if you were stupid".

Secondly, there is another reason that the house is in a low-lying area, and the water flows to the low-lying area, and when the water in the higher places cannot be drained away in time, it will flow to the low-lying places, and the first floor must bear the brunt of the victims.

Once the interior is flooded, even if it is cleaned up later, no matter how expensive the furniture is, it will almost become waste. Even if it's just a muddy yard, it takes time and effort to rinse it.

Second, if you want to avoid being flooded, precautions when buying a first floor

If you have a soft spot for a house on the first floor, but don't want to be flooded during a rainstorm, then you must pay attention to the following 5 details when buying a house:

(1) Look at the developer

It wasn't until after the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "not buy a first floor if you were stupid".

Before buying a house, it is best to choose a developer with a well-known big brand when choosing a real estate, although it is not necessarily good to say that a big brand is good, but relatively speaking, its quality and after-sales will be more reliable.

Rainstorm weather is the best period to test the quality of real estate, before buying a house must go around the community in the rainstorm weather, not only to see the quality of the house, but also to see its drainage effect.

It wasn't until after the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "not buy a first floor if you were stupid".

The community built by a good developer will consider the drainage system more perfect, and the drainage effect will not be too bad, which is why when it rains, the underground garage of some communities is dry, and some communities are water curtain holes, and the drainage system of the community directly determines whether the house on the first floor will suffer in a rainstorm.

(2) Look at the property

Having a good property can really solve a lot of troubles in the community, not just the small things such as daily greening, security, garbage removal, and changing a light bulb.

It wasn't until after the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "not buy a first floor if you were stupid".

Rainstorm weather hits, the first floor and garage of some communities are all flooded, and some communities even if the drainage system can not keep up, but the underground garage is still not flooded, mainly because the property response is timely and properly handled, and the daily maintenance of drainage pipes, flood control equipment planning in place, the rainwater is blocked outside the garage, and the vital interests of the owners are protected.

It wasn't until after the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "not buy a first floor if you were stupid".

Good properties go outside in bad weather, and the interests of the owners are the first consideration; Poor properties will only hide indoors to escape responsibilities in bad weather, and they are the most active when collecting property fees, so it is important to choose a good property when choosing a house.

(3) Overhead layer

It wasn't until after the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "not buy a first floor if you were stupid".

The first floor of some communities is directly flush with the ground of the community, and if the drainage pipes in the community are not effective during the rainstorm, the first floor will probably suffer; But if you choose the first floor with an overhead floor underneath, it's different.

It wasn't until after the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "not buy a first floor if you were stupid".

The overhead floor is different from the underground garage, and the first floor after the overhead floor is quite the second floor, unless it is a particularly serious flood, and the general bad weather basically does not have to worry about the problem of dampness and flooding.

(4) Topography

It wasn't until after the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "not buy a first floor if you were stupid".

Some communities are flooded during heavy rainstorms not only because of the drainage system, but also partly because of the topography. Therefore, when buying a house, it is best to choose a high-altitude location, you can check the altitude data of the city in advance, and avoid low-lying areas in the city as much as possible.

Although the house on the first floor is at risk of being flooded, it is not common for this child to be able to continue the heavy rain and flooding of the weather, so many people will still want to buy a house on the first floor.

In fact, in addition to the risk of flooding, the first floor also has the following disadvantages:

(1) High-altitude projectiles

It wasn't until after the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "not buy a first floor if you were stupid".

You never know what kind of neighbor you live upstairs, you think you can enjoy the idyllic life by cleaning the yard, in fact you may be at risk of being thrown garbage and cigarette butts upstairs at any time.

(2) Noise

It wasn't until after the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "not buy a first floor if you were stupid".

No matter which floor you live on, as long as there are neighbors, there may be noise, but compared to other floors, there are more noise sources on the first floor; The room on the first floor is close to the community road, and the daily neighbor's movements of leaving early and returning late may affect your life; And the sound of garbage trucks in the morning, the sound of neighbors walking and chatting at night, and the sound of elevators going up and down will all break your dreams.

(3) Mosquitoes

It wasn't until after the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "not buy a first floor if you were stupid".

In the summer, there are really a lot of mosquitoes on the first floor, even if you install screens on all the doors and windows, your family will inevitably bring in fish that slip through the net when they enter and leave, and these mosquitoes will quickly multiply and become your "nightmare" after entering the room.

(4) 隐私差

It wasn't until after the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "not buy a first floor if you were stupid".

The window of the room on the first floor is relatively close to the internal road of the community, even if it is separated by a green belt, you can see the indoor scene from the outside, even if you are at home during the day, you need to close the curtains, otherwise there is a feeling of being peeping at any time, and the sense of privacy and security is not good.

Write at the end:

The first floor does not have to wait for the elevator, it is easy to escape in the event of a disaster, there is a yard with flowers and vegetables, and it is easy to access, these are its advantages, but if you want to buy a house on the first floor, you can't ignore its disadvantages at the same time, weigh the pros and cons before making your final decision.