
The 17th People's Government of Ludian County held the 30th executive meeting

author:Ludian Media
The 17th People's Government of Ludian County held the 30th executive meeting
The 17th People's Government of Ludian County held the 30th executive meeting

On June 29, Ma Han, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, presided over the 30th executive meeting of the 17th People's Government of Ludian County. Liu Ling, Xu Xiong, Long Quyan, Wu Yali, Xia Wandou, Wang Wenjie, Wang Tianneng and Ma Teng attended the meeting. Relevant leaders of the county people's congress and the county CPPCC attended the meeting as observers.

The 17th People's Government of Ludian County held the 30th executive meeting

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech during his inspection in Qinghai and Ningxia, listened to the report on the work of safety production and disaster prevention and mitigation in the first half of 2024 and the financial operation in the first half of 2024, and reviewed the "Emergency Plan for Hazardous Explosive Safety Incidents in Ludian County", "Emergency Plan for Meteorological Disasters in Ludian County", "Disposal Plan for Township Waste Pyrolysis Station in Ludian County", "Plan for the Creation of Garden City in Ludian County", "Entrusted Management Agreement for Chengnan Middle School in Ludian County" Ludian County's 2024 work plan for the resettlement of retired soldiers in line with the government's arrangement" and other plans, and study matters related to the transfer of state-owned assets to offset debts.

The 17th People's Government of Ludian County held the 30th executive meeting

The meeting required that relevant departments and townships (streets) should attach great importance to it, conscientiously implement the spirit of the meeting, refine the work plan, take effective measures, compare the work objectives and tasks, systematically sort out policies, undertake the implementation of the list, clarify responsibilities and work time limits, track the progress of work in a timely manner, strengthen cohesion and communication, and ensure the successful completion of various tasks.

The 17th People's Government of Ludian County held the 30th executive meeting

Source丨Ludian County Rong Media Center Niu Wenju Qiu Jiade

Editor of this issue丨Li Xuan Ma Xianggang Editor丨Kong Xiangshu Submission email: [email protected]