
The theoretical learning center group of the county party committee held the fourth centralized study and party discipline learning and education centralized seminar in 2024

author:Ludian Media
The theoretical learning center group of the county party committee held the fourth centralized study and party discipline learning and education centralized seminar in 2024
The theoretical learning center group of the county party committee held the fourth centralized study and party discipline learning and education centralized seminar in 2024
The theoretical learning center group of the county party committee held the fourth centralized study and party discipline learning and education centralized seminar in 2024

On June 29, the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the County Party Committee held the fourth centralized study and party discipline learning and education centralized seminar in 2024.

The theoretical learning center group of the county party committee held the fourth centralized study and party discipline learning and education centralized seminar in 2024

Zhang Hongkun, secretary of the county party committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

The theoretical learning center group of the county party committee held the fourth centralized study and party discipline learning and education centralized seminar in 2024

Zhang Hongkun emphasized that it is necessary to improve ideological understanding, work in-depth study and understanding, and deeply study and comprehend the scientific connotation and practical requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction; It is necessary to take General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction as the direction and follow, comprehensively study and implement the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", and achieve the unity of knowledge and action; It is necessary to deeply study and comprehend the background significance and main content of the newly revised "Regulations on the Inspection Work of the Communist Party of China", and resolutely study, publicize and implement the "Regulations" as an important political task to firmly support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two maintenances", and truly transform the study and implementation of the "Regulations" into the conscious compliance of various key tasks, so as to provide a strong guarantee for the sustainable and healthy development of the county's economy and society.

Zhang Hongkun stressed: It is necessary to strictly enforce discipline requirements and see the truth in changing the style of work. Party members and leading cadres should give full play to the role of "head goose", use strict discipline requirements, and achieve absolute loyalty; Strengthen concentration with discipline and vigorously promote the style of abiding by rules and disciplines; Integrate discipline into daily life, and vigorously promote the style of good work; Use discipline to examine oneself and vigorously promote the style of hard work; Adhere to the above rate and demonstration at all levels, lead the county's party members and cadres to further forge a strong style, carry forward the spirit of hard work, and effectively take on new missions and create new achievements with a good style.

Zhang Hongkun emphasized that it is necessary to strengthen the combination of chemistry and application, firmly grasp the political direction, and study discipline, abide by discipline, and enforce discipline with higher standards; It is necessary to enhance political consciousness, find gaps, grasp rectification, and promote improvement with stronger responsibility; It is necessary to adhere to the principle of learning to promote work, and to take pragmatic measures to stabilize growth, promote development, and benefit people's livelihood; It is necessary to think while learning, learn to think and practice, understand the rules, clear directions, learn methods, and increase wisdom from them, and ensure the steady and far-reaching development of various undertakings with strict discipline.

Zhang Hongkun demanded that the whole county should conscientiously summarize and make good use of the results of learning and education, put a strict atmosphere, strict standards, and strict requirements throughout the whole process of party discipline learning and education, and effectively transform the learning results into action consciousness of performing duties and serving the people, and demonstrate and drive the majority of party members and cadres in the county to learn absolute loyalty, learn firm beliefs, learn to take on missions, learn strict discipline, and learn excellent style, and constantly promote party discipline learning and education to go deeper and more practical, and escort the high-quality economic and social development of Ludian with strict discipline.

Ma Han, Yu Chaoming and other county and department-level leaders participated in the centralized study.

The theoretical learning center group of the county party committee held the fourth centralized study and party discipline learning and education centralized seminar in 2024

Source丨Ludian County Rong Media Center Zhou Jun Luo Zubo

Editor of this issue丨Li Xuan Ma Xianggang Editor丨Kong Xiangshu Submission email: [email protected]

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