
Stop eating this fish immediately, it is poisonous and hurts the liver and kidneys! You can't eat it for free, especially the elderly and children

author:Love Jade Gate

Source: Gourmet Gewu

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Fish contains a variety of nutrients that are beneficial to the body, it is a food suitable for all ages, often eating fish helps to improve memory, improve brain vitality, and the protein in fish is more beneficial to the human body's absorption, for the elderly, can effectively prevent Alzheimer's disease and cranial nerve aging, so fish is very popular with everyone.

Stop eating this fish immediately, it is poisonous and hurts the liver and kidneys! You can't eat it for free, especially the elderly and children

Especially in the summer, the pork is fatty, the beef and mutton are easy to get hot, and the fish is just right for the summer. In summer, when the temperature is high, the body's metabolism accelerates, and the demand for nutrients also increases. Fish meat is rich in high-quality protein, its amino acid composition is close to that of the human body, easy to digest and absorb, can provide the body with necessary energy and nutrients, and help maintain the normal function of the body.

Compared to other meats, fish is generally low in fat and is especially rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3 fatty acids. These unsaturated fatty acids are beneficial for cardiovascular health, lowering blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. During the summer months, when the cardiovascular system is challenged by high temperatures and humidity, proper consumption of fish can help protect heart health.

Stop eating this fish immediately, it is poisonous and hurts the liver and kidneys! You can't eat it for free, especially the elderly and children

Fish meat is also rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, etc. These nutrients are all important in maintaining the normal physiological functions of the body, boosting immunity, promoting bone development, and maintaining healthy skin.

In addition, the fish has a tender texture and is easy to cook. In the summer, people may be reluctant to endure high heat cooking in the kitchen for long periods of time, and fish can be cooked in simple ways such as steaming, boiling soup, and grilling, which can retain its nutrients and save cooking time and energy. Here are a few fish recipes that are perfect for summer.

Stop eating this fish immediately, it is poisonous and hurts the liver and kidneys! You can't eat it for free, especially the elderly and children

Pan-fried hairtail

First, the head and tail of the hairtail are removed, and then the belly of the fish is carefully cut open with scissors, the internal organs are carefully removed, and the black membrane in the abdominal cavity is cleaned. This black film not only has a strong fishy smell, but may also affect taste and health. After the internal organs are processed, wash the hairtail thoroughly with clean water and cut it into small pieces of uniform size so that it can be heated evenly during the subsequent cooking process.

Put the sliced hairtail into a large bowl and add the prepared ginger, green onion, cooking wine, light soy sauce, salt and pepper. Stir gently with chopsticks or hands to make sure the hairtail is in full contact with the seasoning, then let it sit for 20-30 minutes. This process allows the hairtail to fully absorb the flavor of the seasoning and effectively remove the fishy smell.

Take another clean dish and pour in the appropriate amount of starch. The marinated hairtail segments are placed one by one in the starch and evenly coated with a thin layer of starch. The starch not only locks in the moisture of the hairtail, but also forms a golden and crispy crust when fried.

Stop eating this fish immediately, it is poisonous and hurts the liver and kidneys! You can't eat it for free, especially the elderly and children


1. Heat the oil: Use a frying pan, pour in an appropriate amount of cooking oil, and heat the oil over medium heat until it is five or six hot. You can use chopsticks to insert them into the oil, and when small bubbles appear around the chopsticks, it means that the oil temperature is appropriate.

2. Add the hairtail: Carefully put the starched hairtail into the pot, taking care to keep a certain distance between them and avoid sticking to each other. After adding the hairtail, do not rush to turn it, and let it fry on one side until golden brown and set.

3. Flip and fry: When you see one side of the hairtail fried until golden brown and crispy, gently flip it with chopsticks or a spatula and continue frying the other side. Keep the heat low and low during the frying process to avoid the skin being scorched on the outside and undercooked on the inside.

4. Flip repeatedly: Flip and fry until both sides of the hairtail are an attractive golden brown color and the meat is cooked through. The whole frying process takes about 8 - 10 minutes, and the specific time is adjusted according to the size and thickness of the hairtail.

5. Remove from the pan and serve: When the hairtail is cooked through, remove it and place it on a kitchen paper towel to absorb the excess oil, and then arrange it neatly on a plate.

Stop eating this fish immediately, it is poisonous and hurts the liver and kidneys! You can't eat it for free, especially the elderly and children


1. When frying the hairtail, it is easy to grasp the heat, too much fire will easily cause the outer skin to be burnt and the inside is not cooked, and too small fire will easily make the hairtail absorb too much oil, affecting the taste.

2. During the frying process, the surface should be turned over in time to ensure that the hairtail is evenly heated, and the color and taste are consistent.

3. Before putting the hairtail into the pot, make sure that the starch on the surface is uniform and moderately thick, too much starch will affect the taste, and too little will not form a crispy skin.

Stop eating this fish immediately, it is poisonous and hurts the liver and kidneys! You can't eat it for free, especially the elderly and children

Steamed yellow croaker

First of all, the yellow croaker is carefully processed. Remove the scales, gills and internal organs, wash thoroughly, and make several cuts on both sides of the fish, which will help the fish to absorb the flavor better during the subsequent salting and steaming process.

Next, cut the green onion into segments, and cut some of them into shreds; Ginger is also divided into two parts, one part is cut into slices and the other part is cut into shreds; Shred the red pepper and set aside.

Then, evenly spread a small amount of salt and cooking wine on the processed fish, stuff the fish belly with ginger and green onions, and marinate for about 15 minutes.

Stop eating this fish immediately, it is poisonous and hurts the liver and kidneys! You can't eat it for free, especially the elderly and children


In the first step, add an appropriate amount of water to the steamer and bring it to a boil over high heat.

The second step is to remove the marinated yellow croaker, discard the juice from the plate, and re-coat the fish with shredded ginger and green onions.

In the third step, carefully place the fish in the already boiling steamer, cover the pot and continue to steam on high heat for 8-10 minutes. It should be noted that the specific steaming time should be adjusted appropriately according to the size of the fish to ensure that the fish is steamed and tender.

Step 4: After the fish is steamed, turn off the heat and simmer for 2 minutes, then remove.

Fifth, carefully pour out the soup from the plate, as this part of the soup has a strong fishy smell.

Stop eating this fish immediately, it is poisonous and hurts the liver and kidneys! You can't eat it for free, especially the elderly and children

Step 6: Evenly drizzle the steamed soy sauce over the fish.

Step 7: Sprinkle the sliced red pepper and green onion evenly over the fish.

Step 8: Heat an appropriate amount of cooking oil in a pan until the oil smokes slightly.

In the ninth step, pour hot oil over the fish, which instantly brings out the aroma of shredded green onions, ginger and red peppers.

At this point, a delicious steamed yellow croaker is complete. The fish is tender and juicy, and the soup is mouth-watering and delicious.

Stop eating this fish immediately, it is poisonous and hurts the liver and kidneys! You can't eat it for free, especially the elderly and children


In the process of processing fish, it is necessary to remove the black membrane in the fish belly, otherwise it will affect the texture and taste of the fish, bringing a heavier fishy smell.

It is important to control the time of steaming the fish, as steaming for too long will cause the fish to become old and lose its tender taste.

Be extra careful when pouring hot oil to avoid spilling the hot oil and burning yourself.

Stop eating this fish immediately, it is poisonous and hurts the liver and kidneys! You can't eat it for free, especially the elderly and children

Urse, sea bass soup

1. Handling the sea bass: After the sea bass is slaughtered, the scales, gills and internal organs are removed and washed. Slice the fish from the back of the fish and cut it into small cubes. Fish heads and bones can be saved for stew.

2. Marinate the fish: Put the diced fish in a bowl, add an appropriate amount of salt, cooking wine and white pepper, stir well, and marinate for about 15 minutes to remove the fishy smell and add fragrance.

3. Prepare the side dishes: Cut the ham into small cubes, wash the mushrooms and cut them into small cubes, and mince the green onion and ginger for later use.

4. Handle the Ulva Herbs: Wash the Ulva to remove impurities.


Stop eating this fish immediately, it is poisonous and hurts the liver and kidneys! You can't eat it for free, especially the elderly and children

1. Boil the lettuce: Boil water in a pot, add a little salt and cooking oil, blanch the lettuce for about 1 minute, remove and drain.

2. Fry the fish bones: In a separate pot, pour in an appropriate amount of cooking oil, add minced green onion and ginger to stir-fry until fragrant, add the fish head and fish bones and fry until golden brown on both sides.

3. Boil the fish soup: Add an appropriate amount of boiling water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for about 15 minutes until the fish soup is milky white, filter out the fish soup for later use.

4. Cook the fish: Add an appropriate amount of fish broth to a clean pot, bring to a boil, add the marinated diced fish, and cook until it changes color.

5. Add the side dishes: Add the diced ham, diced shiitake mushrooms and lettuce in order and stir well.

6. Thickening: Slowly pour in an appropriate amount of water starch and stir well to thicken the soup.

7. Egg Break: Slowly pour in the beaten egg whites to form egg drops.

8. To taste: Add salt, white pepper and chicken essence (optional) and stir well.

9. Remove from the pot: Cook until the soup boils again, then remove from the pot.

Stop eating this fish immediately, it is poisonous and hurts the liver and kidneys! You can't eat it for free, especially the elderly and children


1. Blanching the water should not be too long, so as not to affect the taste and color.

2. Use boiling water when boiling the fish soup, so that the fish soup is whiter and fresher.

3. When thickening, pour in the water starch slowly, stirring while pouring to avoid clumping.

Although the fish is delicious, but I don't recommend everyone to eat this kind of fish, the carcinogenic is 120 times more than the standard, not only no nutrition, but also harmful to health, it is preserved fish.

Preserved fish is usually salted with a high concentration and then dried. In this process, a large amount of nitrite is produced. When we eat preserved fish, nitrite is converted into dimethylnitrosamine, which is highly carcinogenic.

Stop eating this fish immediately, it is poisonous and hurts the liver and kidneys! You can't eat it for free, especially the elderly and children

Regular consumption of preserved fish can easily cause high blood pressure. This is because the salt content in preserved fish is extremely high, and excess salt can lead to sodium retention in the body, increasing blood volume, which can increase blood pressure. Long-term hypertension can cause great damage to the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems, increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke and other diseases.

In addition, preserved fish can also increase the burden on the kidneys. The kidneys are important excretory organs in the human body, responsible for filtering and excreting metabolic waste and excess water from the body. Excessive salt and harmful substances need to be processed and excreted by the kidneys, and in the long run, the kidneys will be in a state of high workload, affecting their normal function, and may even lead to the occurrence of kidney disease.

Stop eating this fish immediately, it is poisonous and hurts the liver and kidneys! You can't eat it for free, especially the elderly and children

The effect of preserved fish on the skin should not be ignored. It accelerates the aging process of the skin. Too much nitrite and harmful substances can destroy the collagen and elastic fibers in the skin, causing the skin to lose its elasticity and cause wrinkles, sagging and other aging phenomena.

To make matters worse, regular consumption of preserved fish significantly increases the risk of cancer. In addition to the carcinogenicity of dimethylnitrosamine, the conversion product of nitrite, cured fish usually needs to be smoked after salting. During the smoking process, a large number of carcinogens will be generated, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, benzopyrene, etc. These substances can enter the human body with consumption, causing damage to cells and inducing the occurrence of cancer.