
The university reading class for the elderly is full of passion and celebrates July 1st

author:Qingyanwei Literature

Author: Qi Lijun (Hebei Huailai)

The university reading class for the elderly is full of passion and celebrates July 1st

On the afternoon of June 27, the teachers and students of the recitation class in the multi-purpose hall of the Huailai County University for the Elderly, in order to celebrate the birthday of the July 1st Party, a unique Chairman Mao poetry recitation meeting was being held warmly.

The university reading class for the elderly is full of passion and celebrates July 1st

The recitation class has only been set up in Huailai County University for the Elderly for more than a year, and the school leaders attach great importance to it and make great efforts to recruit the best teachers, and the students are faced with many challenges at first. Some students are unable to speak clearly when they first learn; Some of the students have a strong dialect; Some students do not distinguish between the front and back nasal voices; These phenomena directly affect the expression of the charm of poetry and songs; Some students jumped out word by word when they first started reciting, and the rhythm was stiff and lacked fluency. However, with their love for recitation and their pursuit of the art of recitation, under the meticulous guidance of Teacher Liu Haixia, the students persevered and worked hard to learn.

The university reading class for the elderly is full of passion and celebrates July 1st

Finally, at this recital to celebrate July 1st, they showed a surprising transformation. The students were full of energy and took the stage one by one. When the first student took the stage, everyone in the audience was full of anticipation. He took a deep breath and recited "Spring Snow in Qinyuan" with emotion, and the smooth sentences and subdued tone seemed to let people see the magnificent scenery of the northern country.

The university reading class for the elderly is full of passion and celebrates July 1st

Immediately afterwards, one after another students appeared on the stage. Some of them recited the "Seven Laws of the Long March", and reproduced the hardships and dangers and heroic fearlessness of the Red Army's Long March with passionate voices; Some recited "Fortune Operator Yongmei", showing the tenacity and nobility of plum blossoms to the fullest.

The university reading class for the elderly is full of passion and celebrates July 1st

The atmosphere of the whole recital was warm and the applause continued. The students used sincere emotions and superb recitation skills to make Chairman Mao's poems reverberate in the multi-purpose hall. It attracted the attention of other class students. Every look and gesture during the recitation was full of admiration for the great leader and a deep understanding of the poems, and also expressed deep wishes for the party's birthday.

The university reading class for the elderly is full of passion and celebrates July 1st

Finally, Wang Aiyun recited the "Female Militia Inscription", and the old squad leader Yu Zhongquan led everyone to sing this poem and "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China". But the sassy and heroic picture and the affectionate praise for the party will always remain in our hearts. Let us carry this enthusiasm and work together to create a more brilliant tomorrow under the banner of the party!

The university reading class for the elderly is full of passion and celebrates July 1st

This recital is not only a test of the students' learning achievements, but also a baptism of the soul and the sublimation of emotions. It allowed these elderly students to find confidence in the recitation, feel the charm of art, and also let Chairman Mao's poems glow with new brilliance in the new era, adding a touch of bright color to the birthday of the July 1st Party.

The university reading class for the elderly is full of passion and celebrates July 1st

Editor: Niu Yixin/Li Xunxiu/Song Zhanlin, Editorial Department of Qingyanwei Literature