
Grateful Heart (Modern Poem)

author:Qingyanwei Literature

Author: Xie Yunfeng (Jiangxi)

Grateful Heart (Modern Poem)

Modern Poetry: A Grateful Heart

Reminiscing about the past

When I came into this world

It's mom breastfeeding

Nurture me to grow

It's mom laundry

Feed the Lazar to wash the usual

Hard work

That's why I've grown up to be a pillar

Grateful Heart (Modern Poem)

It was my dad who sent me to school

Teach me to read and write articles

Master the real skills and contribute to the country

It was Chairman Mao who led us to liberation

Freedom and a better life

It's the Communist Party

I gave my political life to join the party

Lead us along the revolutionary line of Mao Zedong Thought

Courage to continue upward

Walk on the road of a happy life

Grateful Heart (Modern Poem)

We all deserve to know

There should be a grateful heart in the chest

Thanks to my parents for raising me

Thanks to the great man Chairman Mao for his upbringing

Thanks to the great Communist Party of China

Grateful Heart (Modern Poem)

About author:Xie Yunfeng (Xiaoyan), a native of Yichun, Jiangxi, born in 1958, has a college degree, the title of accountant, and is a retired cadre of Yichun Branch of Bank of China.

Editor: Li Xunxiu/Wu Jun/Chang Xianyun Editorial Department of Qingyanwei Literature

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