
Shimizu: Characteristic industries have become a new engine for the masses to get rich and increase income

author:Tianshui online
Shimizu: Characteristic industries have become a new engine for the masses to get rich and increase income

In recent years, Qingshui County has adhered to the policy of adapting measures to local conditions and classification, cultivating agricultural characteristic industries in an all-round way, actively carrying out investment promotion, and striving to build a "three-in-one" agricultural product brand system of "three products and one standard", "sweetness", "trademark" and local regional brands, promoting the large-scale, park-based and cluster development of characteristic industries such as dried and fresh fruits, Chinese medicinal materials, edible fungi, wheat breeding, hemp and animal husbandry, supporting and cultivating new agricultural business entities such as agricultural leading enterprises, farmer cooperatives and family farms, and improving the mechanism of linking agriculture with agriculture, truly let the characteristic industries become the "hardcore crops" that drive the masses to increase employment and income.

Shimizu: Characteristic industries have become a new engine for the masses to get rich and increase income

Coming to the edible fungus industrial park of Zhaogou Village, Baisha Town, the main body of the newly built fungus greenhouse has been completed. In the base of the fungus next to the village road, clusters of thin and elastic black fungus grow on the neat rows of basswood stumps under the walnut trees, and the villagers are picking ripe fungus, a harvest scene in full swing.

Shimizu: Characteristic industries have become a new engine for the masses to get rich and increase income

Li Aiguo, deputy mayor of Baisha Town, said, "Zhaogou Village aims to build a professional village of fungus, develops greenhouse hanging bag fungus, plants 125 standard planting sheds, planting 2.5 million fungus sticks, with an annual output of 300,000 catties of fungus and an output value of 10.5 million yuan." The development of 800 basswood plantings under the forest, with an annual output of 160 catties and an estimated income of 20,000 yuan. The development of field fungus planting, planting 5 acres of fungus, planting fungus sticks 50,000 sticks, with an annual output of 5,000 catties, is expected to earn 200,000 yuan. ”

Shimizu: Characteristic industries have become a new engine for the masses to get rich and increase income

On the other hand, at the construction site of the standardized demonstration planting base construction project of Qingshui County Edible Fungi Industrial Park in Zhaogou Village, Baisha Town, excavators shuttle back and forth, and workers are measuring, welding, and building greenhouse skeletons.

According to reports, the edible fungus industrial park covers an area of 265 acres, and will start construction in early 2024, planning to build 125 planting sheds, 70 drying sheds, 4 greenhouses, 1 drying workshop and training room. After the project is completed and put into use, 3.5 million fungus sticks can be planted every year, with an annual output of about 420,000 catties of fungus and an output value of 16 million yuan, driving 600 people to work nearby, laying a solid foundation for building an edible fungus industry chain in Qingshui County.

Shimizu: Characteristic industries have become a new engine for the masses to get rich and increase income

The wind blows the wheat waves and the ears are fragrant, and the golden harvest is busy everywhere. At present, the wheat harvest season has been entered one after another. Coming to the Malewan Wheat Breeding Base in Jinji Town, Qingshui County, harvesters shuttled back and forth, rolling rows of neat rows of wheat into the machine, threshing the wheat ears, and loading them back to the warehouse.

Shimizu: Characteristic industries have become a new engine for the masses to get rich and increase income

"Since the beginning of this year, through top dressing, pest control, and impurities, the wheat in the base has grown well, and the average yield per mu has been measured to be 430 kilograms, reaching the goal of bumper harvest. After the wheat is harvested, we will dry and process in the wheat drying workshop in a timely manner, select high-quality varieties, coat and package to sell improved seeds, process wheat flour and dried noodles for sale, extend the wheat industry chain, and increase the added value of products in the whole industry chain. Huang Pengfei, the person in charge of Tianshui Dehefeng, said.

Shimizu: Characteristic industries have become a new engine for the masses to get rich and increase income

In the drying workshop of Tianshui Dehefeng Agricultural Comprehensive Development Co., Ltd., there is an endless stream of vehicles transporting wheat, and the drying production line is operating at full capacity 24 hours a day to ensure that the wheat grains are returned to the warehouse. With the buzzing sound of the dryer, after the golden wheat enters the conveying funnel, it is sent to the drying bin by the conveying equipment after grading and screening to clean out impurities such as bran and flour husk.

After drying, it can effectively reduce the metabolic rate of seeds, prolong the storage time and improve the quality of seeds. At present, the workshop can dry 120 tons of wheat seeds and select 50 tons per day.

Shimizu: Characteristic industries have become a new engine for the masses to get rich and increase income

From the wheat in the field to the delicious pasta on the family table, Jinji Town, Qingshui County, has built a 5,240-acre wheat breeding base in Maliewan this year, through the model of "scientific research institutes + cooperatives + farmers + bases", and continuously extend the chain to supplement the chain and strengthen the chain, and build a Jinrui Xiang flour processing and hanging noodle factory, and at the same time, on the basis of the 210 square meters of wheat seed drying and processing workshop, the second phase of the wheat drying and storage project will be implemented in 2024, and the wheat seed coating packaging and flour and dried noodles processing dual channels will be gradually formed. It has built a whole industrial chain integrating wheat planting, breeding, drying, processing, storage and sales in an all-round way, which has effectively boosted agricultural efficiency and farmers' income.

Shimizu: Characteristic industries have become a new engine for the masses to get rich and increase income

In recent years, Qingshui County has continued to expand the scale of the industry, increase financial investment, innovate subsidy support methods, and actively promote the development model of "leading enterprises + cooperatives + farmers", in accordance with the principle of adapting measures to local conditions and suitable for planting, and make every effort to expand the characteristics of dried and fresh fruits, grass and livestock, small grains and wheat breeding, edible fungi, hemp, etc., up to now, Qingshui County has built 480,000 acres of dry and fresh orchards, and the amount of livestock and poultry breeding has reached 1.65 million heads (only); The average annual planting of vegetables is 100,000 mu, 38,000 mu of Chinese medicinal materials, 57,000 mu of small grains, 150,000 mu of potatoes, 50,000 mu of winter wheat breeding base with high standards, 45 standardized production bases of edible fungi have been built, and 10 million sticks of edible fungi have been planted, so as to effectively make characteristic industries become a new engine for the masses to get rich and increase income, and further empower rural revitalization. (Shimizu financial media reporter Niu Qikun)

(News source: Qingshui County Rong Media Center Reprint: Ma Wenjie)