
Qingshui County held a calligraphy and painting exhibition of famous artists inside and outside the province of "Depicting the Blessed Land of Health and Wellness, Freehand Non-sub Ranch".

author:Tianshui online
Qingshui County held a calligraphy and painting exhibition of famous artists inside and outside the province of "Depicting the Blessed Land of Health and Wellness, Freehand Non-sub Ranch".

On the morning of June 30, Qingshui County's "Depicting the Healthy and Blessed Land Freehand Feizi Ranch" calligraphy and painting exhibition of famous artists inside and outside the province was launched in the Qingshui County Cultural Center.

Qingshui County held a calligraphy and painting exhibition of famous artists inside and outside the province of "Depicting the Blessed Land of Health and Wellness, Freehand Non-sub Ranch".

The event was hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Qingshui County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, and co-organized by the County Bureau of Culture and Tourism, Qinting Town and the County Federation of Literary and Art Circles. The atmosphere of the exhibition was warm, and the works on display included regular script and line calligraphy dripping with pen and ink, as well as colorful Chinese paintings. More than 10 well-known calligraphers and painters from inside and outside the province have written with wonderful brushes, expressing their hearts and minds, and showing the beautiful scenery of Feizi Ranch vividly and vividly through their brushes.

Qingshui County held a calligraphy and painting exhibition of famous artists inside and outside the province of "Depicting the Blessed Land of Health and Wellness, Freehand Non-sub Ranch".

In recent years, Qingshui County has attached great importance to the construction of non-sub-pastoral scenes, continued to increase the construction of tourism infrastructure, continuously improved the level of tourism services, and actively promoted and publicized the beautiful natural landscapes of scenic spots. At present, there are more and more tourists from all over the country, and Feizi Ranch has become an Internet celebrity check-in place and tourist attraction for tourists to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city, return to the simple countryside, and enjoy the scenery of "the sky is vast and the wind blows the grass and sees the cattle and sheep", and it has become an excellent place for well-known calligraphers and painters to experience sketching and sway Hanmo. (Shimizu Financial Media reporter Niu Qikun)

Qingshui County held a calligraphy and painting exhibition of famous artists inside and outside the province of "Depicting the Blessed Land of Health and Wellness, Freehand Non-sub Ranch".

(News source: Qingshui County Rong Media Center Reprint: Ma Wenjie)

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