
Qin'an County held the "Let's Run, Youth" 2024 martial arts exhibition

author:Tianshui online
Qin'an County held the "Let's Run, Youth" 2024 martial arts exhibition

In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, continue to enhance the popularity and influence of traditional sports culture, and promote the in-depth integration of culture and sports, on June 29, the 2024 martial arts performance of "Run, Youth" hosted by the Qin'an County Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, undertaken by the Qin'an County Sports Center, and co-organized by the Julong Martial Arts Club was held in the gymnasium of the county No. 1 Middle School, with more than 700 performers and audiences participating in the event.

Qin'an County held the "Let's Run, Youth" 2024 martial arts exhibition

The performance kicked off in the collective boxing "Jingwu Boy", the kung fu teenagers walked solidly and steadily, punched as fast as lightning, a move and a style clean, rigid and soft, the students will hand, waist, horse, heart, mind, strength of the overall integration of the characteristics of boxing to the fullest, every move and style have demonstrated the inheritance of Chinese civilization for thousands of years, and entrust the immortal wisdom and creation of the Chinese nation. Immediately afterwards, double swords, knives, guns, fists, sticks, and Sichuan opera face changes took turns to interpret the charm of traditional martial arts in the movement and stillness, bringing a wonderful visual feast to everyone.

Qin'an County held the "Let's Run, Youth" 2024 martial arts exhibition

On the day of the event, honorary certificates and medals were also awarded to the young performers, and the Outstanding Organization Award was awarded to the Julong Martial Arts Club. This exhibition further enhanced the public's understanding and love for traditional martial arts, and established the national fitness concept of participation, communication, fitness and happiness.

(News source: Qin'an County Rong Media Center Reprint: Ma Wenjie)

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