
The South Shaolin Intangible Cultural Heritage Martial Arts Exchange Conference was successfully held

author:New Fujian

Recently, the high-profile South Shaolin Intangible Cultural Heritage Martial Arts Exchange Conference was successfully held in South Shaolin, Jiulian Mountain, Licheng District, Putian City. The conference was guided by the Putian Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism and the Putian Municipal Sports Bureau, hosted by the Fujian South Shaolin Wushu Promotion Association, undertaken by the Putian South Shaolin Temple and the Putian Wushu Association, and co-organized by the Licheng District Culture and Tourism Bureau and the West Tianwei Town Government. The two-day conference brought together 300 martial arts masters, inheritors and martial arts enthusiasts from 70 martial arts associations and societies in Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Taiwan, Europe, America, Southeast Asia, Oceania and other regions to witness the charm and style of Chinese martial arts. The conference publicly released the results of the protection of endangered boxing species in the South Shaolin Temple in Putian, jointly issued an initiative for the protection of intangible cultural heritage martial arts, and jointly signed the Convention on the Protection of Southern Shaolin Martial Arts. The conference aims to promote Chinese martial arts culture, inherit and protect the intangible cultural heritage of Southern Shaolin martial arts, and promote exchanges and interactions between martial arts enthusiasts at home and abroad.

The South Shaolin Intangible Cultural Heritage Martial Arts Exchange Conference was successfully held

The conference attracts martial arts enthusiasts and professionals from all over the world. There are not only famous domestic martial arts masters and inheritors, but also martial arts groups and martial arts enthusiasts from overseas. Together, they brought wonderful martial arts performances and in-depth exchanges and discussions to the conference.

During the conference, the participants conducted in-depth discussions on the history, characteristics, inheritance and development of Southern Shaolin martial arts. Through keynote speeches, fist protection releases, exchange seminars, cultural relics exhibitions and other forms, it shows the profoundness and unique charm of the intangible cultural heritage martial arts of Southern Shaolin. At the same time, the conference also invited well-known martial arts clubs at home and abroad to perform more than 80 kinds of martial arts routines, presenting a wonderful visual feast for the audience.

The South Shaolin Intangible Cultural Heritage Martial Arts Exchange Conference was successfully held

During the conference, many wonderful moments were unforgettable. Among them, a series of intangible cultural heritage martial arts protection achievements "Wei Tuo Boxing" and "Crane Eating Boxing" led by the inheritor of Putian South Shaolin Temple are particularly eye-catching. The warrior monks demonstrated the essence of Vedic Boxing and Crane Eating Boxing, with vigorous movements and unique moves, which won bursts of applause. At the same time, the conference also held the "Southern Shaolin Martial Arts Heritage Protection and Inheritance Exchange Seminar", where martial arts associations from various regions at home and abroad gathered together, providing valuable ideas and suggestions for the inheritance and development of Southern Shaolin martial arts. The "Convention on the Protection of Southern Shaolin Martial Arts Heritage" was initiated by the Fujian Southern Shaolin Wushu Promotion Association and the Putian Southern Shaolin Temple and jointly signed by the participating associations to promote the cross-regional exchanges and cooperation of Southern Shaolin martial arts, inherit the spirit of Southern Shaolin, spread the culture of Southern Shaolin, continue to write the history of Southern Shaolin, tell the story of Southern Shaolin, promote exchanges and cooperation between martial arts enthusiasts at home and abroad, and lay a solid foundation for the international development of Chinese martial arts. The participating associations unanimously agreed that the conference had achieved fruitful results.

The successful holding of the conference not only promoted the Chinese martial arts culture, but also raised the public's awareness of the protection of intangible cultural heritage, let more people understand the charm and value of Southern Shaolin martial arts, and contributed to the inheritance and development of this excellent traditional culture. At the same time, the conference also promoted the development of local tourism and improved the city's visibility and reputation.

The South Shaolin Intangible Cultural Heritage Martial Arts Exchange Conference was successfully held

Looking forward to the future, we will continue to devote ourselves to the inheritance and development of Southern Shaolin martial arts. By strengthening exchanges and cooperation at home and abroad, we will promote the international development of Southern Shaolin martial arts; To increase public awareness and participation in martial arts culture by organizing more martial arts activities in various forms; At the same time, strengthen cooperation with intangible cultural heritage protection institutions to jointly promote the protection and inheritance of Southern Shaolin martial arts.

The successful holding of the Southern Shaolin Intangible Cultural Heritage Martial Arts Exchange Conference marks another solid step on the road of inheriting and carrying forward the Chinese martial arts culture. Let us work together to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture and contribute to the prosperity and development of Chinese martial arts!

Source: Fujian Daily New Fujian App

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