
The ghost fights the nine-tailed sky fox, Xiaobai is absolutely beautiful, Lu Xueqi changes new clothes and rolls tofu in a golden bottle!

author:Anime tokusatsu manga review

【Text/Second Gen Mimi-chan】

—— A two-dimensional person who has good looks but relies on charm to eat

After the latest plot of the second season of Zhuxian was broadcast, Ghost Li directly summoned the Eight Desolation Fire Dragons because he triggered the Eight Fierce Xuanhuo Array, which also made him fall into a bitter battle, originally Ghost Li had no chance of winning at all, but Xiao Ash directly turned into a demon ape, which also gave him a chance to fight back, and then the Soul Wand began to eat Ghost Li, seeing that it was about to be devoured, the Blood Devouring Bead saved Ghost Li in the end, which also allowed him to save the danger again and break the Eight Fierce Xuanhuo Array, but for him, the real battle has just begun.

The ghost fights the nine-tailed sky fox, Xiaobai is absolutely beautiful, Lu Xueqi changes new clothes and rolls tofu in a golden bottle!

One, the ghost is devoured by the burning stick, and memories emerge

It can only be said that although the burning stick is an artifact of the ghost, but all the time thinking about the master who eats himself, for this reason, after the ghost Li was injured by the fire dragon, the dementor directly began to backstab, first pulled the ghost into the previous memories, let him fall deeper and deeper, and then summoned someone he was familiar with to want him to sink, but Lu Xueqi's appearance pulled the ghost back to reality, and dodged the dementor's killing blow, but at this time, the fire stick still did not give up, and wanted to pull the ghost into the deep memory, but it triggered the power of the blood devouring beads.

The ghost fights the nine-tailed sky fox, Xiaobai is absolutely beautiful, Lu Xueqi changes new clothes and rolls tofu in a golden bottle!

And when he was about to attack Ghost Li, the Dementor stopped attacking due to the Blood Devouring Bead, and then the Eight Desolation Fire Dragons also dissipated, and Ghost Li also resolved the crisis in an instant, which was also because his state of mind had changed at this time, and he could already face the past, otherwise he would have no chance at all.

The ghost fights the nine-tailed sky fox, Xiaobai is absolutely beautiful, Lu Xueqi changes new clothes and rolls tofu in a golden bottle!

Second, the ghost fought against the nine-tailed sky fox and was almost killed

After the formation was broken, Ghost Li also released the nine-tailed sky fox that had been suppressed for three hundred years, because she saw the Xuantianjian on Ghost Li's body, she also launched an attack on Ghost Li, mainly to know where her son Xiaoliu was, so the two of them also fought inexplicably, and did not give each other a chance to explain at all, but at this time, Ghost Li was not the opponent of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox at all, but from the fight, Ghost Li also sensed that something was wrong, so he decided to give it a go.

The ghost fights the nine-tailed sky fox, Xiaobai is absolutely beautiful, Lu Xueqi changes new clothes and rolls tofu in a golden bottle!

With Xiaobai's strength, it is completely possible to suppress Ghost Li, but she doesn't, which means that Xiaobai has his own purpose, so Ghost Li fortunately gave up resistance and faced Xiaobai's problem, and finally the two of them also reached an agreement, after all, the nine-tailed sky fox can get out of trouble, which is also thanks to Ghost Li, otherwise it has no way to see the light of day again.

The ghost fights the nine-tailed sky fox, Xiaobai is absolutely beautiful, Lu Xueqi changes new clothes and rolls tofu in a golden bottle!

After the nine-tailed sky fox gets out of trouble, it will also have a big battle with the enemy of Incense Valley, and after getting out of trouble, Xiaobai will officially transform and show his most beautiful posture, you must know that Xiaobai and Lu Xueqi are not lost at all compared to their appearance, not to mention that she has also become a wife, which makes many people particularly excited, and it is really full of charm.

The ghost fights the nine-tailed sky fox, Xiaobai is absolutely beautiful, Lu Xueqi changes new clothes and rolls tofu in a golden bottle!

Third, Lu Xueqi rushed to the Incense Valley and appeared in a new look.

After Xiaobai got out of trouble, in order to deal with this matter, Lu Xueqi also came to Incense Valley as a representative, at this time, her skills increased greatly, and her clothes were also changed into new clothes, which looked particularly mature from the preview, and the package was particularly tight, which made people a little curious, obviously the model was still very good-looking before, but now after changing into new clothes, it has become more like an exterminator.

The ghost fights the nine-tailed sky fox, Xiaobai is absolutely beautiful, Lu Xueqi changes new clothes and rolls tofu in a golden bottle!

Of course, this time Lu Xueqi is still very strong in new clothes, and she directly fought with Jin Bei'er, I have to say that the figures of the two are really eye-catching, and they feel like they are rolling tofu, but the beauties are generally up to the point, and then the emotional drama between Lu Xueqi and Ghost Li will be sublimated again, because Lu Xueqi will be injured, and Ghost Li here will not be so calm.

The ghost fights the nine-tailed sky fox, Xiaobai is absolutely beautiful, Lu Xueqi changes new clothes and rolls tofu in a golden bottle!

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