
Douluo Snow Emperor was scolded miserably, his plastic surgery face was sharper than an awl, and he relied on big thunder to support the scene!

author:Anime tokusatsu manga review

【Text/Second Gen Mimi-chan】

—— A two-dimensional person who has good looks but relies on charm to eat

After the appearance of the Snow Emperor of the peerless Tang Gate, the editor also read a lot of evaluations of the Snow Emperor, most people think that it is decent, the side face is still very amazing, the atmosphere is directly full, it can be regarded as the most beautiful goddess of the peerless Tang Gate, but if you look carefully, you will find that the recognition is really not very high, and it has been scolded by many people at present, there is no problem with the modeling, it looks the same as the Ice Princess, but there is really a big problem with the face, which is also a point that many people discuss, So what's wrong with Snow Emperor's model?

Douluo Snow Emperor was scolded miserably, his plastic surgery face was sharper than an awl, and he relied on big thunder to support the scene!

One, plastic surgery face, the face is sharper than an awl

First of all, the face shape of the Ice Emperor, to be honest, she is indeed very beautiful on the side of her face, and she can't find any flaws, but the problem of the front face is very big, especially the face shape, you can also clearly see that her face has been facelifted, and her chin feels like it has been sharpened, forming an awl perfectly, which makes her overall beauty drop a lot, but her eyes are still very beautiful, to be honest, it is still a chin problem, which makes her whole face distorted a lot.

Douluo Snow Emperor was scolded miserably, his plastic surgery face was sharper than an awl, and he relied on big thunder to support the scene!

In addition, some fans said that Xue Di's face seems to have been changed with Zhang Yuxi's face demon, after the comparison between the two, there are similarities in many places, although they are very beautiful, but after hitting the face with the star, Xue Di has no own characteristics, and there are indeed many places where the two are very similar.

Douluo Snow Emperor was scolded miserably, his plastic surgery face was sharper than an awl, and he relied on big thunder to support the scene!

Second, the Snow Emperor looks like a female version of Huo Yuhao, and a pair of big thunders are serious

In addition, there are people who feel that the Snow Girl is a bit like the female version of Huo Yuhao, especially in the part of the eyes, there are indeed similarities with Huo Yuhao, but in fact, the Snow Emperor's personal style is a little stronger, of course, there are really some similarities between the two if they look closely. But the worst thing is the Q version of the Snow Emperor.,I was directly scolded for the miracle Nuan, and it feels like it's two painting styles with the peerless Tangmen animation.。

Douluo Snow Emperor was scolded miserably, his plastic surgery face was sharper than an awl, and he relied on big thunder to support the scene!

There is also the Snow Emperor's outfit, the figure itself is very petite and slender, but Da Lei is particularly exaggerated, which is also the more attractive part of the Snow Emperor, and her outfit is still very cool, in many places are showing her long legs, of course, Da Lei is the most present, and even the model collapsed, and finally the voice of the Snow Emperor, full of charm and a lot of bad guidance, for fans who like this style is naturally very good, but another group of fans are unwilling, They prefer that Snow Emperor stay cold, rather than relying on this way to get out of the circle.

Douluo Snow Emperor was scolded miserably, his plastic surgery face was sharper than an awl, and he relied on big thunder to support the scene!

Three, it's much better than the Ice Emperor

Of course, if you compare with the Ice Emperor, the Snow Emperor is naturally much better, the appearance of the Snow Emperor also made the Ice Emperor be pushed to the forefront again, many people said that the more they look at the Ice Emperor, the more like a villain, the image gap is too big, although the Snow Emperor is humanoid, but this appearance gap is really not a star and a half.

Douluo Snow Emperor was scolded miserably, his plastic surgery face was sharper than an awl, and he relied on big thunder to support the scene!

This time the Snow Emperor was scolded miserably, mainly because her face and figure did not match her at all, but it was Jiang Nannan, Meng Hongchen These goddesses are recognizable, the Snow Emperor looks very much like an Internet celebrity, many places feel not so silky, and the expression is also very stiff, it can only be said that the side face has been sealed as a god, but after showing the face, the Snow Emperor has a great contrast, in fact, the goddess of light is also a truth, the first appearance is very amazing, but after watching it for a long time, it is like this, of course, different people's aesthetics are different, There are also some people who like the model of the Snow Emperor very much, after all, the voice is sweet and the figure is good.

Douluo Snow Emperor was scolded miserably, his plastic surgery face was sharper than an awl, and he relied on big thunder to support the scene!

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