
"Bloody Sniper" was released, an anti-Japanese god film, and the awl face of the Internet celebrity became the biggest laugh

author:Ma Qingyun

On June 30, the online movie "Bloody Sniper" can be watched on major genuine video platforms. This movie starring Xu Seng, Han Leyao and other actors, tells the story of how progressive comrades resist Japan in an overhead county environment. Based on the entire content of the film, it is a typical anti-Japanese film, with a large number of divine bridges, which can be called a joke. And the biggest laugh of the film is undoubtedly the awl face of the Internet celebrity.

"Bloody Sniper" was released, an anti-Japanese god film, and the awl face of the Internet celebrity became the biggest laugh

The jokes of the film, let's talk about them one after another. As soon as it comes up, it is a typical vulgar way of creating online movies, and in the first five minutes, color content must be engaged. Of course, this content at the beginning cannot be called a joke, but can only be called the brain circuit of the screenwriter and director Qingqi. What kind of start is this?

The Japanese are fighting street battles with our anti-Japanese comrades, and it is a fierce moment. At this time, a group of female students came to pass by. In other words, what about street fighting, where did the female students come from, or a large group? However, the screenwriter and director are such a strange brain circuit, because the first five minutes need to be meaty.

"Bloody Sniper" was released, an anti-Japanese god film, and the awl face of the Internet celebrity became the biggest laugh

Sure enough, the street fighting stopped, and the leader of the Japanese invaders found the most beautiful among the female students, and began to tell the story that everyone understands. I really can't think about it here. Otherwise, fans will ask, what about the two armies fighting, this Japanese leader is doing this on the street, isn't he afraid of being counterattacked by our army? The leader of the Japanese invaders was able to do this on the street, why was this group of Japanese soldiers indifferent to so many remaining female students?

Next, it was the sister of the defiled schoolgirl who came to tear up the leader of the Japanese invaders. My sister committed suicide by hitting the wall. My sister fought a few times with the leader of the Japanese invaders, but nothing happened, and she was not killed. At this time, the Shenqiao section came, and the male protagonist of the film directly shot this group of Japanese criminals one after another, which is really a mode of fighting a group. The male protagonist rescued the female protagonist and began to lead the female protagonist to learn sniping.

"Bloody Sniper" was released, an anti-Japanese god film, and the awl face of the Internet celebrity became the biggest laugh

The heroine is in her twenties, and she learned from scratch, sniper, and fighting, and in a short period of time, she was trained to become a sniper master. In other words, this kind of sniper crash course can only appear in anti-Japanese movies. After the speed, the heroine began to become our own person and began to fight against the Japanese invaders. How to fight it? Playing cards with a group of broad wives, playing, playing, going upstairs to kill the leader of the Japanese invaders, and then, the heroine changed into a lace cheongsam and continued to play cards.

More god film content, continue to be staged. Our army is about to attack the county seat, so our army's spy fighters need to steal the city defense map of the Japanese invaders. And how to steal it? It turned out to be nightclub mode. I don't know why, the anti-Japanese dramas and anti-Japanese films all like this nightclub model - at the beginning, it is the women with Internet celebrity faces, wear less, and then sing and dance, and then, the Japanese leader can't stand it, and then, the two of them are about to start the rolling sheet mode, and then, the dancing female comrades are our people, and the female comrades begin to tempt the Japanese leader......

"Bloody Sniper" was released, an anti-Japanese god film, and the awl face of the Internet celebrity became the biggest laugh

In this god film, what makes the audience laugh the most should be the awl face of the Internet celebrity heroine. If other actors also have plastic surgery and are more angular, then this time, the edges and corners of this Internet celebrity are simply dazzling. In other words, is this kind of edge and corner really good-looking? The leader of the Japanese invaders has never seen the world again, and he can't see such an Internet celebrity face, so he is still interested, right? Our anti-Japanese god film is messing around, and it's all here.

"Bloody Sniper" was released, an anti-Japanese god film, and the awl face of the Internet celebrity became the biggest laugh

The content of the farce continues to be staged. Where is the city defense map of the Japanese leader? It was placed at the neck of his coat. In other words, it is difficult for the screenwriter and director to pick up girls with a city defense map. Wouldn't it be safer to put this map of the city defense in the office of the Japanese invaders? Wouldn't it be better if it was placed in a barracks? It's not, it's going to be put inside the coat, and it's going to be seductive.

Seeing that the length of the film is almost enough, it's time to sensationalize. The hero and heroine began to join forces and fight with the snipers of the Japanese invaders. The male protagonist used himself as bait to let the Japanese sniper shoot enough 9 shots, thus causing the Japanese sniper rifle to be scrapped. In other words, is the Japanese sniper rifle a limited edition? Only ten shots? Isn't this Japanese coward a little stupid? Why not bring an extra sniper rifle? If this Japanese prisoner could jump out of the screen and speak, he would definitely say, what can I do to meet this kind of screenwriter and director.

"Bloody Sniper" was released, an anti-Japanese god film, and the awl face of the Internet celebrity became the biggest laugh

The male protagonist was beaten into a sieve. Of course, the heroine will snipe at the Japanese invader at the last shot. In the finale, of course, our side won again, and the Japanese invaders were completely annihilated. I thought that the final story general attack was a big scene of our army attacking the county seat. Fortunately, no, otherwise, if you make a second battalion commander and Lao Tzu's Italian cannon, you can only watch it as a comedy.

This kind of anti-Japanese god film, it is better to have less. (Text/Ma Qingyun)

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