
The price of meat has dropped, but the brains are crooked on the water-injected meat, 1 catty of meat and 2 into water, and the identification method is coming

author:Hoe Harvest Garden

Now that the price of meat is cheaper, some small traders have begun to use their brains in places where they should not be used, such as water-injected meat.

The so-called water-injected meat is to add water to raw meat, exaggerate the weight of the meat itself, and make a profit from it. It is usually found on pork and beef, and livestock is generally watered before slaughter, but also by filling the meat with water after slaughter. It has been calculated that the weight of raw meat after water injection can reach 15% to 20% of the original weight.

The price of meat has dropped, but the brains are crooked on the water-injected meat, 1 catty of meat and 2 into water, and the identification method is coming

In Liaocheng, Shandong, there was a large mutton slaughterhouse that injected live sheep with water and then slaughtered them, and the water injection of each sheep was about 6 catties, which made local news headlines. The water injection of beef is even more devastating, with some slaughterhouses inserting water pipes into the noses of cattle and filling live cattle with water, and live cattle that reach the limit of their weight are so unbearable that they either fall to the ground or barely stand on their feet......

Coincidentally, this method of adding water to raw meat has been replicated and transferred to other aquatic products. In Wuhan, Hubei, the locals have an unparalleled reverence for bullfrogs. Bullfrog is an edible frog with delicious meat and high nutritional value. Coupled with the unique climate along the Yangtze River, people have a unique love for bullfrogs.

The price of meat has dropped, but the brains are crooked on the water-injected meat, 1 catty of meat and 2 into water, and the identification method is coming

In some local bullfrog restaurants, there is even a saying that a queue starts at least half an hour. But anyone who has ever eaten a bullfrog will say that it tastes really good. Some of the local bullfrogs are grilled and eaten like food stalls, some are eaten in hot pots, and some are made into pickled pepper bullfrogs or stewed pots. The recipes are bizarre, but the main dishes are all bullfrogs. In particular, hot pot is the most common. Generally it is a fresh bullfrog, directly into the hot pot to eat, this way of eating can ensure the freshness of the bullfrog, some people say: with a mouth, the bullfrog meat will come down directly from the bone, even the bullfrog skin is Q bomb feeling.

The price of meat has dropped, but the brains are crooked on the water-injected meat, 1 catty of meat and 2 into water, and the identification method is coming

It can be seen that bullfrogs in Wuhan are like people eating clams on the beach and people eating pheasants in the mountains. However, with the advent of summer, in Wuhan this year, some visiting bosses found that the bullfrogs they wholesaled from the aquatic market were filled with water, and the bullfrogs after the water injection looked like a "bullfrog balloon". The whole bullfrog's belly seemed to be about to explode. Some operators complained: the price of bullfrogs this year was high, and the water injection was serious, which made it impossible for people to do business. It has been common to inject water into bullfrogs before, but this time the water injection is too much, and I can't help but complain!

The price of meat has dropped, but the brains are crooked on the water-injected meat, 1 catty of meat and 2 into water, and the identification method is coming

In addition, some bosses said that in addition to bullfrog water injection, buffalo and mutton injection are also very common in the market. Some operators even said bluntly: This is nothing new, and injecting water into bullfrogs is a well-known unspoken rule in the industry. It's just that with the advent of summer, bullfrogs have become frequent guests on the table, and the increase in demand has pushed up the market of bullfrogs.

It is understood that at present, the price of bullfrogs in the Wuhan market has risen to 19 yuan to 20 yuan per catty. The bullfrog injected with water, according to the lowest weight proportion, can be injected with at least 10 catties of water for every 50 catties of bullfrogs. The restaurateur bought a bunch of water for the price of a bullfrog, and naturally his heart was furious. And many foodies said: The life of the bullfrog is too miserable, and it has to suffer this kind of crime before being eaten.

The price of meat has dropped, but the brains are crooked on the water-injected meat, 1 catty of meat and 2 into water, and the identification method is coming

So how can you identify water-infused meat at a glance? What is the harm of water-injected meat to people?

Taking mutton as an example, the quality of the mutton after water injection is damaged, it is not resistant to storage, it is easy to spoil and breed bacteria, and the mutton after water injection is easy to grow parasites. If the water injected into the raw meat is wastewater, it is likely that other substances will be mixed in the water, which will have a great impact on human health.

How to distinguish water-infused meat? Generally, the color of the meat after water injection is dull, not fresh, and even whitish. Because it has been filled with water, it does not have the lubrication and greasy feeling of the meat, and it feels as if it has just been washed with water. After pressing with your fingers, there is no muscular rebound due to the meat, and even the meat does not rebound at all due to water injection. At the incision of the water-filled meat, water droplets can be seen oozing with pale red juice.

Finally, I would like to remind you that when you buy aquatic products and meat products, including bullfrogs, you must go to regular stores to buy them, and do not suffer a big loss for cheapness.