
New energy vehicles go to the countryside to encounter problems: charging piles in many places have risen in price, and farmers: they don't buy it

author:Hoe Harvest Garden

"Oh yes, you look at the journey of this new energy vehicle in the countryside, it's a drama!" When you hear that new energy vehicles go to the countryside, is the first impression of "cheap"? That's right, many farmers thought the same way at first, thinking that "going to the countryside is a happy thing", but only to find that there are more problems than charging piles.

New energy vehicles go to the countryside to encounter problems: charging piles in many places have risen in price, and farmers: they don't buy it

First of all, our rural people are very calculating, and the price of this new energy vehicle is so expensive that it is frightening to death, and it is more distressing than the heating fee in winter. People say that new energy vehicles go to the countryside, but how much silver do they need? Less than 100,000 yuan? Come on, 100,000 yuan is a small sports car plus a farm compound for us farmers. At this price, you have to smash the pot and sell iron.

Secondly, when it comes to new energy vehicles to solve traffic problems, farmers don't think so. The needs of the people are short-lived, and they send and pick up people everywhere, and new energy vehicles have to see if they can bear it. And we have to have low prices, our farmers' hearts are higher than the sky, and it is not okay for prices to soar.

New energy vehicles go to the countryside to encounter problems: charging piles in many places have risen in price, and farmers: they don't buy it

And the density of the charging pile, hum, to put it nicely, can the charging pile be compared to the fairy crystal ball? Not to mention the city, even the county seat is pitiful, don't think that throwing it in the center of the city will attract rural people. I sincerely advise manufacturers, don't just develop urban charging networks, come to our rural areas to decorate it.

The most exciting thing is that I heard that there are local new energy vehicles going to the countryside activities, but it turned out to be done in the city center for a long time, which is really "farmers crying and fainting in the toilet". Isn't it said that the common people live in the wrong place, they have to go to the countryside, and only in our "dirty" places can they have a practical effect.

New energy vehicles go to the countryside to encounter problems: charging piles in many places have risen in price, and farmers: they don't buy it

Also, some people say that "the price of public charging piles in many places has risen", it is awkward to hear, and the farmers muttered in their hearts, can this new energy vehicle be used? Maybe it's good news for people in the city to drive, but the burden of charging for us is a little heavier.

In fact, farmers also want to take a ride on new energy vehicles, after all, new things always attract attention. But you look at the reality, the electric three-wheeled, electric four-wheeled, the old man with the shed is happy there, the unbreakable status of transportation, and new energy vehicles are really difficult to counterattack. Although the three jumpers in the city are tightly grasped, but when they enter the village, except for the New Year's festival when the young people return to the village, most of the time the village is still running those electric three-wheeled, electric four-wheeled, and three-jumpers with the old man of the shed!

New energy vehicles go to the countryside to encounter problems: charging piles in many places have risen in price, and farmers: they don't buy it

Therefore, new energy vehicles, you have to figure out the needs of our farmers, otherwise the road to the countryside is full of thorns, maybe new energy vehicles can only flourish in the city, but to the countryside can only sigh.


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