
120 million euros! Manchester United has signed two superstars in a row, the top management has strengthened the midfield, and a luxurious new squad has emerged

author:Talk about sports

Just now, according to the latest news brought by the British media Telegraph. Premier League giants Manchester United's recruitment plans for the summer are progressing very well, and the club have now officially locked in two stars, which will go a long way towards boosting the overall strength of the squad next season. The two players are Paris Saint-Germain midfielder Ugarte and Bayern Munich centre-back De Ligt, both of whom are in the final stages of negotiations.

120 million euros! Manchester United has signed two superstars in a row, the top management has strengthened the midfield, and a luxurious new squad has emerged

It is reported that Manchester United has actually made the process of these two stars very quickly. Ugarte, in particular, can even be called a temporary decision. Originally, the idea of Manchester United to strengthen their midfield this summer was not strong, and the team will be hoping to continue to have Bruno Fernandes at the core next season, while also strengthening young player Mainou. But the Uruguayan midfielder's agent team approached Manchester United on their own initiative, which gave the hierarchy the idea of signing him. And Ugarte is a very good midfielder, and with Casemiro on the verge of being purged, United feel they need someone to fill his gap.

120 million euros! Manchester United has signed two superstars in a row, the top management has strengthened the midfield, and a luxurious new squad has emerged

So the top management immediately contacted the Parisian side, and the attitude of the big Paris was very simple, that is, as long as the transfer fee was enough, Ugarte could take it away, which made the negotiations between the two sides very smooth. Ugarte is only 23 years old as a midfielder, but he has shown the potential of a top-level midfielder. His interception and tackling ability in midfield is among the best in Europe, and the player also has a strong ability to protect the ball and advance with the ball, which makes United very satisfied. Especially in the team's defensive counter-attacking play, Ugarte can take on the team's transition from the back to the midfield, which will greatly improve the team's counter-attacking efficiency.

120 million euros! Manchester United has signed two superstars in a row, the top management has strengthened the midfield, and a luxurious new squad has emerged

With both offensive and defensive qualities and the ability to fill the void left by Casemiro's departure, it is necessary for United to sign Ugarte. And the player is not expensive at this stage, his official value on the German transfer is 45 million euros, and the asking price of Paris is only 55 million euros. Manchester United have endorsed the price and are in talks between the two sides on a specific price, and it is only a matter of time before the official announcement is made. On top of that, the transfer of De Ligt is also progressing rapidly. Manchester United's hierarchy are looking to purge Raphael Varane from the squad this summer in search of a new partner for Lisandro Martinez. At this time, De Ligt, who was about to leave Bayern, came into the team's sights. De Ligt has not been in a good situation this summer, with Bayern's hierarchy putting him on the purge. The team hopes to correct Parmecano and bring in Barcelona centre-back Araujo.

120 million euros! Manchester United has signed two superstars in a row, the top management has strengthened the midfield, and a luxurious new squad has emerged

At the same time, they are also preparing to keep Kim Min-jae as a rotation. This completely cost De Ligt his position, so the player had to leave. On this basis, Manchester United's invitation at this time seems to be just right. The two sides have already made contact, with United promising the player that he will be offered a place in the main side next season. There is even hope that he will act as the heart of the team's defence, which is very satisfying to the player himself. In addition to this, the United hierarchy had brief contact with Bayern. Bayern's asking fee for De Ligt is also not high, with the Bundesliga giants hoping for a transfer fee of around €65 million. Manchester United want to cut the price slightly, and the two sides are negotiating a specific transfer fee.

120 million euros! Manchester United has signed two superstars in a row, the top management has strengthened the midfield, and a luxurious new squad has emerged

In short, for the current Manchester United, the speed and efficiency of their recruitment are okay. With the signing of these two players, the overall strength of the team will be very significantly improved. Of course, the price of signing these two is indeed not low. According to The Telegraph's estimates, the Red Devils actually spent around 120 million euros to sign De Ligt and Ugarte, which is a lot of money. But both are stars who can play as regular players, and United's central midfield will become more solid next season. So it's worth the money.

120 million euros! Manchester United has signed two superstars in a row, the top management has strengthened the midfield, and a luxurious new squad has emerged

At the same time, for these two players, joining Manchester United at this stage is both an opportunity and a challenge. If they can achieve a revival with the team, then both will leave their own page in Manchester United history. What do you think about this?