
More than 1,300 cars have been ordered! The "Gathering of Lights" ended perfectly

author:1039 Investigation Mission

Today (June 30th), the "Gathering of Light" Automobile Life Festival of Borui Automobile Festival came to an end. More than 50 car brands and more than 100 lifestyle markets participated in this year's Auto Life Festival. As of 5 p.m., more than 25,000 consumers had visited the exhibition and ordered more than 1,300 cars. It is understood that in the second half of this year, Beijing Traffic Radio will continue to bring richer content of the "light gathering" activities.

More than 1,300 cars have been ordered! The "Gathering of Lights" ended perfectly

Market site / from Beijing Traffic Broadcasting

On Sunday afternoon, the sun was shining, and the popularity of the Borui Automobile Festival of the "Gathering of Light" Automobile Life Festival at the Beijing Exhibition Center continued to be hot. Many citizens seize the tail of the weekend and come here to see the cars and visit the market. "We have been following our activities since last year's 'Gathering of Light' in the Workers' Stadium, and the harvest is particularly great. The auto show is also very good, you can only see one brand when you go to the 4S store, and now we can see models of different brands, I hope you will do more of this kind of event. "I like to drink bean juice, I like to eat old Beijing snacks such as Jiaoquan and King Kong strips, and I can only buy one or two when I go out to buy them once, but I eat them all at one time at the 'Picking Up Light Party', and I am so happy." Said the townspeople.

More than 1,300 cars have been ordered! The "Gathering of Lights" ended perfectly

Old Beijing special snacks / photographed by reporters

Mr. Q Xiaoqiang, the host of "Car Music Time", said that he felt everyone's enthusiasm and felt very different at the Beijing Exhibition this time. The red star in the middle of the Beijing Exhibition Center has a very contemporary sense, so he played a song "Red Flag Fluttering" in the program, and everyone stopped in front of the live broadcast car and waved and sang with him. He feels that the time party has become more and more rich with the iteration of time, and he is also looking forward to playing something with everyone next time.

More than 1,300 cars have been ordered! The "Gathering of Lights" ended perfectly

Hand-made ornaments/photographed by reporters

More than 100 brands participated in this year's Car Life Festival, including food, handmade accessories, clothing, cultural and creative products, etc. Xiong Li, general manager of Beijing Media Co., Ltd., said that in terms of catering, for example, many time-honored brands have been invited, such as Donglaishun, Pamir, Annals, Old Door Frames, etc., as well as some brands that have been relatively emerging in recent years. After a few days of the market, it received a lot of praise from everyone in the catering section. It is hoped that in the next "Gathering of Light" event, more excellent catering brands with Beijing characteristics will be attracted to participate in the event.

More than 1,300 cars have been ordered! The "Gathering of Lights" ended perfectly

More than 50 automobile manufacturers participated in the exhibition/from Beijing Traffic Broadcasting

In terms of automobiles, more than 50 car manufacturers participated in the event, including Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Geely, Formula Leopard and other brands, which brought popular models. Zhang Hengqing, a product expert from Beijing Formula Leopard to Guangying Automobile Sales and Service Center, said that Formula Leopard brought the Leopard 5 model, a pilot version, and a cloud version.

There are also many brands in this car life festival to achieve on-site ordering, Beijing Borui Xianghong Automobile Sales and Service Co., Ltd. Xingtu Star Era Experience Center sales manager Li Liang introduced, brought the Star Era three cars, is the Star Era ES, Star Era ET, and one is a plug-in hybrid Yaoguang CDM. In the past two days, there have been orders signed on the spot, which has brought a lot of traffic.

More than 1,300 cars have been ordered! The "Gathering of Lights" ended perfectly

More than 1,300 cars were booked / from Beijing Traffic Broadcasting

It is understood that as of 5 p.m. today (June 30), a total of more than 25,000 consumers visited the exhibition and ordered more than 1,300 cars. Jia Tianyang, the person in charge of the "Gathering of Lights" project, said that there will be more abundant content to meet with you at future events. This "Pick-up Gathering" Auto Life Festival is like the concept of a party, with more and more friends at the party, more partners ushered in, and the car transaction volume at the scene has also reached an unexpected height. In the second half of this year, there will be a new "gathering of light" to meet with consumers, and please look forward to and participate.

Reporter Su Wan Editor Zhu Yanting Chief Editor Cheng Yan

More than 1,300 cars have been ordered! The "Gathering of Lights" ended perfectly

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