
Anti-Japanese hero Fan Shaozeng: Married 40 wives and died of illness at the age of 83, why was he buried 44 years after his death?

author:History of Logical Literature

During the Anti-Japanese War, there was an anti-Japanese hero who was called "Commander Silly", and his legendary story is still praised today.

In the life of "Commander Silly", he married more than 40 wives and was a veritable "love celebrity", but after his death, he has not been able to be buried, what is going on?

Anti-Japanese hero Fan Shaozeng: Married 40 wives and died of illness at the age of 83, why was he buried 44 years after his death?

Fan Shaozeng was born in 1894 in a wealthy family in Sichuan, with a background in the Jianghu gang and a variety of characters.

In such an environment, Fan Shao was proliferatively naughty, and he became addicted to gambling as a teenager and owed huge gambling debts.

His father disciplined him very strictly, hated that iron could not become steel, and even beat him with a stick, but Fan Shaozeng repeatedly taught him. The family once wanted to bury him alive, but his brother's intercession saved him.

At that time, people named him "Van Harr", which means fool, and this nickname did not become a label for his life.

In the process of growing up, Fan Shaozeng gradually showed extraordinary courage and courage, joined the team to crusade against Yuan Shikai, and gradually emerged in the battle with his bold, courageous and resourceful character.

Soon after joining the army, Fan Shaozeng had a lot of fame, and there were more and more people under his command, and what really made him famous was his heroic performance in the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Anti-Japanese hero Fan Shaozeng: Married 40 wives and died of illness at the age of 83, why was he buried 44 years after his death?

During the all-out Anti-Japanese War, Fan Shaozeng served as the commander of the 88th Army, leading the team to take the lead and fight to the death against the Japanese invaders.

He bravely killed the enemy, beat the Japanese invaders to the point of embarrassment and fled, killed the commander of the 15th Division of the Japanese Army, Lieutenant General Sakai Naoji, and became famous in the first battle.

Chiang Kai-shek intended to win over Fan Shaozeng, and promised high-ranking officials Houlu, he was well aware of the corruption and gangsterity of the Kuomintang, and in the War of Liberation, he resolutely decided to revolt and stand with our party.

Fan Shaozeng's love history is also quite rich. Before joining the People's Liberation Army, he had married more than 40 wives, many of whom were young and beautiful, and even had the experience of studying abroad.

These women, even if they know that Fan Shaozeng has other wives, they don't make a fuss, they can understand each other and get along in harmony, which shows that Fan Shaozeng has a very high emotional intelligence and the skill of controlling his wife.

In order to let so many wives live a comfortable life, Fan Shaozeng deliberately built a luxurious mansion - Fan Zhuang. The house has a dance hall, a swimming pool, a tennis court and many other entertainment facilities, so that the wives can have a daily pastime.

Anti-Japanese hero Fan Shaozeng: Married 40 wives and died of illness at the age of 83, why was he buried 44 years after his death?

In addition, Fan Shaozeng also decorates the house for each wife according to their preferences, so that they can feel the warmth and comfort of home.

These wives not only do not fight with each other, but also play a role in winning glory and mediating for Fan Shaozeng's career.

With the changes of the times and the adjustment of policies, Fan Shaozeng's legendary life gradually came to an end, after the founding of New China, according to the party's policy requirements, can only abide by the monogamy system, he dismissed the women around him, leaving only one to spend the rest of his life with.

In 1977, Fan Shaozeng died in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, at the age of 83. After his death, Fan Shaozeng's posthumous affairs reached an impasse, and he married more than 40 wives and had dozens of children in his life.

Where are Fan Shaozeng's ashes? On this issue, his more than 40 wives argued too fiercely to form a unified opinion. As a result, Fan Shaozeng's ashes were kept at home and were not buried until 44 years later.

Anti-Japanese hero Fan Shaozeng: Married 40 wives and died of illness at the age of 83, why was he buried 44 years after his death?

Fan Shaozeng's life is full of legends, he is not only a heroic and fearless anti-Japanese hero, but also a love celebrity, his life experience is full of ups and downs and twists and turns, and he has always maintained a bold and open-minded character.

Everyone is not perfect, life in the world, the most important thing is to leave no regrets, Fan Shaozeng in this life, has fought a war, been an official, has been romantic, looking back on the past, as long as we follow our hearts, bravely pursue our dreams and beliefs, even if it is not in vain.