
She is a famous national first-class actor, enjoying the treatment of "regular army level", and is still single at the age of 65

author:History of Logical Literature

Xiao Xiong, a famous national first-class actor, has created many classic roles since he entered the film and television industry, won many awards, and enjoyed the "regular army level" treatment.

Today, Xiao Xiong is 65 years old, still single, undiminishedly talented, and shining in the film and television industry.

Xiao Xiong, born in Shanghai on September 11, 1958, often went to the Children's Palace to practice dance and sing when he was in primary school, and he had an artistic dream in his heart.

She is a famous national first-class actor, enjoying the treatment of "regular army level", and is still single at the age of 65

After entering middle school, Xiao Xiong's talent was displayed on a broader stage, and he participated in the recitation class held by the Shanghai Repertory Theatre at the Youth Palace.

After graduating from high school, Xiao Xiong briefly worked as a lathe worker at the Shanghai Institute of Industrial Microbiology, during which time she was faced with sophisticated instruments and complex operating procedures every day, which seemed far from her artistic dreams.

But Xiao Xiong's deep love and pursuit of art has never been extinguished.

In the workshop, Xiao Xiong used all the free time he could use to read art-related books, learn acting skills, write scripts, and practice lines. She firmly believes that art is her soul and her life, and no matter where she is, she cannot give up the pursuit of art.

In 1977, Xiao Xiong finally ushered in a turning point in his artistic career, joining the Shanghai Youth Amateur Repertory Troupe, and began to get in touch with a broader stage and more diverse roles.

There, Xiao Xiong constantly challenged himself, broke through his limits, and was fully prepared for his future professional acting career.

In 1978, Xiao Xiong was admitted to the Kongzheng Repertory Theatre with excellent results, and in the strict training of the repertory troupe and countless stage practices, his acting skills were like butterflies breaking out of the cocoon, and he rapidly transformed and grew.

She is a famous national first-class actor, enjoying the treatment of "regular army level", and is still single at the age of 65

In 1979, Xiao Xiong's outstanding performance in the movie "They Are in Love" won the love of the audience. Subsequently, she successively shined in films such as "Mountains and Waters" and "Bitter Fruit", and gradually established a unique position in the film and television industry.

Since then, Xiao Xiong's acting career has become broader and broader, and he has created one vivid and vivid character image after another in many films such as "Mandarin Duck Tower", "Arc Light", "The Last Aristocrat", "Heaven's Reply".

Especially in the movie "Backlight", the role of Xu Shanshan, a shipyard worker played by Xiao Xiong, is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, delicately captures the inner world of the character, and vividly shows the complex emotions of Xu Shanshan's imperfection on the outside and kindness in her heart, inferiority complex and self-esteem, which makes her famous.

Years of hard work and unremitting efforts have made Xiao Xiong a national first-class actor in the Kongzheng Drama Troupe, and he has enjoyed the honor of "regular military level" treatment.

In 1983, Xiao Xiong met a man, he was knowledgeable, and he was deeply attracted to Xiao Xiong, a woman full of literary and artistic atmosphere, Xiao Xiong's dignified and gentle, and the man also fell in love with her at first sight.

The two communicated frequently, poured out their hearts to each other, and finally confirmed each other's hearts, and walked into a sweet love journey hand in hand.

Soon after, the two entered the palace of marriage, marriage and love are different after all, family responsibilities and the triviality of life make the couple begin to face various challenges.

Xiao Xiong's career is in full swing, devoting herself to acting work, and although her husband understands and supports her work, as time goes by, he begins to feel the weight of family responsibilities.

The husband expects his wife to pay more attention to the family, and Xiao Xiong's career pursuit makes it impossible for her to balance family and career, although at first the two can understand each other, and over time, this sense of imbalance gradually breeds in her husband's heart.

The two have been married for many years and have never had children, and the husband longs for the integrity of the family and the children that belong to both of them.

Xiao Xiong's career is on the rise, and he is unwilling to give up this opportunity to conceive life, and the problem of children has become an irreconcilable contradiction between the two.

She is a famous national first-class actor, enjoying the treatment of "regular army level", and is still single at the age of 65

After many fruitless communications, it can only end in a hasty divorce, for Xiao Xiong, life may be what she yearns for now, without the embellishment of love, she can still shine alone.

Today, Xiao Xiong, who has entered the age of 65, is still single and enjoys a free old age.

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