
For not cooperating with relevant departments to obtain data, Didi was fined 14 times in one day

author:Love Jinan news client

  On June 25, the official website of the Jinan Urban and Rural Transportation Bureau released the "2024 Jinan Urban and Rural Transportation Bureau Transportation Administrative Punishment Information Publicity", in which the batch punishment of Didi Chuxing Technology Co., Ltd. Jinan Branch (hereinafter referred to as "Jinan Didi") has attracted industry attention.

For not cooperating with relevant departments to obtain data, Didi was fined 14 times in one day

  According to the "Announcement", Jinan Didi was punished a total of 14 times on June 18, which is different from the previous batch punishment due to compliance issues, and the reason why Jinan Didi was punished this time is "not cooperating with the taxi administrative department to access relevant data and information", which is relatively rare in Didi's past history.

For not cooperating with relevant departments to obtain data, Didi was fined 14 times in one day
For not cooperating with relevant departments to obtain data, Didi was fined 14 times in one day
For not cooperating with relevant departments to obtain data, Didi was fined 14 times in one day

  The punishment of Jinan Didi by the Jinan Urban and Rural Transportation Bureau is based on Article 35, Paragraph 1 (7) of the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Taxi Reservation Business Services", and the fines for the 14 penalties are 30,000 yuan, with a total of 420,000 yuan.

  According to Haidai Finance and Economics, since the beginning of this year, Jinan has accelerated the tightening of online car-hailing management. On April 14, the Jinan Municipal Urban and Rural Transportation Bureau issued the "Notice on the Implementation of Dynamic Regulation and Control of the Total Volume of the Online Car-hailing Market", in order to further standardize the market order of the taxi industry and promote the healthy, stable and high-quality development of the industry, the issuance of online car-hailing vehicle transportation certificates has been suspended from 0:00 on April 16.

  A person familiar with the matter told reporters that the punishment of online car-hailing platforms for "not cooperating with the administrative department of taxis to obtain and access relevant data and information" is very rare in the history of online car-hailing management in Jinan, and this also reflects that the regulatory authorities have begun to access the relevant data and information of Didi and other online car-hailing platforms, or will prepare for follow-up management.

  For Jinan Didi, this is not the first time it has been punished by local regulators this year.

  According to the Jinan Municipal Administrative Licensing and Administrative Punishment Credit Information Publicity Column, from April 28 to May 11, Didi Chuxing Technology Co., Ltd. and Jinan Didi were administratively punished 62 times by the Jinan Urban and Rural Transportation Bureau for passenger taxi operators using vehicles without road transport certificates or online car-hailing transportation certificates for operation.

  In addition, at the beginning of this month, a number of media in Shandong also broke the news that Didi Qingju Bicycle was suspended in Jinan, and Qingju Bicycle entered the Jinan market in September 2019, the operator is Hangzhou Xiaomuji Software Technology Co., Ltd., and the actual controller is Cheng Wei. However, Didi said that Qingju Bicycle's withdrawal from Jinan is a normal business adjustment. (Source: Jinguan News)