
Outburst! Gasa health facilities will cease to work within 48 hours

author:Love Jinan news client

  According to the CCTV news client, on June 30, local time, the health department of the Gaza Strip issued a statement through its social account saying that although the department has taken strict measures to preserve the remaining fuel for as long as possible, the remaining hospitals, medical centers and oxygen stations in the Gaza Strip will stop working within 48 hours due to the imminent depletion of fuel needed to keep the generators running.

  The statement called on all relevant international organizations and humanitarian agencies to intervene quickly to provide fuel and spare parts for the operation of the generators as soon as possible.

Outburst! Gasa health facilities will cease to work within 48 hours

  Image source: CCTV news client

  UN agency: Sanitary conditions in the Gaza Strip are 'intolerable'

  Louise Watrich, spokeswoman for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, said recently that many families in the Gaza Strip are forced to live in bombed-out buildings or next to mountains of garbage and sewage, and that the sanitary conditions in the Gaza Strip are "unbearable" due to the scorching summer heat.

  In addition, Louise Waterridge also called for more humanitarian aid for the Gaza Strip in a video posted on social media.

Outburst! Gasa health facilities will cease to work within 48 hours

  Image source: CCTV news client

  Israeli forces continue to bombard many parts of Gaza

  On June 29, local time, the health department of the Gaza Strip issued a statement saying that in the past 24 hours, the Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip resulted in a total of 40 deaths and 224 injuries.

  Since the outbreak of the new Palestinian-Israeli conflict on October 7 last year, Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip have resulted in the death of 37,834 Palestinians and the wounding of 86,858.

  Survivor of air strikes in the Gaza Strip: Israeli army told me I only had five minutes to escape

  Since the early morning of the 29th local time, the Israeli army has continued to bomb many areas in the Gaza Strip, including Maigazi in the central part of the Gaza Strip. Some survivors of the air raid said that before the air raid began, the Israeli army called and said that the air raid was about to start, and they had only five minutes to flee for their lives.

Outburst! Gasa health facilities will cease to work within 48 hours

  Image source: CCTV news client

  Despite Ahmed's delays, the Israeli army launched an air raid on his residence, and the house was instantly reduced to rubble. Ahmed and his family had to scour the rubble for the rest of their lives to see what else could be used to keep them alive.

Outburst! Gasa health facilities will cease to work within 48 hours

  Image source: CCTV news client

  For a long time, the Israeli army warned Palestinians in the vicinity of the targets by phone calls, text messages and leaflets, saying that the purpose of this was to "minimize the harm to civilians in Gaza". The IDF has even set up a page to describe the measures.

  Yet, as a result of these seemingly "humane" measures, nearly 38,000 Palestinians have been killed in this round of conflict, more than half of them women and children.

Outburst! Gasa health facilities will cease to work within 48 hours

  Image source: CCTV news client

  In December last year, the Washington Post published an article attacking Israel's so-called early warning measures. According to the report, the experience of the people in Gaza shows that Israeli measures have a very limited effect. In the midst of the chaotic conflict, Israeli directives are "confusing, vague or contradictory" and often move Gazans from one battlefield to another.

  There is no comprehensive ceasefire in Gaza, and the Lebanese-Israeli conflict may be difficult to de-escalate

  At present, the conflict between Lebanon and Israel on the temporary border continues. While the Israeli army and the Lebanese Allah forces are in tension, the two sides have also signaled that they are willing to accept diplomatic mediation.

Outburst! Gasa health facilities will cease to work within 48 hours

  Image source: CCTV news client

  CCTV reporter Zhao Bing said that Israeli media said that the United States is in "very intensive dialogue" with Israel and Lebanon and relevant parties, and asked Qatar to help mediate the situation. However, local media analysis believes that if Gaza does not achieve a permanent ceasefire, Allah is unlikely to sign an agreement to limit its military activities, and a number of far-right officials within the Israeli government have asked Israel to take the initiative and use this conflict to forcefully eliminate all Allah activities in southern Lebanon to prevent potential threats to Israel in the future. And according to the latest published data, the United States has not actually significantly reduced its arms supplies to Israel. For now, if the parties can reach a ceasefire on Gaza as soon as possible, the Lebanese-Israeli conflict will be de-escalated, but there is no sign of narrowing the differences between Israel and Hamas. (Source: CCTV News)

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