
Fierce battle day and night, the god of war attacks!

author:Nambu District

Author丨Chen Yanan, He Jianpeng, Liu Weilong, Hu Ziling, Zhan Songhua


A regiment of air force aviation

Set up the actual combat background and organize multiple models

Cross-day and night-to-night flight training

Temper the all-weather combat capability of the troops

Fierce battle day and night, the god of war attacks!
Fierce battle day and night, the god of war attacks!

"Report, check completed request slide out"

After completing the pre-flight preparations

The pilot reports to the commander

The fighters glided to the take-off line in echelons

Wait for take-off commands

Fierce battle day and night, the god of war attacks!
Fierce battle day and night, the god of war attacks!

"Timed takeoff"

The commander gave an order

Several multi-type fighters took to the air one after another

The wingman quickly converges with the long plane

Formation of battle formations in the air

Flight through complex routes

Arrive at mission airspace

Fierce battle day and night, the god of war attacks!
Fierce battle day and night, the god of war attacks!

After arriving at the mission airspace

The pilot searched for the target

Immediately report to the commander to carry out a mock bombing


The pilot stabilizes the aircraft path

The Arms Control Division waits for an opportunity to aim at the target

The crew operated calmly and cooperated closely

The missile hit accurately

The fighter plane then returned home

Fierce battle day and night, the god of war attacks!

Just got off the plane

Instructors check flight parameters

Deficiencies in flight training are pointed out

The maintenance personnel quickly filled and hung up

Fierce battle day and night, the god of war attacks!

Night falls

Warhawk array

The crew boarded again

Night flight training kicked off

Fierce battle day and night, the god of war attacks!