
The first inspection team of the provincial party committee gave feedback on the inspection to Qianhe District

author:Beautiful Xinhan River
The first inspection team of the provincial party committee gave feedback on the inspection to Qianhe District

The first inspection team of the provincial party committee gave feedback on the inspection to Qianhe District

According to the deployment of the Provincial Party Committee's Inspection Work Leading Group, on June 29, 2024, the Provincial Party Committee's First Inspection Team gave feedback to Qianhe District. Liu Jianguo, leader of the first inspection team and department-level inspection commissioner of the provincial party committee's inspection team, conveyed the spirit of Lou Yangsheng, secretary of the provincial party committee, on the inspection work, and put forward requirements for doing a good job in the inspection and rectification work. Guo Likui, the department-level inspector of the inspection team of the provincial party committee, attended the meeting. Ning Jianhai, head of the Qianhe branch of the first inspection group and deputy department-level inspector of the inspection group of the provincial party committee, gave feedback on the inspection to Chen Gong, secretary of the Qianhe District Party Committee, and the leading group of the district party committee. Chen Gong presided over the meeting and delivered a speech on doing a good job in inspection and rectification.

According to the unified deployment of the Provincial Party Committee, from March 2 to April 28, 2024, the first inspection team of the Provincial Party Committee carried out routine inspections of Xihe District. After giving feedback on the inspection to Qianhe District, the first inspection team of the Provincial Party Committee put forward opinions and suggestions on doing a good job in the inspection and rectification work: improve the political position, ensure that the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the work requirements of the Provincial Party Committee are implemented to the letter, and comprehensively promote the high-quality development of Qianhe; adhere to the right style and discipline, deepen the comprehensive and strict governance of the party; strengthen the leadership of party building, enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of party organizations; Consolidate the main responsibility for rectification, and do a good job of inspecting the "second half of the article".

Liu Jianguo emphasized that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has attached great importance to the inspection and rectification work, and General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important instructions on the inspection and rectification work many times, providing a fundamental basis for the inspection and rectification work. The Qianhe District Party Committee should improve its political position, resolutely fulfill the political responsibility of inspection and rectification with the political character of absolute loyalty to the party, put the political positioning of quasi-inspection and rectification, firmly shoulder the responsibility requirements of inspection and rectification, and consolidate the main responsibility of the party committee, the first responsibility of the party secretary, and the "one post and two responsibilities" of the team members, clarify the methods and paths of inspection and rectification, adhere to the political height of "four integrations", stand at the political height of "two establishments" and "two maintenances", study and understand carefully, strengthen consciousness, correct deviations according to benchmarking and tables, and implement them in detail in combination with reality. Do a good job of inspection and rectification. It is necessary to face up to the problem of reflection, resolutely complete the tasks of inspection and rectification with the courage of self-revolution, firmly shoulder the responsibility to grasp rectification, grasp rectification one by one, and strictly discipline rectification. It is necessary to deepen the application of achievements, and promote reform and development with pragmatic and efficient rectification results. Seize the favorable opportunity of inspection and rectification, promote the "four integrations" of inspection and rectification, deepen the application of results, amplify the efficiency of rectification, promote source governance, promote both symptoms and root causes, and continuously deepen the promotion of reform, construction and governance by inspection, and promote the party's overall leadership with high-quality rectification results, promote the further improvement of the governance system and governance capacity, and accelerate the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Henan.

Chen Gong said that he sincerely accepted the feedback from the inspection team, accepted it in full, resolutely implemented the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee to comprehensively and strictly govern the party, and earnestly grasped the rectification and implementation of the feedback from this inspection with the most resolute attitude, the most decisive measures and the most powerful guarantee. The first is to attach great importance to the problem of inspection feedback, and resolutely do not evade or cover up. Take this inspection and rectification as an important political task for the current and future periods, take a more serious attitude, pragmatic and effective measures, and a solid and effective style, and implement them one by one, so as to ensure that the cadres and masses in the jurisdiction clearly feel the real changes brought by the inspection work of the provincial party committee. The second is to earnestly grasp the feedback and rectification, and resolutely do not protect the shortcomings and not be soft. The district party committee will immediately set up a leading group for the implementation of rectification and reform, and take the lead in the implementation of rectification and reform in the whole district. At the same time, a special group and a supervision group were set up to closely follow the feedback from the inspection team of the provincial party committee, study and implement the rectification work, stand up and act, and immediately rectify the situation, and the secretary of the district party committee and the standing committee took the lead in grasping key issues and important matters, and supervised the implementation of various rectification measures. The third is to assume the "two responsibilities" in a strict and practical manner, and resolutely do not shirk and do not slack off. The district party committee will resolutely shoulder the main responsibility of promoting the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, always maintain political sobriety, firm political position, firmly establish the political awareness that failure to grasp the construction of party style and clean government is a serious dereliction of duty, incorporate the construction of party style and clean government and anti-corruption work into the overall layout of economic and social development and party building, and effectively act as the leader, executor and promoter of the construction of party style and clean government, ensure and promote the high-quality development of the beautiful new Xiaohe River with high-quality party style and clean government construction, and strive to contribute to the strength of the Qianhe River to write a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Henan.

Relevant comrades of the first inspection group of the provincial party committee, members of the leading group of the Xihe District CPC Committee, the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, the district government, and the district CPPCC, the president of the district people's court, the chief procurator of the district people's procuratorate and other in-service county-level cadres, the members of the district discipline inspection commission and the organization department of the district party committee, the director of the inspection office of the district party committee and the leader of the inspection team, the main responsible comrades of the party and government of each town (street), and the main responsible comrades of the district departments attended the meeting.

Source: Propaganda Department of the Qianhe District Party Committee / Text: Meng Xiangdeng

The first inspection team of the provincial party committee gave feedback on the inspection to Qianhe District
The first inspection team of the provincial party committee gave feedback on the inspection to Qianhe District

Beautiful Xinhan River

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Co-ordination | Yu Bin

Audit | Wang Shaofeng

Edit | Zhang Mengjie