
She has been a nanny for many years - the life of a wealthy family in a foreign land (1090)

author:Simple clothes and vegetarian food


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In the spacious and luxurious hotel rooms, the lighting creates a full sense of extravagance.

Junjun and Guan Fen flipped through the photos taken today, and the girl's slender and slender index finger swiped down the screen, with a quiet smile on her face.

Yao Yao first leaned over to look at it for a while, and then went to the refrigerator to get a can of Coke, and sat down on the sofa to drink it while thinking about something.

When he said that he didn't want Mr. Wang to arrange the activities of this trip, Miss Qian, who was busy at the desk and was busy with the computer, asked without looking back, "Why?" What does Uncle Wang's arrangement have to do with it? ”

That's right, from Miss Qian's point of view, she now has no new interests tied up with Mr. Wang, repositioning the relationship between the two people, and everything is fate. It's much easier to get along than before.

Although because of the identity of the two people, there is no way to consider marriage for the time being, but the boyfriend helps to arrange the itinerary, and it is a gesture for him, so why not?

However, when Yao Yao said that he was engaged in a high-risk occupation, Miss Qian turned around, looked at her son fixedly and asked, "Who told you that?" ”

Under the gaze of his mother, Yao Yao lowered his head, rubbed the shell of the Coke can with his hand, and said vaguely: "No one said." ”

Miss Qian asked rhetorically: "No one said?" Don't think I don't know who said that. Hum! Let him take care of himself! ”

After Miss Qian finished speaking, she turned around again and tapped her fingers on the keyboard.

Junjun took his eyes off the screen of his phone and looked up to see his mother and brother talking.

Soon, Junjun got up and said, "Auntie, let's go back to the room." ”

He patted his brother's arm with his hand and said, "Let's go, go back to sleep." ”

Miss Qian said without looking back: "Tomorrow's noon flight, the three of you wake up and go to the hotel for breakfast, and depart from the hotel to the airport at half past nine." ”

The three of them went out of the room, and when Guan Fen turned around and closed the door, she saw Miss Qian looking sideways, and under the light, a melancholy color appeared on her beautiful face.

A good night's sleep, at eight o'clock the next day, Guan Fen took the two children to finish breakfast, packed her luggage, and when Miss Qian was ready, she got into the car and set off for the airport.

Looking at the car from the car window and passing through many familiar places along the way, Guan Fen felt that this hurried visit to this city that had been full of love since childhood, Guan Fen felt that it was not enough.

The moment you step on the plane, this city seems to have really been there, and it is as if you have only been there in a dream.

I will definitely come again, and I will bring my husband, son, and mother-in-law with me!

Rush to the next city, Shanghai.

She has been a nanny for many years - the life of a wealthy family in a foreign land (1090)

Shanghai is known as the most international city in China, where there are the Bund, the Oriental Pearl, the City God Temple, Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street, Yu Garden and many other famous scenic spots.

But Yao Yao and Jun Jun didn't mainly come to these places this time. It's those two prestigious universities. Fudan and Jiaotong University.

How do you describe how big Shanghai is? The flight time from Beijing to Shanghai takes only two hours.

But when I arrived at the hotel that day, it was already late in the evening.

Miss Qian is obviously no stranger to Shanghai, and while she was still in the car, she told Yao and Junjun about the fun and delicious places in Shanghai.

The unpleasant words between mother and son last night seem to have disappeared. It's good to be born in this way, and don't remember the overnight feud.

This is true not only between father and daughter, mother and son, but also between husband and wife.

As long as there are no principled contradictions between the original couples, most of them fight at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed, and there is no overnight feud.

Still on the road, through the viaducts, high-rise buildings, and endless traffic of vehicles, you can already feel the charm of the city.

In the past, the concessions of Britain, France, the United States and Japan have left many unique historical imprints on the city. In some parts of Shanghai, there are still many well-preserved buildings and streets in various styles. There are also many mansions where celebrities lived in the old days.

After integrating various cultures with an open and accepting attitude, it has become a bright pearl standing in the east of the world with a rapidly changing attitude on the fast train of the times.

If Beijing is compared to a lady with fine traditions, with the bearing and demeanor of a wealthy family.

Shanghai, then, is a lady who received a new education in her early years. There is not only the CBD of Lujiazui Financial Street, but also large and small alleys. Just like in the forties and fifties of the last century, at the same time, there were women wearing Western clothes and traditional heavy industry embroidered cheongsams walking through the streets generously, each walking in their own way.

Classical and modern have gone through the conflict and run-in of the changes of the times, and have achieved a perfect integration.


The hotel you are staying in looks out from the room, and the Oriental Pearl is close at hand.

Without the introduction of the waiter, Ms. Qian and her children introduced the hotel to the view of the Bund, four fine dining restaurants and bars, spa, indoor heated swimming pool and gymnasium.

After putting away the luggage, it was almost dinner time.

She has been a nanny for many years - the life of a wealthy family in a foreign land (1090)

Miss Qian suggested going to eat the private food of the Gang.

On the street, they are all modern high-rise buildings, but the name of this private restaurant is very old, called XX Mansion. It seems that many restaurants here like to call names such as food courts and mansions.

The environment inside the box is very good, with elegant decoration, soft lighting, comfortable seats and suitable temperature, and most importantly, you can see the scenery outside when you look up.

The first appetizer is a wild vegetable with pomegranate fruit. It is served in a small fuchsia clay pot soaked in broth. This is in place, one can per person, one per can.

The shape is similar to the lucky bag we make at home. The outer skin is made of louver skin, and the filling inside is made of marantou and shepherd's cabbage, a small amount of spinach, and shiitake mushrooms and crushed fungus for fragrance.

The taste is refreshing and moderate, Guan Fen thought in private, this is probably to set off other dishes with thick oil red sauce in the back.

Now Guan Fen, like Lifang, has developed the habit of tasting food. Every time I eat out, I savor the ingredients used in each dish and guess how it is made.

The second dish is shredded eel.

As the name suggests, when it is served, the hot oil poured on it is still bubbling. The eel is boneless, and the outside is wrapped in a rich sauce, giving the first impression that the taste is very strong.

Before eating, mix it with chopsticks so that the oil poured down can be evenly announced, and each eel silk is oily.

The entrance is just soft and firm, with some chewiness, I heard that Shanghai food is sweet before, but now it is not too sweet, first the sauce is fragrant and slightly salty, and the aftertaste brings out the sweetness.

I don't know if it's been improved.

The third dish of braised pork reflects the sweetness of Shanghai cuisine.

The braised pork made here is richer than the juice made by Guan Fen himself, and it is thickly wrapped on the meat pieces, which are actually dark red, but under the light, the fat part of the red reveals the plump and transparent texture of the fat. There is really a kind of beauty like cream.

It should have added a little bit of liquor to enhance the flavor, and now a lot of pork will have a fishy smell if it is not handled well, but this braised pork is not at all.

The fat part melts in the mouth, while the lean meat has a little bit of chewiness, and it melts quickly after chewing.

For those who can accept fat, it is a blessing for the mouth.

Miss Qian and her two children love to eat. It seems that many children love to eat sweet and sour things.

Stinky tofu. That's right, there is stinky tofu in Shanghai, and unlike the black stinky tofu in Changsha, the stinky tofu here is fried until golden brown. The skin is also crispy, and the inside is soft and tender, but the taste is not as obvious as the stinky tofu in Changsha. The smell was still faintly wafting between the mouths and mouths, and it did not reach the nose and throat.

Four joys of roasted bran. It doesn't feel much different from the taste of braised gluten.

In addition, I also ordered fried large intestines, fried liver tips in sauce, crab roe tofu, and braised catfish. The taste varies, but in general, most dishes are covered with a thick red sauce.

She has been a nanny for many years - the life of a wealthy family in a foreign land (1090)

After dinner, take a walk on the Bund.

There are a lot of people, and Guan Fen thinks that the smart approach should be to look up or away as much as possible, and reduce looking down or up close.

Perhaps because of the dense density of high-rise buildings, the lights are extraordinarily brilliant and colorful. But as soon as you look down, your eyes are full of people, and you need to see the scenery in the cracks.

However, it is still good to blow the cool river breeze, feel the elegance of the ten-mile ocean field and the rows of high-rise buildings and a piece of brilliance, and consume food casually.

Maybe it's because the expectations are too high, resulting in a gap, and there is not much surprise.

When he was about to arrive at the hotel, Yao Yao asked: "The consumption here is higher than that of Shenzhen, right?" ”

Guan Fen rarely heard Yao Yao ask about money before. Food, clothing, housing, transportation and clothing are taken care of, and he has no concept of money at all.

This time I came back from abroad, and it was different.

Miss Qian said: "No matter where you go, it is always more to go out than to spend money at home. ”

Yao Yao echoed: "That's right. ”

Miss Qian said: "Spend when you should spend, save what you save, and work hard to earn when you should earn." Fight for what belongs to you. ”

Guan Fen was originally leading Junjun to follow behind the mother and son. At this moment, Junjun glanced at Guan Fen a little nervously.

Guan Fen smiled at her relaxedly.

Yao Yao didn't answer.

Miss Qian said: "Behind high consumption is high income. There will never be a pie in the sky. ”

This time, Yao Yao replied, "That's for sure." ”

A pleasant day is over.

Miss Qian asked her to rest early tonight, and get up at half past tomorrow morning to visit the Handan campus of Fudan University after breakfast. This is the headquarters of Fudan University.

The next morning, after breakfast at the hotel, we set off.

The Handan campus covers an area of more than 1,300 acres. Does it sound much smaller than Qingbei? That's because it's spread across four campuses. This is just the earliest campus.

Sycamores, red mansions, and shades of trees almost make people feel its retro cultural atmosphere at once.

Don't talk about Guanghua Building, just want to talk about the big lawn in front of the building. Under the August sun, the lawn glows green and surrounded by trees, creating a romantic atmosphere.

One of the school's most historic buildings is the Sang Fai Hall, where important events such as performances, speeches, debates, newspapers and celebrations are held. Generally speaking, it is equivalent to a cultural activity center, and I don't know if it is accurate or not.

The museum records the development process and important events of Fudan University from its inception to the present, which is as important as the genealogy of a family.

In addition, there are celebrity statues suitable for Yaoyao and Junjun to pay homage, and there are garden landscapes with Jiangnan characteristics, including rockeries, ponds, waterfalls, century clocks, lotus ponds and other landscapes.

The century-old school has its own unique cultural charm. What impressed Guan Fen the most was that the famous schools she visited all had a long history and complex cultural background.

The buildings on the campus are different from old to new, some of which are mottled and some of which are modern, all of which bear witness to the past and present of the university, as well as the changes of the times.

They stand on the same campus without the slightest sense of disobedience. There will be no sense of obsolescence, perhaps it is the generations of young students who have always made them rejuvenate and energetic.

Even if the city is just across the door, it can make people's hearts calm down the moment they step into the campus.

That's probably why the campus is like an ivory tower. A place where people can concentrate on their studies without being disturbed or entangled by the world.

What is the significance of a prestigious school? In addition to cultivating generations of cutting-edge talents from all walks of life and engaging in various academic research, it also supports the cultural self-confidence of the Chinese people and highlights the cultural heritage of the nation.

Every year, the school will welcome a new group of outstanding young people with ideals and ambitions. Here, they will study hard day and night, sweat it out on the track and field, and spend the brightly lit evenings in the lab or library. After thousands of keys, it flows to all corners of the world, and in every place where it takes root, it achieves the spring of the world.

Perhaps, when the bell of the century rings in the evening class, and the students and teachers full of youthful vitality calmly enter the classroom, it is the most beautiful moment of this campus?

She has been a nanny for many years - the life of a wealthy family in a foreign land (1090)

Miss Qian seems to have a better impression of the school.

When she was about to leave, she turned around, stared at the campus in front of her for a long time, and said to a son and a daughter standing beside her: "I hope that in the near future, you brothers and sisters can enter this campus and spend your best youth here." ”

She tilted her head back, her beautiful eyes staring at the campus without blinking, and her beautiful face was full of hope and longing.

Guan Fen didn't know what this school meant to Miss Qian. The two children didn't know either.

The two siblings just looked at each other and smiled shyly.

In the afternoon, I visited another school, and the same content will not be described in detail.

At dinner, we discussed going to Huangpu and Xuhui tomorrow. Go to Wuhan the day after tomorrow.

Miss Qian said that it was the former French Concession and there were many attractions worth visiting.

After dinner, we went to Nanjing Road, which was formerly the British Concession. It is the earliest commercial street established after the opening of Shanghai.

Miss Qian said that the end of the road is Jing'an Temple.

There's a lot of traffic here, too, but it's not crowded. Everyone is of relatively high quality, taking pictures and videos, and walking slowly and leisurely in an orderly manner.

I heard that Shanghainese people are exquisite, probably most of what Guan Fen has seen in the past two days are also foreign tourists. The dress is still fashionable and casual.

After less than half an hour of shopping, Junjun covered his stomach with his hands and refused to leave.

In the past two days of shopping, most of the time, Miss Qian and Yao Yao walked side by side in front. Guan Fen led Junjun and walked behind.

But Miss Qian will also look back from time to time to see if her daughter has followed.

Guan Fen estimated that it was because Yao Yao usually spent less time with Miss Qian, and now that they were traveling together, Miss Qian consciously got closer to her son.

Another reason is that Guan Fen originally took care of Junjun.

At this moment, Guan Fen saw Junjun stop and keep walking, and asked her, "What's wrong with you?" ”

Junjun frowned and said, "My stomach hurts a little. ”

Guan Fen asked, "Did you eat something bad?" ”

I asked like this, but I don't think so. These days, I have been eating in restaurants with better conditions. Hygiene should be fine.

Is it because of the lack of adaptation?

Guan Fen asked, "Do you want to go to the toilet?" ”

At this time, Miss Qian looked back and walked back with Yao Yao and asked, "Is it a stomach?" ”

Junjun shook his head.

Guan Fen looked around and said, "Go find a toilet nearby and let her go first." ”

While walking forward, Guan Fen asked again, "Does it hurt badly?" ”

Junjun said, "It's not too powerful." ”

Finding a toilet, Guan Fen took her inside.

After about five or six minutes, Junjun came out.

Guan Fen greeted him and asked, "Did you come out?" ”

Junjun still shook his head, and after the two of them stood for a few seconds, Junjun said, "Let's go." ”

After coming out of the toilet, Miss Qian asked, "Does it still hurt?" If it hurts, go back to the hotel and rest. ”

Junjun said, "Let's go shopping for a while." ”

I walked around for about an hour. Junjun's stomach ache still hasn't eased.

Miss Qian said, "Let's go back." Go to the pharmacy and buy some gastrointestinal medicine for her to take a little. It should be that you are not used to eating outside meals. ”

Yao Yao said, "Ask my father." He knows what medicine to buy. ”

Miss Qian said, "No. He's not a doctor! I know what he knows, too! ”

After taking the medicine, Junjun hastily took a bath and lay down to rest.

She has been a nanny for many years - the life of a wealthy family in a foreign land (1090)

Guan Fen turned up the temperature of the air conditioner by two degrees. Go in and come out after showering and clothes, and ask her if she is better?

Jun Jun hesitated for a moment and said, "It seems to be a little better." ”

It was still early, and Guan Fen didn't feel sleepy, so she sat on the bed and said, "Why don't I rub it for you?" ”

Junjun agreed.

Guan Fen reached out to rub it, and Junjun snorted in pain.

Guan Fen said; "Does it hurt? Didn't I exert myself? ”

Since this is the case, Guan Fen didn't dare to rub it, and she didn't have the heart to look at her phone while sitting on the edge of the bed. Just look at Junjun.

Junjun closed his eyes, there was no too painful expression on his face, and he was breathing evenly.

After a while, there was a knock at the door. Guan Fen went to open the door, and Yao Yao came in in her pajamas.

When Junjun saw his brother coming, he got up from the bed and sat against the head of the bed.

Yao Yao asked, "Is it better?" ”

Junjun nodded. But he retched all at once.

Guan Fen hurriedly took a lot of tissues for her to catch. I really threw up some of my dinner.

Guan Fen took water again and asked her to rinse her mouth. Junjun took it, took the water and went into the bathroom to rinse his mouth.

Yao Yao said, "Let's talk to Dad." ”

Jun Jun lowered his eyes and said a little weakly, "I also want to talk to my father." ”

Yao Yao called.

Mr. Li quickly picked it up. A calm voice rang out in the room: "Hey, son. Have you returned to the hotel? ”

His tail note also rises slightly, and he sounds like he's in a good mood.

Yao Yao said a little anxiously: "I went back, but Junjun had a stomachache and vomited just now." ”

Mr. Li's voice was still calm, and he said, "You let my sister speak." ”

Junjun called out to Dad.

Hearing his daughter's voice, Mr. Li's voice softened: "Junjun, how long have you been uncomfortable?" Where does my stomach hurt? ”

Junjun said: "I felt a little uncomfortable when I had dinner, and then it hurt when I went shopping. And then we came back. ”

Mr. Li asked softly again, "Have you ever gone to the toilet?" ”

Junjun glanced at Guan Fen, and seemed a little embarrassed. Still replied, "I don't want to go to the toilet." ”

Mr. Li asked again, "Then do you know where your stomach hurts?" ”

Junjun said: "I don't know, I think it should be a small belly." Get a little closer to the bottom. ”

This is, Yao Yao interjected: "Mom bought her medicine to eat." I'll read it to you. ”

Yao Yao read the name, and Mr. Li said, "Let Auntie take a photo and send it to me." ”

Guan Fen hurriedly took a photo and sent it to him.

Mr. Li asked Junjun a few more words, but he didn't seem to have a clue. He said, "I'll call your mother, let's go to the hospital for a look." People are in the field, don't drag it out. ”

Yao Yao said: "Well, when my mother was buying medicine just now, I said let me ask you, and my mother said that she also knows common sense." ”

Mr. Lee said, "I see. Let's hang up first. ”

Still Yao Yao hung up the phone.

Within minutes, the door rang again.

Guan Fen walked over quickly and opened the door, Miss Qian came in and walked to the bed and asked, "Are you in pain now?" ”

Junjun said, "It's not too powerful." ”

Miss Qian said to Guan Fen: "It will take a little time for the medicine to take effect, you can observe it, if it doesn't get better after an hour, let's take her to the hospital." ”

Guan Fen said a little worriedly: "I vomited just now." ”

Miss Qian said, "Then it should be eating bad things." ”

Miss Qian reached out and touched Junjun's head and said, "There is no fever." ”

Guan Fen also touched it and replied, "Don't burn." ”

Miss Qian said, "Look at her, I still have something to do." Call me anytime there is a change. ”

Yaoyao stayed for a while and asked Junjun: "Do you know if it hurts badly or gets better?" ”

Junjun frowned, and said impatiently, "It's still like this." You all asked me. ”

Yaoyao said in a good voice: "Okay, I won't ask." You have a good rest. ”

Guan Fen said: "You go back to your room first, I'll tell you if there is a change." ”

She has been a nanny for many years - the life of a wealthy family in a foreign land (1090)

Wait until after ten o'clock in the evening. Guan Fen saw that Junjun was still restless in bed and couldn't sleep. I called Miss Qian.

Miss Qian came over soon. She had already taken a shower and came over in her pajamas.

The two of them guarded for a while, and Junjun began to hum uncomfortably, and his face became pale.

Miss Qian said, "Let's change her clothes and go to the hospital." I also went to change clothes. ”

Guan Fen took Junjun's clothes and asked her to wear them by herself. only to find that Junjun's hands were trembling a little in pain.

When Guan Fen was dressing her, Junjun suddenly said bitterly: "I hurt so much!" ”

Soon Miss Qian came over with her bag and said to Guan Fen, "I have already asked the hotel to send a car." Let's go downstairs to the lobby. ”

In the car, Junjun hurt even more. Sweat began to break down on his forehead.

First, I went to a nearby hospital and hung up the emergency department.

The doctor on duty listened to the symptoms and examined them, but did not say what the cause was.

Then he opened a list of B-ultrasound and blood tests with a serious face.

I feel that even if the doctor can determine the cause of the disease based on experience, he will not make a direct diagnosis until he passes the instrumental examination.


I went to have a blood test first, and it will take a little time to get the results.

You will be able to get the report as soon as the ultrasound is done.

I showed the results to the doctor and said it was appendicitis. Surgery is required.

Miss Qian and Guan Fen were dumbfounded. I always thought it was just that I didn't adapt to the soil or ate a bad stomach.

I didn't even think about it.

Miss Qian called Guan Fen aside and said, "I don't want to operate in this hospital. I'll ask a friend and transfer to a better hospital nearby. ”

Guan Fen said: "I'm just afraid of delay." ”

Miss Qian stretched out her hand to signal Guan Fen not to speak, and walked aside to make a phone call.

Guan Fen went back to Junjun to take care of her.

She has been a nanny for many years - the life of a wealthy family in a foreign land (1090)

Hello everyone! I am a vegetarian in simple clothes, and all my articles are original and first published by personal headlines, just to record life. What you see on other platforms is plagiarism. We will be held accountable to the end!

For more exciting, please pay attention to today's headlines!

The picture and text have nothing to do with it, and the picture comes from the Internet.

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