
Angry! 58-year-old Chinese woman was attacked in Chinatown for no reason: baseball bat beating! Asian-American abusers are at large

author:Teacher Li of the studio in the house

Source: Montreal, Canada

It's really too much! Recently, a disturbing video of a Chinese being violently attacked for no reason has been circulating on the Internet.

Angry! 58-year-old Chinese woman was attacked in Chinatown for no reason: baseball bat beating! Asian-American abusers are at large

According to the English media New York Post, this incident happened on Tuesday (June 25) afternoon, Ms. Shi, a 58-year-old Chinese woman, was walking on the streets of New York's Chinatown when she was suddenly attacked by two masked thugs armed with baseball bats, and her bag was also snatched away!

Angry! 58-year-old Chinese woman was attacked in Chinatown for no reason: baseball bat beating! Asian-American abusers are at large

图源:New York Post

According to surveillance footage, Ms. Shi, who was unsuspecting, was casually walking down the road at around 2 p.m. that day, walking from west to east along Monroe Street, looking at her phone as she went. As she walked to the front of 37 Monroe Street, two robbers dressed from head to toe suddenly rushed out from behind her. One of the men in black punched Ms. Shi in the back of the head.

Angry! 58-year-old Chinese woman was attacked in Chinatown for no reason: baseball bat beating! Asian-American abusers are at large

Source: New York Post Before she could come to her senses, the two men rushed up together and forced her into a corner.

Angry! 58-year-old Chinese woman was attacked in Chinatown for no reason: baseball bat beating! Asian-American abusers are at large

Picture: New York PostMs. Shi, who was suddenly attacked for no reason, instinctively retreated to the wall of a nearby store to try to fend off the two thugs, but the two men did not have the slightest intention of stopping, but instead attacked harder.

Angry! 58-year-old Chinese woman was attacked in Chinatown for no reason: baseball bat beating! Asian-American abusers are at large

Picture: New York PostThe second thug was seen repeatedly beating her in the leg with a black baseball bat, hitting her with at least five strokes. Another accomplice punched and kicked her and tried to rip the backpack off her arm.

Angry! 58-year-old Chinese woman was attacked in Chinatown for no reason: baseball bat beating! Asian-American abusers are at large

图源:New York Post接连遭遇袭击的Shi女士跌落在地......

According to the Chinese Life Network, a passerby across the road discovered the scene during the incident and immediately shouted loudly, trying to stop the two men in black from continuing to commit violence, and the two people fled the scene when they heard the sound. According to police, the attackers eventually fled empty-handed. Ms. Shi called the police with the help of a kind passer-by, Ms. Huang, and was taken to a central New York hospital, where she suffered a bruise on her left leg and a swollen back of her head.

Angry! 58-year-old Chinese woman was attacked in Chinatown for no reason: baseball bat beating! Asian-American abusers are at large

Source: New York Post According to her, the 2 attackers were complete strangers. Police said the two robbers are still at large. Ms. Huang happened to work in the vicinity, and when she returned to her place of work, she saw Ms. Shi who had fallen in front of the door. At one point, she was unable to stand due to a blow to her leg.

Angry! 58-year-old Chinese woman was attacked in Chinatown for no reason: baseball bat beating! Asian-American abusers are at large

Source: New York Post Ms. Huang said that the relevant neighborhood has been safe and secure before, and there has never been such an incident. This year, not only this vicious attack, but also a few weeks ago, people in the neighboring neighborhood were also criminalized, and the law and order situation has indeed deteriorated compared to previous years. Based on the preliminary investigation, the police have temporarily ruled out the possibility of a robbery and tentatively classified it as a second-degree assault. According to another clue, the gang involved in the case was found to have hid on the side of the road and waited until the victim, Ms. Shi, appeared before the crime. At the same time, the police pointed out that the gang involved in the case was suspected to be of Asian descent, and the case may not have been a random attack, but a deliberate attack by a selected target. However, whether there is any dispute or dispute between the two parties, and what the motive of the gang involved in the crime is, remains to be further investigated.

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