
"I've eaten too much lean meat, and I want to eat fatty meat?" Some netizens saw in Hungary that the domestic box office director Chen Sicheng and his girlfriend Ruan Ju, who is 20 years younger, appeared in Hungary together, and the figure of the new girlfriend is too much

author:Pudding operation trivia

"I've eaten too much lean meat, and I want to eat fatty meat?" Some netizens saw in Hungary that the domestic box office director Chen Sicheng and his girlfriend Ruan Ju, who is 20 years younger, appeared in Hungary together, and the new girlfriend's figure was too fat to cause netizens to speculate.

Judging from the photos, the two are also traveling in a low-key manner. Chen Sicheng wears sunglasses and a baseball cap, his figure is still strong, and he looks younger than his actual age, not old.

On the contrary, Xiao Chen Sicheng's 21-year-old Ruan Ju was wearing a floral dress, and his figure was a little fat, I don't know if it was because he was in love, had a good mood, had a good appetite, ate more, and didn't control it well.

Judging from the back, Ruan Ju's figure is obviously more tiger-back than Chen Sicheng's ex-wife Tong Liya, so some netizens guessed in the comments whether she was pregnant?


"I've eaten too much lean meat, and I want to eat fatty meat?" Some netizens saw in Hungary that the domestic box office director Chen Sicheng and his girlfriend Ruan Ju, who is 20 years younger, appeared in Hungary together, and the figure of the new girlfriend is too much
"I've eaten too much lean meat, and I want to eat fatty meat?" Some netizens saw in Hungary that the domestic box office director Chen Sicheng and his girlfriend Ruan Ju, who is 20 years younger, appeared in Hungary together, and the figure of the new girlfriend is too much
"I've eaten too much lean meat, and I want to eat fatty meat?" Some netizens saw in Hungary that the domestic box office director Chen Sicheng and his girlfriend Ruan Ju, who is 20 years younger, appeared in Hungary together, and the figure of the new girlfriend is too much

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