
The Lanhai Logistics Shantytown Reconstruction Project in Qilihe District and Lancui No. 1 were delivered as scheduled

author:Seven Mile River release

On June 30, 2024, the Lanhai Logistics Shantytown Reconstruction Project and Lancui No. 1 were delivered as scheduled, which is not only an important manifestation of Lanhai Group's corporate responsibility and social responsibility, but also an important milestone in the urban renewal of Qilihe District and the improvement of residents' living environment, marking the official delivery of the keys to this high-quality residential project to the owners and the start of a beautiful new life.

The Lanhai Logistics Shantytown Reconstruction Project in Qilihe District and Lancui No. 1 were delivered as scheduled
The Lanhai Logistics Shantytown Reconstruction Project in Qilihe District and Lancui No. 1 were delivered as scheduled

Lanhai shantytown reconstruction project is located on the east side of Lanzhou Old Street in Qilihe District, Matan Cultural Island, which is one of the major economic projects in Qilihe District, and is also a major livelihood project to improve the living environment and improve the quality of life of the people. The project will start construction in March 2022, and will be shortlisted for the "white list" enterprises at the beginning of 2024, which can achieve close cooperation between the government and enterprises, overcome difficulties, and all the construction personnel and management personnel of the project, "5+2" and "white plus black" to seize the construction progress, and continue to fight for more than a year, and finally live up to expectations, and submit a perfect answer sheet to more than 500 owners and more than 150 relocated households on time and with high quality. This is also a boost to the current complex real estate market, contributing to the high-quality development of Lanzhou's real estate market.

The Lanhai Logistics Shantytown Reconstruction Project in Qilihe District and Lancui No. 1 were delivered as scheduled
The Lanhai Logistics Shantytown Reconstruction Project in Qilihe District and Lancui No. 1 were delivered as scheduled


The delivery site of the Lanhai shantytown reconstruction project was noisy and crowded, and the residents could not hide their excitement and came to the scene in the rain to go through the delivery procedures. Under the guidance of the staff, everyone carried out the data review, key collection and other links in an orderly manner, and everyone was filled with happy smiles on their faces. "I finally got the key to go home today, and I'm so happy to be able to get together with my former neighbors again!" "I've got the keys to my new house!" "Waiting and looking forward to it, finally waiting for the day to hand over the house and get the key, take the key and start preparing for decoration." Resident Liu Songlin and others said happily. All the beauty in the world is not as warm as home. The key to a happy life is in the hands of the residents, who warmly wish each other well and look forward to a better life when they are about to move into their new homes.


Under the new opportunities of the Lanzhou property market, Lanhai Logistics Shantytown Reconstruction Project and Lancui No. 1 have become an ideal home in the minds of buyers by virtue of its unique geographical location, superior environmental support, meticulous product design and strong delivery ability and quality assurance of Lanhai Group. In the next step, the group will continue to strengthen the cooperation between government and enterprises, and play an active role in enhancing the image of the city, improving the living conditions of citizens and promoting urban development.

Reporter: Yang Mingze Typesetting: Yuan Rui Review: Wang Zhicheng