
The Qilihe Youth League District Committee jointly carried out the 12355 youth self-protection education and anti-drug propaganda fun directional search for "drugs" activities

author:Seven Mile River release

In order to further promote the work of drug prevention education among young people, further explore new ways of anti-drug propaganda and education among young people, and enhance their ability to recognize, identify, prevent, and reject drugs. Recently, the Qilihe Youth League District Committee, together with the Lanzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Youth League Committee of the Lanzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Qilihe District Drug Control Office, the Qilihe District Customs Working Committee, the Qilihe District Youth Work Committee, and the Wuxingping Primary School, organized more than 50 teenagers to carry out the Youth Non-"Drug" Line and Build a Defensive Line in Xiaoxihu Park - 12355 Youth Self-protection Education and Anti-drug Propaganda Fun Directional Orientation Seeking "Drugs" Activity.

The Qilihe Youth League District Committee jointly carried out the 12355 youth self-protection education and anti-drug propaganda fun directional search for "drugs" activities

At the beginning of the activity, the professional commentator gave a detailed introduction to the teenagers on why they can't take drugs, what symptoms will occur after taking drugs, what terrible consequences drugs will bring, how to identify the original plants of drugs, etc., and used the drug simulation model to intuitively popularize the relevant knowledge of drugs to the teenagers.

The Qilihe Youth League District Committee jointly carried out the 12355 youth self-protection education and anti-drug propaganda fun directional search for "drugs" activities
The Qilihe Youth League District Committee jointly carried out the 12355 youth self-protection education and anti-drug propaganda fun directional search for "drugs" activities

More than 50 teenagers are divided into five teams to act as "anti-narcotics police", and within the specified time, according to the map and clues, they will search for eight "drugs" hidden in the park, and take photos with them, and the team that completes the "anti-drug task" the fastest will win. In the first five minutes of the mission, each team gets their own clues, and the team members study the map and discuss strategies. As the mission officially begins, each team quickly leaves the starting point and heads to their desired location to solve the problem. The enthusiastic "anti-narcotics police" ran through the woods and grass, turning over stones, checking signs, and comparing whether what they found was consistent with the clues. In the end, each team successfully completed the "anti-drug task" and received their favorite anti-drug propaganda gifts in turn.

This activity allowed the teenagers to realize the nature of drugs and the serious harm caused by drugs in the game, improve their ability to recognize and distinguish drugs, and root their anti-drug awareness in their hearts. The Qilihe Youth League District Committee will give full play to the organizational strength of the Communist Youth League, mobilize the enthusiasm of young people to prevent drugs in a way that young people like, and build a health and safety defense line for young people in the area under its jurisdiction.

Correspondent: Liu Yuze Editor: Liang Qianru Review: Chen Yaling

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