
Yu Haoming is suspected of officially announcing his relationship! Hand in hand with the family dinner, the comment area fryer

author:Entertainment Corner
Yu Haoming is suspected of officially announcing his relationship! Hand in hand with the family dinner, the comment area fryer

# Yu Haoming, who has not shown up for a long time, is suspected of officially announcing his relationship, and was photographed by the paparazzi holding hands with a girl and having dinner with his family at first. Both wore baseball caps and short sleeves that day, possibly to avoid unnecessary trouble, and both wore masks.

Yu Haoming is suspected of officially announcing his relationship! Hand in hand with the family dinner, the comment area fryer

In the process of walking side by side, when the two heard a voice behind them, they subconsciously looked back, worthy of being a "couple", and their reactions were really synchronous.

It didn't take long for Yu Haoming to choose to post a news in the circle of friends, with a text revealing a little ambiguity, and a photo with his girlfriend was attached.

Yu Haoming is suspected of officially announcing his relationship! Hand in hand with the family dinner, the comment area fryer

When the paparazzi revealed his love melon, the comment area was instantly lively, and everyone agreed that he is now 37 years old, and it is normal for people to fall in love and get married.

Unexpectedly, because of Yu Haoming's official announcement, Zhang Yuan was involved, and many netizens shouted in the comment area to let him grasp it.

Some people also started poems: Outside the mountain, Qingshan Building, Zhang Yuan has no girlfriend.

Yu Haoming is suspected of officially announcing his relationship! Hand in hand with the family dinner, the comment area fryer


Yu Haoming's debut opportunity was to participate in "Happy Boys", he has been learning violin under the training of his family since he was a child, and later developed a strong interest in singing, so he mustered up the courage to participate in this talent show.

The first time I saw him on stage, he obviously had a hint of youthfulness on his body, and the song he sang was "Wedding Blessings".

Yu Haoming, who participated in the competition, originally had the attitude of giving it a try, but he did not expect that with his outstanding ability, he passed five levels and won the sixth place in the country.

Yu Haoming is suspected of officially announcing his relationship! Hand in hand with the family dinner, the comment area fryer

Yu Haoming not only sings well, but also has a handsome and chic face, and is called "national brother" by the audience.

The phrase "there are many people who are popular" has been confirmed in his body, and in a show many years later, someone asked him face-to-face about the ranking of fast men, many people think that you won this ranking by virtue of your appearance, what do you think.

Yu Haoming was not angry, and replied calmly, otherwise Wang Zhengliang only won the tenth place.

I have to say that his answer was very ingenious, without modesty or rebuke, but directly admitted.

Yu Haoming is suspected of officially announcing his relationship! Hand in hand with the family dinner, the comment area fryer

The happy male voice has made Yu Haoming's career develop rapidly, and he is also valued by the contracted company, and he is given high-quality resources. In 2007 and 2008, his work focused on songs, and won many awards such as the Golden Melody Award and the Music Pioneer Chart.


thought that Yu Haoming would always develop in the music industry, but he did not choose to stay in his comfort zone, but crossed over into the hosting circle and the entertainment industry, he became one of the hosts of Mango Channel's "Everyday Upward", and the hosting process is also very in line with the positioning of the program team, and he speaks wittily and humorously, which is deeply loved by the audience.

Yu Haoming is suspected of officially announcing his relationship! Hand in hand with the family dinner, the comment area fryer

In addition, Yu Haoming participated in movies such as "Happy Fire Boy", which may be aimed at further increasing his popularity and achieving all-round development.

Soon, in 2009, "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower" was born, and the leading actors at that time were all newcomers, including Zhang Han, Shuangzi, Zhu Zixiao, etc., Yu Haoming played the role of Duanmu Lei, and some people complained about his hairstyle at that time, feeling that it was not suitable for his handsome face.

This campus romance drama quickly exploded after it was broadcast, and at the same time made several leading actors popular all over the country.

Yu Haoming is suspected of officially announcing his relationship! Hand in hand with the family dinner, the comment area fryer

thought that Yu Haoming's acting career would be smooth, but he didn't expect that God made a big joke with him.

During the filming of "I Have a Date with Spring" with SHE member Selina, there was an explosion scene, but because the explosion point was detonated early, the two were burned.

Yu Haoming is suspected of officially announcing his relationship! Hand in hand with the family dinner, the comment area fryer

He was then quickly taken to the hospital for treatment, where he was diagnosed with deep second-degree burns to 39% of his body's skin, as well as severe injuries to his arms and mouth.

Although Yu Haoming came back to life from the hands of death, the long recovery process in the later period was very torturous and like hell for him.

At that time, he was only 23 years old, looking at his disfigured self in the mirror, feeling that the sky had fallen, and he felt that "there is no more day".

In addition, Yu Haoming's girlfriend also left him, and he even suffered from depression during that time.

Yu Haoming is suspected of officially announcing his relationship! Hand in hand with the family dinner, the comment area fryer

Fortunately, his family is always by his side, and his father will encourage him to regain his strength and not be defeated by difficulties.

In 2012, after recovery, Yu Haoming re-stood on the stage and announced his comeback to the outside world.

After his comeback, his career was not smooth, and he often became the object of heated discussions in the media, but he did not compromise, in order to get the opportunity to perform, he didn't care whether he was the protagonist or not, he would go to socialize and write feelings to fight for his role.

Yu Haoming is suspected of officially announcing his relationship! Hand in hand with the family dinner, the comment area fryer

The good thing is that Yu Haoming's efforts have been recognized by the director, and he has successively participated in many film and television dramas, such as "You and My Alluring Time", "Eight Hundred", "Feng Qi Longxi", etc., and will also appear in some popular variety shows.


Yu Haoming's life is very inspirational, falling from the peak to the bottom, and then returning to the top, this perseverance is admirable.

I also hope that he will find his other half and be happy for the rest of his life.

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