
Yu Haoming's melon is too big!

Yu Haoming's melon is too big!

Today, a paparazzi broke out Yu Haoming's latest relationship. Everyone was shocked that his girlfriend turned out to be her.

To say, Yu Haoming has always been cautious about his feelings, but now the news of love has broken out.

Yu Haoming's melon is too big!

In the picture, the hats and masks of the two are not very tight, but it does not affect the two of them walking side by side sweetly.

Yu Haoming made his debut in "Fast Man", and later won the public's love for his role in "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower".

Yu Haoming's melon is too big!

Yu Haoming was also an idol back then, but later he was hospitalized because of an accidental fire that burned his face during filming.

Yu Haoming's melon is too big!

Disfigurement can be imagined how much damage it will take to the star.

After being hospitalized that year, Yu Haoming almost disappeared in front of the public.

And at that meeting, some careful netizens also discovered that Yu Haoming's undisclosed girlfriend Yang Mi.

When the two did not have burns, they often posted some copywriting on Weibo.

Yu Haoming's melon is too big!

Where can the thoughts of young couples escape the eyes of netizens.

Yu Haoming's melon is too big!

After being hospitalized, it is said that Yang Mi also cried to death in the ward, and then the two broke up.

The reason is that Yu Haoming's burns caused emotional instability and frequent tantrums, and in the end, the two could only break up.

After that, Yu Haoming also admitted that he had a girlfriend at the time.

But Yang Mi has never admitted this relationship, but it is normal.

Yu Haoming's melon is too big!

The true temperament Yang Mi has never even admitted the relationship of her ex-husband Hawick Lau, let alone this fruitless episode.

After the burn, Yu Haoming also ushered in the darkest moment in his life and did not dare to appear in front of the public.

But later, after repairing his face little by little, of course, repairing his face is also repairing his injured heart.

Yu Haoming's melon is too big!

He overcame this fear and reappeared in front of the public.

Not only did he regain his acting career, but even his investment in public welfare was obvious to all.

As the saying goes, because it's rained, I want to give everyone an umbrella.

Yu Haoming's melon is too big!

He has done his best to care for left-behind children and support environmental protection projects.

Not only donating money and materials, but also using practical actions to help those in need.

This sincerity and dedication have won wide praise and respect from all walks of life.

After learning that his relationship was exposed, Yu Haoming posted a message in the circle of friends:

"When beauty in the world appears, not everyone knows it. If you want to know it, you have to live the adventures of life"!

Yu Haoming's melon is too big!

It can be seen that his feelings and cherishment when he met each other, and it also shows his interpretation of feelings.

In the photo, the two snuggled up to each other, and everyone also sent blessings.

Such an official announcement method gave the object a full sense of security, and netizens also found out that his girlfriend was like Wang Xiaochen.

Yu Haoming's melon is too big!

However, no matter who it is, such an official announcement is generous, and fans will give blessings, after all, no one can say for sure about emotional matters.

Yu Haoming has stumbled all the way from an idol to a powerful faction, but his spirit of not admitting defeat is worth learning from all fans and netizens.

Some netizens even commented that Yu Haoming's experience is simply a rebirth of Nirvana, and he deserves to get today's results.

Yu Haoming's melon is too big!

But as for whether his girlfriend is Wang Xiaochen or not, the two of them still need to make an official announcement in person.

However, since Yu Haoming has shown that he is in love, then we, as fans and passers-by, silently wish them good results.

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