
During the study丨 The general secretary walked into the middle school cafeteria and paid special attention to these two details

author:Huanan Fusions
During the study丨 The general secretary walked into the middle school cafeteria and paid special attention to these two details

Produced by Sunan Yugur Autonomous County Financial Media Center

During the study丨 The general secretary walked into the middle school cafeteria and paid special attention to these two details

General Secretary Xi Jinping's first stop in Qinghai during his visit to Xining was to visit the teachers and classmates at Guoluo Xining National Middle School. When inspecting the dining conditions of students in school cafeterias, special attention is paid to two details. Xinhua News Agency's "Learning in Progress" launched an article to understand together.

During the study丨 The general secretary walked into the middle school cafeteria and paid special attention to these two details

On the afternoon of June 18, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the dining conditions of students in the canteen of Qinghai Guoluo Xining Nationality Middle School. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi

On June 18, during his inspection in Qinghai, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Guoluo Xining Nationality Middle School and walked into the canteen to inspect the dining conditions of students.

When the general secretary communicated with the staff, there were two details that left a deep impression.

One is to ask about the price of ramen.

The general secretary asked: "How much is a bowl of ramen?" The staff replied, "Seven dollars."

"How big is the bowl?" The general secretary then asked, and the staff picked up a bowl and gestured, and the general secretary nodded: "Such a big bowl."

I know that seven yuan a bowl, but is the price reasonable? Look at how big the bowl is, and you will have a score in your heart.

Another detail is the advice to eat safely.

The general secretary told through the window: "You must pay attention to hygiene. The staff nodded in response.

The general secretary continued: "First of all, procurement, must be qualified, no problems, safe, and then the process of storage, the process of production, must pay attention to hygiene, on this basis the food is delicious, so that the children can eat nutritious and healthy." ”

Food safety is a chain, and there are many links, all of which are very important. Therefore, procurement, storage, production, deliciousness, nutrition, and health are all advised.

Two details, deep and long-lasting.

Source: Xinhuanet

During the study丨 The general secretary walked into the middle school cafeteria and paid special attention to these two details

Editor of this issue: Ma Li

Preliminary review of this issue: Deng Yaping

Review of this issue: Wu Shengwen

Final review of this issue: Wu Xuefeng

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