
The Fengze District Party Committee and the district government agreed on a special political consultation meeting

author:Look at Fortress

On the afternoon of June 28, the special consultation meeting between the district party committee and the district government agreement was held to discuss the political topic of "improving the mechanism system and continuously improving the level of grassroots governance".

The Fengze District Party Committee and the district government agreed on a special political consultation meeting

Gao Jinquan, Secretary of the District Party Committee, attended and delivered a speech, Shangguan Lanbo, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the District CPPCC, presided over the meeting, and District leaders Yang Huamin, Zhuang Honghong, Song Zhanfeng, Huang Zepeng, Li Yubin, Xu Zhida, Yu Jiarong, Huang Haifeng, Su Weiqiang, etc. participated.

He pointed out that in recent years, the CPPCC District has firmly grasped the two themes of unity and democracy, accurately focused on the focus of the work of the District Committee and the District Government, and actively participated in the work of attracting investment, attracting talents, mediating conflicts, and donating funds for education, and has become an important force in promoting high-quality development. The achievements of Fortress's economic and social development are inseparable from the strong support and common efforts of CPPCC members, democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and personages without party affiliation.

Gao Jinquan pointed out that the consultation between the district party committee and the district CPPCC is not only an institutional arrangement, but also a good tradition of Fengze, and it is also a good channel to reflect social conditions and public opinion and carry out participation in and discussion of state affairs. The special consultation between the district committee and the district CPPCC on the theme of "improving the mechanism system and continuously improving the level of grassroots governance" is not only an initiative to respond to the practical needs of social concerns, but also an important measure to seek to solve the problems of grassroots governance, which is very timely and meaningful. The insightful views put forward by the CPPCC members are full of sincere feelings of caring for and caring for Fengze, and embody the good style of fulfilling their duties and responsibilities and seeking truth and pragmatism. It is necessary to sort out and decompose the results of this consultation in a list, and all relevant departments of each street should carefully study, digest and absorb them one by one, and implement them in specific work.

Gao Jinquan pointed out that it is necessary to adhere to reform and innovation and comprehensively improve the level of modernization of grassroots governance. It is necessary to highlight the leadership of party building and build a new system of grassroots governance. Establish systematic thinking and system concepts, improve mechanisms, build platforms, continue to promote the deepening and expansion of the red matrix party building brand, grassroots governance demonstration areas, and "party building +" neighborhood centers, and actively build a new grassroots social governance system of "party committee leadership, government responsibility, social coordination, and public participation". It is necessary to highlight system integration and build a new platform for grassroots governance. Accelerate the construction of a comprehensive command and dispatch center for social governance, integrate the functions, resources, data, and information of the settled departments, strengthen dispatch and command, decompose tasks, supervise implementation, form a closed loop, and create a new platform for grassroots governance in peacetime governance and emergency command. It is necessary to give prominence to the building of systems and create a new mechanism for grassroots governance. Horizontally, break down the barriers between fields, blocks, levels, units and systems, and realize the collaborative linkage of governance in the fields of safety construction, safe production, and public health; Vertically, it empowers the streets, and the regular specific service items and management responsibilities are lowered, and the people, property, rights, responsibilities and interests are symmetrically lowered. Gao Jinquan hopes that all democratic parties, federations of industry and commerce, and CPPCC members will bow down to the bureau, give full play to the advantages of resources and industries under the guidance of party building, widely mobilize all parties to actively participate in social governance, give full play to the advantages of intellectual intensity, put forward more targeted and constructive opinions and suggestions, help improve the quality and efficiency of grassroots governance, and work with the district party committee and district government to promote the realization of the social governance work pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing. Actively pay attention to the construction and operation of the comprehensive command and dispatch center for social governance, put forward suggestions for improvement and improvement of shortcomings, and deeply participate in the people's congress and CPPCC studios set up by the center, and jointly promote the substantive and efficient operation of the center.

Gao Jinquan stressed that it is necessary to draw "concentric circles" and work together to promote the in-depth development of consultative democracy. It is necessary to uphold, develop, and make good use of the mechanism of thematic consultations, and through consultations, come up with methods, consensus, feelings, and unity. It is necessary to carry out consultations around the overall situation, insist that wherever the central work of the party committee is promoted, the focus of the CPPCC consultation will be followed up, and transform the institutional advantages of consultative democracy into practical results in serving the overall situation; CPPCC members should be good at focusing on the key and difficult points in the economic, social, and people's livelihood fields of Fengze and carry out consultations on key tasks in phases, and earnestly beat the drum on the drum and discuss politics at key points. It is necessary to improve the platform of consultation carriers, give full play to the role of the district CPPCC as a bridge, take the lead in organizing, building a platform, promoting democracy, and improve the consultation mechanism that combines "topic", "handover", "topic" and "topic", so that all parties and groups, people from all walks of life, and all parties in society can "seek common ground through consultation and achieve things together" and seek the greatest common divisor. It is necessary to improve the level of consultation ability, further standardize and promote the institutionalized development of thematic consultations, summarize and promote the experience and practices of consultations, guide CPPCC members and people from various sectors to be informed and clear-sighted, put forward more forward-looking, constructive and operational suggestions and proposals, and make concerted efforts to contribute wisdom and strength to the construction of the core area of the "Maritime Silk Road City" in the 21st century.

Shangguan Lanbo pointed out that it is necessary to give full play to the unique advantages and role of the CPPCC and actively help the whole region to improve the level of grassroots social governance. It is necessary to build a platform, build a mechanism, and use the CPPCC to promote the improvement of the grassroots governance system. Strengthen and optimize the platform carrier, optimize and improve the service functions and operational efficiency of the "Party Building +" community neighborhood center CPPCC members' studio, the "dispute resolution room" for committee members' performance of duties, and the title committee studio, and continue to promote the quality and expansion of the platform for committee members to perform their duties; Establish a contact mechanism for CPPCC members to participate, assist in, and guide grassroots consultations, promote the effective connection between CPPCC consultations and grassroots consultations, and promote the orderly participation of CPPCC members in grassroots governance. It is necessary to gather forces, come up with ideas, and use the wisdom of the CPPCC to help improve the ability of grassroots governance. Lead the majority of CPPCC members to do a solid and detailed work of building consensus, enhance exchanges and interactions with the grassroots people from all walks of life, assist the district party committee and the district government to do a good job in coordinating relations and resolving contradictions, mobilize the enthusiasm of the residents to build, maintain and develop the grassroots governance system, so that the residents can effectively unite the joint force of autonomy in the process of orderly participation in grassroots governance; Give full play to the advantages of the CPPCC's talent pool, intelligence intensity, CPPCC committee consultation, and good discussion of politics, go to the grassroots frontline, go deep into the residents, do a good job in collecting social conditions and public opinions, and take the initiative to timely summarize and reflect the governance problems that are difficult to solve within the grassroots framework and the social conditions and public opinion information that are quite common to the district party committee and district government, so as to provide greater support for grassroots governance. It is necessary to see action, show responsibility, and use the CPPCC as a boost to improve the level of grassroots governance. Improve the effectiveness of democratic supervision, focus on the constituent units and objects of grassroots governance, focus on education, medical care, employment, pension, childcare, health and other practical matters of people's livelihood in grassroots governance, carry out targeted democratic supervision work, and transform the unique advantages of democratic supervision of the CPPCC into actual effectiveness in promoting the transformation and improvement of the grassroots governance system; Encourage and guide CPPCC members and people from all walks of life to promote the implementation of the decision-making and deployment of the district party committee and the district government, give full play to the advantages and specialties of CPPCC members with extensive contacts and detached positions, and the fine character of being kind and enthusiastic about public welfare, and practice the concept of "CPPCC for the people" with real actions, and help our district improve the level of grassroots governance with real achievements.