
Big S is hard! Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant did not lose Wang Xiaofei's Ma Liuji, and ignored Wang Xiaofei

author:Beautiful girl said entertainment


The man who has always been laughed at by others for eating soft rice, now, he is angry, it is estimated that even Gu Junye himself did not think about it, and countless art exhibitions and concerts have not become popular, and even many of them are loss-making businesses, but they never expected that their barbecue restaurants and trendy bags would become popular, and they set off new waves.

Big S is hard! Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant did not lose Wang Xiaofei's Ma Liuji, and ignored Wang Xiaofei


In the fast-paced modern life, people are paying more and more attention to the quality of leisure time, especially the dining experience. It's nothing new for celebrities to open restaurants, but when two popular celebrities start their own businesses together, it will undoubtedly become a hot topic of discussion in the media and the public.

Big S is hard! Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant did not lose Wang Xiaofei's Ma Liuji, and ignored Wang Xiaofei

Recently, the celebrity couple of Gu Junye and Da S teamed up to open a Korean-style barbecue restaurant, which stood out in the saturated market in a short period of time and became a new Internet celebrity check-in place.

This restaurant is not only popular because of its star effect, but also because they provide unique food and excellent service, which has won the hearts of many diners.

Big S is hard! Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant did not lose Wang Xiaofei's Ma Liuji, and ignored Wang Xiaofei

As the saying goes, "people take food as the sky", when is the charm of food not desirable? And with the halo of a star, isn't it the icing on the cake? So, how did the couple capture the stomach of customers in the fierce competition, and what kind of surprises will it bring us?

Big S is hard! Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant did not lose Wang Xiaofei's Ma Liuji, and ignored Wang Xiaofei

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Since its opening, Gu Junye and Da S's Korean-style barbecue restaurant has quickly conquered the market with its unique charm. Gu Junye, who was originally a popular Korean star, not only brings authentic Korean barbecue tastes, but also uses his understanding of food and cooking skills to ensure that each dish meets high quality standards.

And Big S, as a top star in Taiwan, her joining not only enhanced the popularity of the store, but also used her influence to carry out clever marketing.

Big S is hard! Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant did not lose Wang Xiaofei's Ma Liuji, and ignored Wang Xiaofei

Every ingredient in the restaurant is carefully selected, from fresh beef to a variety of vegetables, reflecting their strict requirements for quality.

In terms of service, the couple strives to be perfect, whether it is personally ordering food for customers, or caring for the details, so that every customer feels at home.

Under the leadership of Gu Junye, the staff also showed a high degree of professionalism and enthusiasm, whether it was welcoming or sending off guests, every link was smooth and natural.

Big S is hard! Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant did not lose Wang Xiaofei's Ma Liuji, and ignored Wang Xiaofei

Not only that, Big S also cleverly used her social influence to add restaurant advertisements to her husband's DJ show at the beginning of the opening, cleverly combining entertainment and food, and this innovative marketing strategy successfully attracted the attention of a large number of diners and the media.

Even though his private life is often talked about by the outside world, Da S always shows a firm attitude of supporting her husband and career in front of the public, and this positive image has won more praise for the restaurant.

Big S is hard! Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant did not lose Wang Xiaofei's Ma Liuji, and ignored Wang Xiaofei

As a result of these efforts, the restaurant has not only made a name for itself in the local market, but has also gradually become a strong competitor to other well-known food and beverage brands. People can not only enjoy delicious food here, but also feel the sincerity and hard work of the celebrity couple.

Whenever Gu Junye walks around the store wearing his signature black-rimmed glasses, his calm and confident temperament always impresses customers.

Big S is hard! Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant did not lose Wang Xiaofei's Ma Liuji, and ignored Wang Xiaofei

The design of the store is also very distinctive, combining traditional Korean style with modern minimalist style, which not only reflects the traditional beauty of Korea, but also meets the aesthetic needs of modern people. Such an environment, coupled with top-notch service, makes every customer find their own comfortable place here.

Big S is hard! Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant did not lose Wang Xiaofei's Ma Liuji, and ignored Wang Xiaofei

Sublimation at the end

Today, Gu Junye and Da S's Korean barbecue restaurant has become a popular food mecca, not only because of its delicious food and first-class service, but also because of the pursuit of a better life and the persistence of dreams behind it.

As the ancients said: "Men and women who eat and drink, people have great desires", through this store, they not only satisfy people's yearning for food, but also provide a platform for sharing and socializing.

Big S is hard! Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant did not lose Wang Xiaofei's Ma Liuji, and ignored Wang Xiaofei

The success of this restaurant tells us that no matter what industry it is, as long as there is sincerity and professionalism, it can win the hearts of customers and the recognition of the market. And the efforts and innovation of Gu Junye and Big S are also the best proof of their good intentions.

Here, every customer can feel the warmth of home, and every meal is a spiritual and material enjoyment.


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