
Defeat the idols! 15-year-old "Little Flyer" Chen Yujie set a record 100 meters and won gold

author:Rushing News

In the women's 100m final of the 2024 National Track and Field Championships in Rizhao, Shandong Province on the evening of June 29, 15-year-old Ningbo "Little Flyer" Chen Yujie continued her high-energy performance this year and won the championship with a time of 11.29 seconds, creating a personal best again and setting a new national junior record and Asian junior record. Sprinter Liang Xiaojing won the second place in 11.33 seconds, and the women's 100m champion Ge Manqi at the Hangzhou Asian Games won the third place with a time of 11.39 seconds.

Defeat the idols! 15-year-old "Little Flyer" Chen Yujie set a record 100 meters and won gold

After the game, Chen Yujie wrote on her personal social media: "It is the first time to compete with so many respected sisters, they have always been my role models. This championship is an encouragement and a kind of motivation for me to keep working hard and be a better version of myself. ”

In the preliminaries, Chen Yujie, who appeared in the first group, easily ran 11.39 seconds and advanced to the finals with the first overall score in the preliminaries, which was only 0.07 seconds slower than her personal best of 11.32 seconds, and also surpassed Liang Xiaojing, Ge Manqi, Wei Yongli and others, the main players in China's sprinting, ranking first.

In the final, Chen Yujie gave full play to her technical characteristics, and surpassed Liang Xiaojing in the last 20 meters or so to hit the line first. Ge Manqi gave Chen Yujie high praise after the match: "I am very happy to see today's result, which proves our reserve talent pool and will also motivate us to keep going!" ”

At the World Student Summer Games held in August 2023, Chen Yujie won the 100m championship with a time of 11.56 seconds, and later won the women's 200m final. In November of that year, at the first National Youth (Student) Games held in Guangxi, Chen Yujie won the women's 100-meter middle school championship with a time of 11.43 seconds, breaking the national junior record, surpassing Ge Manqi's gold medal in the women's 100-meter final in the university's group B.

After the match, Chen Yujie said: "Ge Manqi is my idol, I am very excited to meet her in this competition, and I will continue to learn from her." ”

Chen Yujie's wonderful performance also attracted the attention of Ge Manqi and shouted to Chen Yujie in the air: "We are waiting for you in the national team!" ”

Defeat the idols! 15-year-old "Little Flyer" Chen Yujie set a record 100 meters and won gold

In March this year, Chen Yujie appeared in the national adult competition and set a new record, and on March 3, the women's 60-meter final of the National Indoor Track and Field Grand Prix held in Xi'an set a new national junior record with a time of 7.29 seconds; In the women's 60m final of the 2024 National Indoor Track and Field Championships in Tianjin on March 31, she won the championship with a time of 7.27 seconds, breaking the national junior record again.

In the early morning of April 26, in the women's 100m final of the 2024 U20 Track and Field Asian Youth Championships in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Chen Yujie won the championship with a time of 11.32 seconds in her first participation in the Track and Field Asian Youth Championships, and broke the meeting record of 11.42 seconds and her own national junior record of 11.43 seconds and the U18 Asian junior record (11.42 seconds).

Text丨Rushing News reporter Wu Yongming

Defeat the idols! 15-year-old "Little Flyer" Chen Yujie set a record 100 meters and won gold