
Let me tell you a secret: rely on your own people, life is the best!

author:The world is sober and woody
Let me tell you a secret: rely on your own people, life is the best!

To tell you a secret, for a lifetime, the only person who can support you is yourself. Relying on one's own people, life is the best!

Indeed it is.

After all, no matter how big someone else's roof is, it is not as good as having an umbrella yourself.

On the road of life, don't expect anyone to help you, rely on others, and you will never be productive; Rely on your parents, and your parents will grow old; Rely on friends, friends also have selfishness, and the only thing we can rely on is ourselves.

Although I am a little tired on my own, I am very down-to-earth and reassuring.

Let me tell you a secret: rely on your own people, life is the best!

I was the eldest in the family, my parents used to treat me badly, but then I got married, got a surgeon, and I had a very good job, and everyone around me seemed to be polite to me, and everyone had smiles on their faces.

Others will feel that if you are in trouble, at least your family will give you a cover, but in my case, I have no backer, and my home is not a so-called safe haven, and I am the only backer.

Often when I can't stand it, I will tell myself that people have just lived like this, whether it is bitter or sweet, they have to taste it themselves, no matter how difficult the road is, they have to go by themselves, and they must be strong in life, and don't expect others. Self-improvement and self-reliance, at least you can support yourself, don't rely on anyone, don't eat what you want, one day the body really can't be pulled down, people are like that, think about it, everything is fine.

After all, there is a good saying: the backing mountains will fall, relying on everyone will run, and only yourself is the most reliable.

When parents are old, children go to school, friends are gone, love is not there, love yourself well, live a good life!

Remember, those who rely on themselves have the best life!

Let me tell you a secret: rely on your own people, life is the best!