
Why do the circle of friends rarely show babies above the fourth grade? Look at the comments of netizens: Suddenly realized!


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Why do the circle of friends rarely show babies above the fourth grade? Look at the comments of netizens: Suddenly realized!

"Why is it that in the circle of friends, the number of children above the fourth grade is gradually thinning, and the enthusiasm of parents to show their babies seems to have decreased a lot?"

The following is a real sharing from netizens, which simply opened my eyes to watch.

Why do the circle of friends rarely show babies above the fourth grade? Look at the comments of netizens: Suddenly realized!

And this donkey can't even grind.

Why do the circle of friends rarely show babies above the fourth grade? Look at the comments of netizens: Suddenly realized!

And my mother thinks that it is a very shameful behavior to send a circle of friends for the elderly, so she changed to Douyin.

Why do the circle of friends rarely show babies above the fourth grade? Look at the comments of netizens: Suddenly realized!

I don't take pictures after the fourth grade, and if I find out that you are secretly photographing him, I must rush over and ask you to delete it.

Why do the circle of friends rarely show babies above the fourth grade? Look at the comments of netizens: Suddenly realized!

Teacher: Only make technical judgments, not moral evaluations.

Why do the circle of friends rarely show babies above the fourth grade? Look at the comments of netizens: Suddenly realized!

There are three stages that a person goes through in his life: discovering that his parents are ordinary people; Finding yourself an ordinary person; It was found that the child was an ordinary person.

Why do the circle of friends rarely show babies above the fourth grade? Look at the comments of netizens: Suddenly realized!

Why is it so annoying, why is it so annoying.

Why do the circle of friends rarely show babies above the fourth grade? Look at the comments of netizens: Suddenly realized!

The state has long said that men and women are the same. Don't think that raising a daughter will keep you away from the little bastards.

Why do the circle of friends rarely show babies above the fourth grade? Look at the comments of netizens: Suddenly realized!

When the baby grows up, it's not fun.

Why do the circle of friends rarely show babies above the fourth grade? Look at the comments of netizens: Suddenly realized!

This kid has had an internet mindset since he was a child.

Why do the circle of friends rarely show babies above the fourth grade? Look at the comments of netizens: Suddenly realized!

The language is more changeable, and the standard answers are just references, unless they are dead questions, which cannot be compared with mathematics.

Why do the circle of friends rarely show babies above the fourth grade? Look at the comments of netizens: Suddenly realized!

The baby forbids you to take pictures at all, and there is no material to post. In addition, it is really visible to the naked eye that it has become ugly......

Why do the circle of friends rarely show babies above the fourth grade? Look at the comments of netizens: Suddenly realized!

I used to post it a lot, but the child is now four and a half years old, and he doesn't let me shoot anymore, and every time he shoots, he hides or asks me to delete it.

In the trajectory of growth, each stage has its own unique scenery and significance. As children enter the fourth grade and onwards, they begin to explore the world more independently, and parents quietly change the way they accompany them. The silence of the circle of friends may be a testimony to this growth - children are no longer just the protagonists under the camera, but have become the masters of their own stories. Let us feel this change with a more delicate mind, celebrate the steady progress of the children every step, even if they no longer appear in the spotlight of the circle of friends frequently, that love and pride still bloom quietly in the bottom of their hearts.

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Why do the circle of friends rarely show babies above the fourth grade? Look at the comments of netizens: Suddenly realized!